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Got the Visa!!!

Guest stephb

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Hey all,

just had to share the very exciting news that this afternoon I got the email from my agent to say I have been granted my visa!:jiggy:

Can't believe it! Had thought i'd have been waiting a bit longer due to other hold ups, but they must just needed the final document!

Did a group email out to friends, but it's odd doing that knowing it will be bad news rather than good for some :confused: but figured this was the place to come for some understanding!

So to all those still waiting (i still feel like one of you, i need to get my head in gear!...) it will happen, you're getting closer all the time! :)

now starts the organising!


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Hey all,

just had to share the very exciting news that this afternoon I got the email from my agent to say I have been granted my visa!:jiggy:

Can't believe it! Had thought i'd have been waiting a bit longer due to other hold ups, but they must just needed the final document!

Did a group email out to friends, but it's odd doing that knowing it will be bad news rather than good for some :confused: but figured this was the place to come for some understanding!

So to all those still waiting (i still feel like one of you, i need to get my head in gear!...) it will happen, you're getting closer all the time! :)

now starts the organising!



Conratulations great news, enjoy the celebrations tonight and start planning the new life

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thank you all for your lovely responses! i must admit i feel hugely in need of them having had the family evening tonight where it is all hitting home. when i got home (im staying with my folks to save a bit of cash before the final move) mum and dad congratulated me and even cracked open a bottle of champagne. but then my mum got to crying. it was a relief in a way because it hadnt happened before though id know how she felt about me going. now its more out in the open and its a relief to find i still want to go as much as ever, but it feels pretty horrible in lots of other ways. this forum feels such a sanctuary to deal with this sort of stuff though, great to have a place where people understand and are genuine in saying congratulations rather than not-so-secretly wishing youd stay!

sorry, outpour over (for now anyway...)! thanks for listening ;):wacko:

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end of april is the plan. im staying for a cousins wedding, although as things stand his own parents and sisters arent going so it may not be quite the family union id been hoping for:(

but it gives a little more saving time anyway! hoping to book my ticket in the next week or so. the idea of booking 'one way' seems a very big deal!:jiggy::err:

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