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Everything posted by minkyme29

  1. I know there are a fair few of us on here who have or want our parents to move out to be near us and their grandchildren. I'm keen to hear your stories as my Inlaws are excited at the prospect of us sponsoring them to come out once we get PR. The problem is that I think they probably wouldn't pass the balance of family criteria as my FIL has 4 children from a previous marriage. Plus they both have health issues. FIL is elderly (aged 86) with diabetes and a dodgy hip and MIL, who is in her early 60s, has just had her second knee replacement, has had two hip replacements due to arthritis, has thyroid probs, is severely overweight, and has an irregular heart beat etc. She is taking a fair chunk of medication too. So what we're wondering is if there is any way they could come out as temp visa holders and simply renew whilst onshore. I have heard all sorts of stories and recently met an Irish lady who didn't pass the balance of family test but has been here for 9 years on a 4 year temp visa that she renews onshore and has settled in to a home that she had built here too. She has to have full medical insurance because there is no reciprocal agreement between Ireland and Australia. Would our relatives be entitled to reciprocal health care if here on a temp visa? I'd be grateful to anyone who can share their ideas/experiences as we're keen to help my Inlaws plan for their future. Thanks
  2. LMAO! That's good Diane! Julie - Good luck with the trip, I know that if anyone's prepared for such a trip with a child and dogs then you are. You're very experienced in this so I'm sure you'll be fine. Let us know how you got on when you get home. Have you still got your cat?
  3. We took part in this last year and it was a wonderful experience for all of us. Farm Day - Fun, Friendship & Understanding - Home If you decide to register - good luck in being allocated a farming match! Enjoy!
  4. Just wondering how much you pay each time you have your car serviced (including any repairs). Our car is old and is due in tomorrow and I'm wondering how much we're going to have to fork out this time and how it compares to other peoples experiences. beginning to wonder if we will soon need to buy a newer car... Please state cost but also age of car. thanks
  5. Oh wow Cornelia and family, that's fantastic news to hear! Enjoy your celebrations! We'll be applying in the next month or two and have everything crossed as our situation isn't too straight forward. We've met the criteria but it's all a bit fragmented! eek Woo hoo so pleased for you. Dette
  6. Well Liz - you sure know how to bring a tear to a girl's eye first thing in the morning! :arghh:I am shocked to read your news but have to say that I empathise with your situation particularly in regard to your relationship with your Mother as I too am an only child of a single parent. I think you've made the right decision and The Thornton family wish you all the very best for your return to England...I only wish I'd got to know you better before now...but then I'd be bawling for days too wouldn't I? Thanks for sharing your news and for giving Adelaide top points - it really is a cracking place to be.
  7. We have a cat and live on a street where there are loads milling about most of the time. I always ensure that she is in at night and we're lucky that she stays fairly close to home during the day too. Many Australians (according to the forum on Catworld) keep there cats either indoors or in an outside run...to stop them being trapped (by people who think they're a threat to local wildlife) and to stop them being taken or harmed by snakes or creepy crawlies. To be honest, with regards to the threat on local wildlife, I reckon keeping your cat in at night will help as that's the time they're most active and likely to seek out prey. The RSPCA has LOADS of kittens and cats at the moment - I think it must be breeding season for them as they're website appears to be overrun with cats of all shapes and sizes! And yes you get the added bonus of it having been desexed and vaccinated. Good luck with your search for a cat.
  8. Thanks Simon - I for one would be grateful if you could email the stat dec form to me @ detteinadelaide@gmail.com Thanks
  9. I have two items for sale. 1 - Mother's Choice car seat suitable for a baby up to a child weighing 18kgs. It has the padded infant insert to be used for babies and can be used in a rear facing position up until 9kgs. In great condition - there is some fading down one side but other than that the cover has been washed and is ready to go. This seat has NEVER been involved in a car accident. $70 ONO cash on collection 2 - Petite Star Travel cot with pretty flower fabric in good used condition. The bag has a small tear on one corner (where one of the feet has poked it) and the cot itself has a small tear in one corner too (see photo - simply a seam that's come unstitched) but other than that it's been stored for some time and is still in good condition. $20 ONO cash on collection. - NOW SOLD. Items are located in Hallett Cove. Please pm me for more info.
  10. I understand that you're self employed which means payslips are a no-no. In that case I think you need to provide evidence of ABN, Tax returns, invoices to clients etc - maybe a call to DIAC is in order to clarify how to best evidence self employment?
  11. Hi Cornelia We are in the same position as you although we've decided to wait another 15 or so weeks before we apply to ensure we cover the essential work requirement of a minimum of 52 weeks of full time work (or 2 part time jobs adding up to that value - which is the position we find ourselves in). If you follow the link below and click on each area of the self-assessment table, you'll be shown a list of all the things you need to provide for your 887 application. http://www.immi.gov.au/skilled/general-skilled-migration/887/eligibility-applicant.htm Good luck with it all...and keep us posted as to how you get on. Dette
  12. Just wondering how long you had to wait for your bridging visa after applying ONLINE for the permanent 887 visa. Does it come through automatically after submitting your application or is there a waiting period? Thanks
  13. I think it's UK release is due in January. Maybe do a google search for the release dates?
  14. http://www.southaustralia.com/boysareback.aspx So there you are, all the answers in one place. I can't wait to see the film too., anything with Clive Owen is sure to please
  15. minkyme29

