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Everything posted by candt

  1. Yep, I'm freezing. Only arrived a month ago and it's not been the best weather TBH.
  2. Not sure about green power? I will check the bill. Its been on 22c. I'm a bit silly really I thought we could use it like central heating in the UK. Now I know that's not how it works. We're just wrapping up and suffering the cold, hopefully I will be complaining about the heat soon :-)
  3. Auto C/C Eft Bizgate via Ph I'm going to pay fortnightly via bank payment, so which box do I tick? sorry it's another silly question:nah:
  4. It costs a fortune!! Got our electric bill - for 11 days -$160 It's been really cold, so we were using the air con to heat the house. Not any more
  5. Were on a 457 visa, Human services have said were not eligible for it
  6. Thanks for info, were on 457 skilled working visa. Where can I find out about the school kids bonus?
  7. We've recently moved from England, we enrolled our 16 year old into the local state school. We should have done more research into the cost. School fees are $750 approx per year, uniform costs are $75 jumpers, $30 polo shirts, shower jacket $75, trousers $50. Leather shoes must be worn too. Luckily he's not into sports so no sports kit needed. He also has to have a school laptop! Not his own from home. Must be purchased from the school, New Laptop is $1200 approx! Or a recondition one at $55. Just wanted to inform people who are coming over so you budget for that too :-)
  8. Great :-) 3 of us but one is a teenager!! Xbox, TV etc
  9. Thanks all, we have solar but not sure how it all works. Air con is ducted & we rent. I think if I budget maybe $100 a week for utility bills, then that should be plenty?
  10. Hi Im trying to budget but have no idea how much the average cost of gas, electric and water costs a quarter? New to Adelaide so could someone give me a rough guide? 3 bed property, air con and no pool :-) thanks
  11. Hi Blossom where can I look into this? A price comparison site?
  12. We just arrived, brought a cheap car it has 2 months rego left. Went to the office to register it and they gave us some forms to complete. We bought the car before we got a place to rent. You can drive it for upto 14 days before registering change of owner, after that they fine you. We have uk licenses only at the mo, when we got a residential address we went to the bank to tell them and they also completed a client number form, given to us from car registration place. We could then register the car it cost $27. The rego can be paid every 3, 6 or 12 months. I think you can keep your Uk licenses for upto 3 months and I'm told they cost $180 but maybe someone else can confirm that part?
  13. Hi, we arrived on 1st July :-) make sure you get your passports stamped at Adelaide airport. We went through the electronics checking passport control. And they don't stamp it.The Bank and Medicare want to see it. When you register with Medicare you all have to go in, with passports and Visas, I tried to register for all of us but they need to verify the passports so you all need to be there. Take your passports, driving licenses and visas everywhere for the first couple of weeks, they all ask for them. If your looking for somewhere to rent take references when you apply if possible- work references, previous letting agent if possible, they ask for two references each, one being employment reference. We also gave them a copy of employment contract as proof of income. We were lucky and got the first house we applied for. They have viewing days here and loads of people turn up, I know 3 applied when we did so don't get dishearted if you don't get the first one just keep viewing and applying :-) Waiting for broadband to be installed now!! Ordered it on 11th, it's being activated on the 28th!! We brought a cheap car, loads I can tell you about getting that registered etc if you need info let me know. Be aware when you park, it has to be in the direction on the traffic. We got a $62 parking ticket. good luck with the move, if you need to ask any questions then please do
  14. Hi Maybe the wrong place to post this? Can anyone recommend a good but cheap broadband package for the house. Im so confused over all the charges and options. I basically just want the fastest unlimited broadband and not worried about home phone use.
  15. We have applied for a property but while waiting to find out if we've been accepted we find another property we like more? Can we apply for that one too?
  16. That's is really nice, thank you. We need all the help we can get, never been to Australia and we don't know anyone in Adelaide. So excited though. Will definitely be in touch :-)
  17. Good point, That's definitely good to know, hadn't taken that into account.
  18. Hi Jessica, your so right, we wouldn't commit to anywhere without viewing first :-) I've been searching for properties to view and can't find many with pools so always glad to have them pointed out .
  19. Thanks Harvey, Will do some research and get back to you :-)
  20. Just sent you a PM, click reply and I should get it :-)
  21. Hi Harvey, :-) only got the messages on here ? Did you send me a Pm? I didn't receive that?
  22. Hi, thanks :-) We live in Teignmouth & fly out a week tomorrow. The property sounds good so far, can I just ask a few question? how much rent you pay? My husbands job is just North of the city, regency park, regency road, how long would it take to drive there approx? What is the nearest State high school? So sorry about all the questions
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