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Everything posted by candt

  1. Top tip, thank you so much. Simple but never thought of it lol.
  2. Does anyone know the best way to remove oil spots from a block paving drive. We rent and the inspection is due soon, so in a bit of a panic
  3. candt


    Oh and Primark or Primarni as we used to call it.
  4. candt


    English, fish and fat greasy chips.
  5. Ok, just googled it.... Where do I pay Stamp Duty on my Vehicle? The total amount of stamp duty is payable at the time of registration (or transfer of registration) to the Registrar of Motor Vehicles (Service SA Customer Service Centres). Stamp duty is calculated on the value of the motor vehicle, which must be declared on the application. The Compliance Services Branch is regularly auditing motor vehicle dealers and investigating low values. Where a motor vehicle forms part of the assets in a contract for the sale or purchase of a business, the stamp duty payable is assessed at the time the contract is submitted to RevenueSA for stamping. Both of the cars cost us $27 each to register, so it must have been included. I got worried then and thought I was going to get ANOTHER bill :-)
  6. Yeah I'm not sure how that works, personally. both of our cars are very cheap lol I think they fall under the threshold, whatever the threshold is? We never had to pay it anyway
  7. Hi, welcome to Adelaide. We use SGIC for our car insurance. We have a couple of old bangers as we only arrived a couple of months ago. They have a policy called third party property insurance and the premium is really affordable. Our 17 year old is learning to drive and the policy doesn't increase like it would in England, should the worst happen then the policy applies to the fully licensed driver accompanying him. The only downside is the excess goes from $450 to $1,200 for under 25's. You won't need to take another driving test, it costs $17 admin and $40 per year for the license but you can buy multiple years as someone else said. You will probably need to get a form to take to your bank to confirm your ID. They wouldn't accept our bank cards? Cars in SA don't have MOTS or roadworthy certificates. So remember that when you buy, they don't have compulsory annual checks and some cars would be in the scrap yards if they were in England. They have rego which is compulsory (car tax in England) and includes 3rd party insurance, that covers people in the event of an accident but not their vehicle. The cost of transferring a car into your name is $27. Hope thats been been helpful but if I've got anything wrong I'm sure others will kindly correct me :-)
  8. Hello :-) good luck with your move. Can't be of any help with the area I'm afraid. I have noticed the Northern suburbs are cheaper but it depends on the property. We rent in the Western suburbs and pay $460 per week for a nice unfurnished basic 3 bed.
  9. Thanks all for replies, we did the spray thing around the outside of the house at the weekend and so far so good. Just got to get something to stop the Mosquitos biting me now!
  10. Hi What do you do to stop spiders getting in the house? We found a white tip in the bedroom this morning! We have fly screens on all windows and doors.
  11. I think we're stuffed too. Thanks for replies though. I said how disappointed we were, as one of the reasons we applied was because it was advertised as pets permitted. ( again no response) I had to ask them to clean the carpets after we moved in, as they were dirty. I did state that they would be professionally cleaned at the end of the tenancy. The owner may have chosen our application because we didn't have pets, which is fair enough it's his property. Just disappointed but it's a lesson learnt for next time.
  12. I apologise, you are correct of course. I hadn't read the post properly.
  13. No, it's a standard contract because we never had pets. It says we need to ask to keep any pets, even caged ones. We don't have the original ad either, it was on the real estate website.
  14. I decided to write a new thread instead of high jacking the other one I wrote on.... We signed the lease on a rental for 12 months in July. The house was advertised as pets permitted, we don't have any pets but wanted to get a dog when we had settled in. In all honesty we never mentioned it to the letting agent. Now we are ready to have a new family member and want to get a dog. After several unanswered emailed requests to the agent we pushed for an answer and the response was " the landlord wants to think about it because of the carpets" (Carpets are only in the bedrooms) Two weeks later and two more emails pushing for an answer the landlord said " yes, if the dog stays STRICTLY outside" We won't be able to sit inside with the dog looking through the window at us. The house even has a dog flap. Hubby and son think we should just get one and let it in but I'm a bit worried about doing that. What would you do?
  15. Lol, I don't think you'll have much of a problem meeting friends. Location depends on your finances really. Living in the city is only 20 mins to the beach and it's got lots of night life. Henley beach is a trendy area with lots of coffee bars and restaurants, but not much night life. Glenelg has everything your looking for so probably the best bet. West Beach isn't far from Glenelg and rentals can be a bit cheaper. Good luck with the move :-)
  16. Hi, does anyone know the cheapest way to transfer money from NAB to BNZ ?
  17. A head teacher will be fine :-) If using a visa agent they can certify them. If not my boss did all of ours. Just someone who owns their own business or has a professional qualification. The post offices can do them for a small fee but I'm not sure that they will be accepted as they only stamp and write "certified as a true copy". How to certify a document Take the photocopied document and the original and ask the person to certify the copy by: writing ‘Certified to be a true copy of the original seen by me’ on the document signing and dating it printing their name under the signature adding their occupation, address and telephone number Don't take any chances as you could lose your fees! You are brave doing it yourself. Good luck :-)
  18. Guess I will be phoning them today then, asking for a refund. Customer services are a bit of a nightmare, English isn't there first language so it's hard to understand them and them to understand me sometimes.
  19. We went with Optus TV with fetch,broadband and phone, purely because they have no set up fees. No charge for the router or fetch box. We did have to buy a wireless plug in thing because the TV was to far away from the phone line, that cost $40 looked into Foxtel but it was expensive and we needed the landlords permission to install it. Expect a long wait for connection though, it took 2-3 weeks!!
  20. We purposefully rented a place that said "pets permitted" now were a few weeks in and want to get a dog. We asked the letting agent to ask the landlord if it was ok and after 3 emails totally ignoring the question, they have come back and said "he wants to think about it because of the carpets?" Bit annoyed TBH
  21. Yep missing those radiators, sitting here in a house with all plaster board walls. The house is about 8 years old and not a solid brick wall in it. I'm not joking either, we can push the nails through the walls with a thumb!
  22. Depends how much you want to see your hubby :-) if he's working off shore in Aberdeen then he will be away from home a lot I'm guessing? We very recently moved over to Adelaide and it's lovely even though it is winter. It feels like home already. The starting salary your hubby has been offered here isn't bad either. Most people move back because they miss family so that's the choice you need to make IMO because choosing between Aberdeen or Adelaide is a no brainer lol
  23. Made a note of that one, thanks Debbie. I've been really worried about the costs of seeing a doctor, feel so much better now I've got a few more facts. I was imagining a bill of $200 for a consultation!
  24. This post has helped me a lot, I'm confused over how it all works too. We got our medicare cards and that was it! No explanation. can anyone recommend a good, bulk billing doctor in the Western suburbs please? Also do we have to register like in England or just call them when we need to see them? I'm told some doctors prefer to do home visits?
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