    4 weeks in

    Hi Mark It's great to read that all is working out for you and that you've found a job so quickly - and as you say it's so important to get yourself seen by potential employers as lots of jobs aren't advertised. What a relief it must be to have found a job so quickly. I hope you continue to thrive and enjoy your new lives here...
  16. Wow, have been following your thread and am delighted to read that things have taken a very positive turn - CONGRATULATIONS!!! Just shows how positive thinking can bring about positive change! Well done...
  17. Know a lot of people who've recently been granted their permanent 887 visas and know that the majority had evidenced at least 1 year's worth of proper full time work. Am curious to know if any of you have had the visa granted after submitting an application evidencing either self employed work or two part time roles that make up the 35 hours per week?
  18. Oh Gina...I'm so pleased for you, many congratulations! What a relief it must be for you...enjoy your celebrations. Will be back in touch soon to arrange meeting up with you for lunch or something. Have a great weekend. :jiggy:Yippeeeeeeeeeee.......
  19. Can now confirm that the sessions cost $5 each and run for 2.75 hours for up to two sessions per week.
  20. Hi Julie


    Have sent you a friend request! It's me, Odette from school, Issie's and Flo's Mum. I hope you're enjoying the glorious weather today! :)

  21. Many congratulations! It's so lovely to read your great news. I hope we too feel the same way when we eventually get our perm visa. Enjoy your celebrations!!!
  22. I thought some of you, particularly new arrivals who may have lots to do and children who are desperate for some interaction, might be interested in the following: http://www.woodendcc.sa.edu.au/#occasionalcare Based at Sheidow Park on the same site as Woodend primary school, so an easy distance for many of us in HC. An Australian friend mentioned this to me and says sessions cost as little as $5! (Although can't confirm this as haven't yet phoned them!) Great if you need some well deserved time off from parenting to get things done or simply have a little break.
  23. Hey Mark - Not long now and it will be a manic last few days. Good luck with it all. Say Hi to Bath for me...we lived there for may years before coming out here.
  24. I am shocked and stunned by some of your experiences - how very sad. I admit I too have been disappointed by some friends not keeping in touch but then I haven't been the best at that either. For me the hardest thing is trying to encourage my mother to visit us as she will not commit to making the journey and changes the subject every time I try to discuss it with her. I still have very strong feelings of guilt for leaving family back in the UK, although they all supported us thankfully but still those complicated emotions are there none the less. I'm not sure I'll ever come to terms with leaving them behind particularly as they age and become more needy but I have to believe them when they say we made the right decision and they wish us all the best. I am an only child so do not have any experiences of siblings being so unkind. For those of you enduring the difficulties of sibling jealousy, grief or ignorance I hope things work themselves for you soon. In the meantime all we can all do is live the life we have chosen for ourselves and our beautiful precious children and try to settle the best we can. I have spent so much time worrying about my mother's future, that I haven't been present to my new life and all the benefits. It is reassuring to know that I'm not alone when it comes to stressing out about the ties back 'home'.
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