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Everything posted by minkyme29

  1. Hiya Corinne It's not cheeky, it's simply what has to be done to get started in your new life here and we did exactly the same and think it's important to pay it forward so to speak. I am in HC and have a kettle you can borrow - it's a cheap one we bought as a spare for visitors. Also have a portable TV and dvd player you can borrow too. Let me know, pm me with your tel/mobile no and I'll drop them round. Dette
  2. minkyme29

    At Last!!

    Welcome to Adelaide Good luck with settling in to your new life.
  3. minkyme29

    Vego Info

    That's great news Jo...I was veggie for a very long time and even when returning to meat eating always found Quorn to be a healthy alternative. I would certainly be up for buying the mince and fillets again - yay. I hope you're all well. Odette
  4. Hi Mark I'm sorry to hear you didn't get OAA. I think trying the holiday parks is a good one although http://www.roorentals.com.au/ (Roo1) might be able to help or http://www.auseelife.com.au/ (Tyke) - if they don't have available properties they may know of some. Also try http://www.kalabityjane.com/ down in Aldinga. You could also try http://www.stayz.com.au/ for last minute possibilities perhaps. Have just had a tentative look on this and there are some available for your dates - 2 bed places in Glenelg for approx $700 per week, not exactly 'cheap' but unfortunately short term holiday type accommodation isn't. Brighton Caravan park have budget cabins, maybe try them? Good luck with sorting something out. Odette
  5. I saw the helicopter and wondered what was going on...wow, drama indeed. Glad no-one was hurt during the incident.
  6. I'm sorry to hear you're leaving but can understand your decision and think you're making the right one given your circumstances. Good luck with the move back and with settling back in the UK.
  7. My understanding of the system (through advice from friends who've recently gained PR) is that family assistance (plus help with childcare costs) is available as soon as you're perm residents and it should be back dated to the date of your application for PR. I think rent assistance is a similar thing but other benefits such as unemployment benefit etc are obtainable after a further 2 years after pr is granted. Please don't hold me to this info, am going on what I've been told by people who've been there and done that as it were!
  8. That sounds very good...my eldest daughter (almost 8) is showing natural dance abilities and we're keen to get her into a class now that we're more settled. However she is prone to drifting off into daydreamland - I am keen to find a class that is very focused and structured - would you say your daughter's class is? Also an idea of cost and duration of lessons would be much appreciated...thanks.
  9. Hi Alecia Where in Hallett Cove is the dance class - is this the same as the one above the HC Beach cafe? If so can you give me an idea as to how I can contact the tutors/teachers please? And what duration do the lessons last for? Many thanks Odette
  10. Wow...huge congratulations - very exciting! :jiggy:Oh I remember that amazing feeling.
  11. minkyme29

    Hello peep's

    Welcome to PIA. Good luck with your preparations and for the move over.
  12. Whoa, that's scary stuff isn't it? I'm relieved my little girl stays so close to home and is good at coming in at night.
  13. We let our cat outside despite advice from the vet to consider keeping her in - their reason being that apparently some Aussie's dislike cats and trap them because of the threat to local wildlife etc and of course there's always the threat of snake bites. Mimi brings in the odd beetle or gecko but that's about it. To be honest if she were the sort of cat to wander and not return home for hours on end then we may consider keeping her in but she's a right fuss pot who stays in the back yard or very close to home. She's microchipped, vaccinated and wears a collar with a bell plus we always make sure we get her in at night so we feel we're doing the best by her by allowing her some freedom coupled with safety at night. Something that's popular here is to keep cats in outdoor enclosures or what are known as cat runs. Have seen the odd one around, remember recently seeing one attached to the side of the first floor of a beach front home in Seacliff/Brighton area! The cat didn't look too chuffed about it's 'home'.
  14. Have been here ages and have not yet found this one out so can anyone tell me if there is a Telstra version of BT's 1471? I have had a few mystery phone calls recently and no messages so would like to check the numbers out. Thanks
  15. And for anybody who likes a Terry's Chocolate Orange like my good self should try Woolworths (found in the Hallett Cove store) as they are $6.99 as opposed to $14.99 in the lolly shop next door! Haven't yet succumbed to the urge but am sure I will close to Christmas time.
  16. Me loving it too - there's only one thing that could make life better here and that would be for my Mum to turn up on the doorstep!
  17. Another study has found Australia to be one of the best places to live - http://au.news.yahoo.com/a/-/entertainment/6145321/norway-is-best-place-to-live-china-moves-up-un/
  18. I too have used the same doctor and can recommend her.
  19. I live in Hallett Cove and drive through Trott Park on a regular basis. It has a similar feel to HC but is likely to be a more affordable choice as it doesn't have the sea views or close proximity to the ocean. Most of it has lots of trees and growth which makes it nice and leafy. I would consider it if I were looking for a house again... Sorry not sure of the schools or shops but HC shopping centre is a short drive away anyway.
  20. My friends who've recently been issued their 887 were given a bridging visa as soon as their application was received by DIAC...so this meant their 495 was no longer valid anyway. Apparently onshore applicants can only have one visa at a time and the bridging visa replaces the 495 until the permanent 887 is granted.
  21. I have read that the 887 is now off the priority processing list so does this mean it will take longer to process? On the DIAC website it states that applications will be processed in the order in which they're received...but maybe not as quickly as they have recently been processing them?
  22. This had been recommended to us as a FREE day out and yesterday the girls and I finally made a trip. It really is lovely and gave me a bit of an English country estate fix! We didn't visit the house itself (admission prices apply) but made the most of the wonderful gardens and childrens literary trail (free map available from the house reception). The gardens are very pretty at the moment so take a picnic along and enjoy. Also nice cafe with outdoor terrace with views over gardens, city and to the ocean in the distance. http://www.carrickhill.sa.gov.au/
  23. As Kris says it sounds like you're in the Aussie way already. Although you might want to start making plans for accommodation just in case the OAA doesn't go your way! Happy birthday for next week and good luck with your impending emigration...not long now and you should be arriving to some proper spring weather by then. Best wishes Dette and family.
  24. Thanks for the wonderful teenage memories. RIP.
  25. Congratulations, it sure is a great feeling isn't it? Well done and enjoy your celebrations.
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