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Everything posted by minkyme29

  1. I agree with Bill...HC beach is fab but not a swimming beach. My kids love the beach combing, rock pooling and beautiful walks in the nearby conservation park. The other thing I love about HC is that wonderful feeling of escape that comes from driving up Brighton Road and Ocean Boulevard on the way home...something that is magnified if the train is taken also as there is a lovely stretch of countryside between Marino and HC. with amazing ocean views too! What more could you want. There are a lot of Poms in HC but as someone else said it's a big suburb and the only way I met any other Poms was through my daughters school. All of my neighbours are Aussies. Our research in the UK almost wrote off HC because of the Little Britain mentality but this all changed when we arrived and looked around...it really is a special place and can't be beaten for affordable living with sea views thrown in too. Plus the new shopping centre is a real bonus too. Good luck with your search. PS Look out for Sainsbury's orange fold up bags too, and that'll probably be me!
  2. minkyme29

    one week in

    Hi Back Clan Welcome to Adelaide! It sounds like you've got off to an exciting start - with the medical drama and all that. And it also sounds like you've got a great attitude to your new life, I'm glad to hear you're loving it so far, long may it continue... Good luck with the next stage...you'll be busy for a few weeks but things will soon settle down.
  3. Blimey, loads of Tammies on here! I was born in Ashby but lived in Tamworth until I went to Uni - also attended Polesworth High School. Then moved to Bath in Somerset where we stayed until coming out here in Jan 2008.
  4. minkyme29

    stay or go

    I agree with all you've said...and think it takes at last two years to settle at all. We're not quite there yet but I feel hopeful that we will get there soon, roll on two years.
  5. Gill, I have read your post with huge interest and want to say a huge thank you to you for taking the time to share this information. I will be reading it again and again in the hopes that I can get my beloved Mum out here once we get permanent residency.
  6. Congratulations and good luck with the move!
  7. I agree with Tyke...the savings take a hammering in the first few months and career wise things can take a long time to settle. So er on the side of caution and put as much to one side as you can. Immediate expenses will be the purchasing of a car, rego for the car, car insurance, ambulance cover and bond and rent on your first Adelaide home. After that you'll have to think about supporting yourselves for a good few months whilst you find work, unless you're lucky enough to be coming to a job. I'm sorry I can't quote exact costs for individual bits but think we got through about $40k in the first six months (included buying our car and other costs mentioned) and that was with an extremely strict shopping budget and frugal living...Gulp... Good luck with your move.
  8. I need a check up, clean and possible first filling (have done pretty well though to have reached 35 without any). Am worried about the cost of treatment, would be grateful of recommendations for dentists in Hallett Cove and surrounds who don't charge a fortune but are also good. Thanks guys.
  9. Thanks, will try David Jones for sure and give the Laura Ashley one a call too. Maybe Myer have fabrics too?
  10. I am trying to source really top quality dress making grade designer fabric. Spotlight and Lincraft are ok but do not stock the designs I'm after. I am looking for contemporary fabrics such as Amy Butler, Alexander Henry etc. I imagine that there must be some decent fabric shops in the city or North Adelaide - can anyone recommend anywhere please? Thanks
  11. Well said and thanks for taking this approach, I agree that this forum is meant to be an informative and supportive source.
  12. I too changed mine ages ago but BEWARE if you intend to sell stuff on Ebay you will still be invoiced in STERLING. I found out the hard way and got into a bit of a bother with Ebay as no matter how hard I tried I couldn't pay the invoice in A$. Ebay were very helpful but kept adding late payment fees onto my very small bill. In the end despite doing everything they told me to do with little success I eventually sent a Sterling cheque to their head office in Sydney. So ridiculous when all I owed was a piddling amount. I can't remember all the ins and outs but would suggest you contact them if you intend to sell stuff so that they can set you up with an A$ account too.
  13. My daughter is in the junior school and is doing well. It is a more relaxed atmosphere than the school she attended in England but there is a strong emphasis on social skills, resilience and self reliance. The children are expected to take responsibility for much of their school experience and are encouraged to take part in lots of sometimes free after school activities. For example last year a free martial arts programme was offered as well as heavily subsidised dance and other sports activities. R-12 schools must adhere to strict government standards in order to gain funding which then filters down to the students by way of enhanced learning experiences, extra curricular activities and the like. God luck with your move and choosing the best school for your children.
  14. Can anyone tell me if, when we become permanent residents, we have to wait for a certain period before we can sponsor a parent to come out on a visa? Have been trawling through the DIAC website and all it says is that the sponsor has to be a 'settled' permanent resident. I'm sure that awhile ago I read that a new permanent resident had to be here for at least two years before they could sponsor a parent. Any info/experiences would be appreciated Thanks
  15. Thanks for sharing Zoot - it's always good to hear other people experiences. I have just today decided to cut out choc (not easy i can tell you!) and caffeine...but sugar and wheat is tricky - biscuits are too hard to ignore! Having said that I'd rather feel well and be migraine free.
  16. Thanks Simon...I am going to the doc next Monday. I come from a family of migraine sufferers so am used to having them on and off but not as frequently as they have been lately. Years ago I went to the doc about them and all they could do was prescribe heavy duty pain killers that would make me so drowzy that I decided to steer clear of them. Quite often it's hard to know what's causing the headaches and although pain killers help in the short term, I am looking for some help with diagnosing the cause and possible natural treatment of such. I suspect I will have to cut out certain well known trigger foods, such as chocolate (yikes!) and caffeine.
  17. I am looking into getting an allergy test and treatment for frequent headaches and migraines. I am in Hallett Cove and am keen to find a Naturopath or Nutritional Therapist nearby...any recommendations? Thanks
  18. minkyme29


