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Everything posted by scooterdan

  1. Sounds like your all doing awesome! If anyone fancies a beer sometime drop us a PM! Dan
  2. Love the footy.... AFL is what winter is for!! Never been a soccer fan... but i gave this a go and I'm hooked!! And yesterday might only be the Mickey Mouse pre-season NAB but its alway good to the Mighty Crows down the Power Puff Girls!! Dan
  3. If you have an account with Telstra... you can buy tickets online for $11.... (a little extra for VMax and 3D) for anyway except after 5pm on sat! Dan
  4. Hey... There's a band called Moss at the Cove Tavern from 4.30ish today. They are a classic rock band. We'll be there if anyone wants beer! Dan
  5. Good luck guys....! Hope to catch you when you arrive! Dan
  6. Aquatic centre at Marion as well..... Great for the use of the 3 pools, (and slides if your a big kid!!!), gym and classes!! Dan
  7. scooterdan


    I have it on iOS.... used to use it lots... but since the last update i think its crap! Dan
  8. Still a printer here..... and the wife is still in retail! So its a yes from us both here! Dan
  9. Always on my way to work at around 5.30am..... think we had about 2 weeks of daylight at that time before the xmas break... had 3 weeks off and it was dark again!! But still nice to see more daylight in the evening!! Dan
  10. We used to use that Fetch TV which is a streaming service..... It was terrible.... the internet speed where we were couldn't handle it at all! So going by that i wouldn't bother unless NBN was available!
  11. Hi, Offering for sale a Nintendo Wii U console with accessories: Black 32gb Console Game pad controller and charge dock 4 wii mote plus controllers Wii U sensor bar Wii Fit Board Wii Fit meter Rabbids Land Nintendo Land Funky Barn Wii Party U Mario Kart 8 Super Mario Bros U Looking for $460 for the lot. Advertised on Gumtree too! Dan
  12. Hi guys.. Happy to meet for a beer? Whereabouts are you? Dan
  13. Hey guys! Another heads up that the next band at The Cove Tavern is the More Pink! tribute to Pink! (not Pink Floyd). I have seen her before and she puts on a good show..... the last one at the Cove was a really busy night. 28th February - 8.30pm! I'll be there for a couple if bevies if anyone else fancies! Dan
  14. Hey mate! Have just got back from a quick beer in the cove!! Will let you know when we are heading in!!
  15. Hey! All good.... know Ascot Park well...... we used to live not far from there! In Hallett Cove now but on the same train line which is good! Happy for you to get in touch in a couple of weeks!! Dan
  16. Hey, We are in our 30's but enjoy a chinwag and a beer with anyone..... send a PM! Dan
  17. Great that you've done to well guys! Whereabouts is the house? If your up for a beer/coffee one day send a PM! Dan
  18. There is a band called Panic Switch at the Cove Tavern on the 31st Jan from around 8.30pm. They play anything from Spandau Ballet, Christina Aguilera and David Guetta. Me and the missus will be there if anyone fancies a beer!! Dan
  19. Hi, Just a heads up that we will be at the Cove Tavern next Saturday night 10th Jan to watch a band called the Full Circle..... if anyone fancies a beer! Dan
  20. Yep.... Nativity is every year! The lights are good but as said the traffic can be a nightmare.... We went on pageant day last year and that was even busier!!
  21. Oh I assure you... I'm more of a rolling/staggering kinda person!
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