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Amit Malhotra

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Everything posted by Amit Malhotra

  1. Hi Bhupendra, I am a BC DR expert, and doing the same thing as you. However one thing I should tell you about getting response - No will reply back if you are not in Australia or have a contact number (Australian) to call back on. I took a Sky number and have started receiving responses. I am coming to Adelaide in June first week. Once you are their remember one thing- whenever you apply a job on seek look for an e-mail is on the advert and mail your resume with a nice mail to them directly and next thing you should do is connect with them on LinkedIn. Also if you can -visit them in the office
  2. Any suggestions on companies or any websites for comparisons
  3. Thanks. What all cover should I take, basic with abundance is what I am looking for... So please advice
  4. Hi all, I need advice on taking health cover (private) as 489 visa don't give government rebates or cover us. Please advice which company I should be looking at.
  5. My update: strated looking for jobs and started talking to consultants using Skype number (Australia local number) - so that they can call me.
  6. Best way to learn Excel is to watch tutorials at youtube. Just search and you will get loads of them. I actually learned SharePoint from Youtube and now doing the same for Microsoft access
  7. Tasked to Linden Park guys and they are very helpful provided all the details required and even gave the e-mail is to send any queries.
  8. Tickets and accommodation booked, June 11.... Time is just flying buy and there is so much to do
  9. Agree, this one is listed as rank 4 and close to city with good facilities. Right now I am creating a list of schools I will be visiting when I reach there. With all of yours recommendations
  10. Added Linden Park onto my list it's got about 50% mix
  11. Thanks for the info NicF I will checks these again
  12. I wanted to live near the beach, thats why I was looking for Glenelg area and as I will be working in a IT firm and my wife will be working in a call centre we wanted the area to be close to CBT. We can offered 1/2 room private home for rent with the budget of $250 to $300 a week. Glenelg Looked within reach of that. However I can't see that school on the rating map and feedback provided was also not good so looking for more options now. I will not buy a car for first few months as I am waiting for my home to be sold in India which will squeeze my budget.
  13. I have checked both the schools they are far away about 40 min bus ride from CBD, can anyone rate Black Forest or Richmond as in provide any reviews or feedback.
  14. Thanks for the advice I will check these areas and revert if j need more info.
  15. Thanks I missed the like ... Loot of good info. Thanks for sharing
  16. Please suggest which school to go with? My daughter will going to 4th level. Want to go for Public school with good % of international/non english students. I am looking at the following sites for ranking and information: http://house.ksou.cn/topschool.php?sta=vic&type=2&year=5 http://bettereducation.com.au/school/Primary/sa/sa_top_primary_schools.aspx http://www.myschool.edu.au/ http://www.decd.sa.gov.au/ Looking into: Rose Park, Black Forest and Linden Park primary school.
  17. For information on the schools I am looking at the following sites: http://www.decd.sa.gov.au/ http://www.myschool.edu.au/
  18. Thanks a lot for this information, I will start a new thread in this... I have been looking at the following sites for information and ranking... Let me. Know if I am on right track: http://house.ksou.cn/topschool.php?sta=sa&type=2&filter=&year=5 http://bettereducation.com.au/school/Primary/sa/sa_top_primary_schools.aspx These websites take T&E ranking for NAPLAN
  19. Glenelg primary and St Leonard's primary, Linkdin Park or Black Forest primary
  20. Thanks i started checking that... Any suggestions for Schools. My daughter will go to year 4 and I am bit nerves about choosing the school for her. I know it will be different when I actually see it
  21. Has anyone moved in Jan or Feb to Adelaide. Please share your experience about short term accommodation, Job search, Schools, meeting with the immigration and anything else you think is important.
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