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Amit Malhotra

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Everything posted by Amit Malhotra

  1. Please advice if you have any news that the list will be updated shortly for SA as my friends Vattassess will expire in Feb next year.
  2. Yeah i will do that, I have few real good links I will share that soon. That will help alot
  3. When we filed for T&E EOI T&E list got closed in 2 hours and one of our friend missed filling that. Do you have any idea when is the list getting updated again as now call centre occupation has special condition/closed
  4. That a great insight, i used to live in Adelaide but about 15 years back as a student things were very different then - no trams and buses use to stop at about 7. Now it's just changed a lot. Yes my wife is planning to work out CBD. And I too may get a job their as j am into Business Continuity and Crisis/incident mangement.
  5. For my daughter English is a second language, she study all subjects in English and can pretty much communicate. But she may face challenge in understanding OZy accent. The Suburb which u would love to live in is near Glenelg beach. As the transport is just right and the rental are not that high as well. But don't know where my wife will find work.
  6. Via LinkedIn i already have few referrals for jobs so you all can do the same as a reference is one of the main criteria to get a job in Adelaide
  7. Let's create a group of people coming in 1 half of 2015 and we can plan to meet each other. It will help all of us.
  8. @EmmaB - which school you zeroed in, next one recommended by one of my friend who lived there is Richmond Primary School. I want to live near the school and can work from anywhere. Initially my wife will work as she is main applicant and had finish 1 year full time employment out of 2 as per visa requirement 490 and I will take care of my daughter till my parents (next 4 months) can come and help us take care of her and after that I will start working
  9. Thats another discussion point where are most of the offices located
  10. Looking to work in call centre and should be close to primary school. Please advice which area in Adelaide to move to as coming in June 2015
  11. Yeah, we will finish one winter in India and land in the start if another, for us winters are better. Thanks for this. Whats is the job market in May or June? For call centre work
  12. I will be moving with my wife and 7 years old daughter
  13. Rose park as it's got a public school which is in top 5 and its close to CBT. I lived in Adelaide about 15 years back as a student. Was tough that time but now it's way easy now. One of my close friend recently move from Adelaide after living their for 6 years and the feedback is just awesome. Let's plan to meet and be in touch. Where are you moving from.
  14. Visa 489 granted in Oct, planning to move in June 2015
  15. Hi all, We are planning to arrive in Adelaide in June 2015 and wanted to create a network of people already in Adelaide or arriving during that time. Please join comment this thread so that I can create a network to support each other for moving to Adelaide.
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