    That's good to hear...what does he charge for mowing front and back lawns?
  19. Well when I replied to the original post I hadn't realised the circus came complete with animals. I saw the advert on TV last week and couldn't believe that in this day and age they are still allowed to perform. Have to say I agree with Puff the Dragon and don't like it at all. It's a personal thing I guess but there we are. And lastboyscout if you think a circus without animals is boring then that's a shame. I was lucky enough to see the Moscow State Circus before leaving the UK and was amazed at the brilliance of it and there wasn't an animal in sight. I usually steer clear of debates on here but couldn't on this one as i totally agree that paying to see this will make sure this kind of 'entertainment' continues. Yuk.
  20. Give Niki a call on 0416 80 5558, she is a great hair dresser and lives in Hallett Cove, not far from you. She works in her own home based salon and really takes her time over your hair and makes sure she gets it how you want it. She can often offer appointments in the evenings so give her a call.
  21. It's great to hear you're bringing Zac home, a great event for all of you. Congratulations, he is gorgeous. Dette and family x
  22. We are here on the SIR 495 and I have been doing a fair bit of research into this over the past week and understand, after speaking to both Mutual Community and Medibank that we are allowed to take out 'extras' policies only. Not once did they ask if I was resident for tax purposes or insist that we would require overseas visitor cover. I assumed that they'd received a number of similar enquiries and therefore did not need to clarify too many details. As far as hospital cover goes, I believe migrants on a provisional visa are covered under the reciprocal agreement for any medically necessary treatment including a hospital stay.
  23. Yes. I'm wondering the same thing...? Thought I was going mad and kept checking the date at the top of Gill's post! What's going on?
  24. Yes indeed, it's finally open and although there are still lots of gaps to be filled, it is a vast improvement on the older mall. Big W, Woolworths (YES!), Imagine If, The Coffee Club and Subway are just some of the new retailers now open with many more coming soon. Check out the website for further info http://www.hallettcoveshoppingcentre.com.au/index.html There are activities planned for the upcoming schools hols.
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