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Ship Furniture or leave furniture?

Guest adlyn2012

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Guest adlyn2012



Looking for some advice please I have had a quote for the shipping of half our house hold goods £3400


Then I asked short term fully furnished rentals for quotes 8-10 weeks until furniture arrives $6000-8000 roughly $625 per week cheapest quote


Would we not be better leaving furniture and just take personal items, consoles, tvs and boxs with towels, bedding etc and rent a short term rental for three months as that quote was $450 a week for 12 weeks until we start earning and start again?


I know everyone says everything is a lot more expensive in oz but we are needing new furniture anyway.


Is there second hand furniture shops in adelaide, I like doing up old furniture shabby chic style.


Thank you in advance for words of wisdom:smile:

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Most seem to take short term rentals for no more than a month. It's generally not realistic to pay out for short term furnished for as long as you are thinking. Often people on here lend bits and bobs, you buy a few bits second hand, some new and things like air mattresses come in handy till your container arrives. If you time your shipping to go a few weeks before you, live with stuff you are not sending, borrow from family and friends in the UK till you leave etc you can bring down the time you wait the other end.


We plan to ship a fair bit and will be going with the borrow the UK side and hopefully have less time to wait on the Aus side.

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Hi there


I think Im in the minority that left all our furniture in the UK . We sent over 15 boxes of personal belongings and that was it. OUr quote to ship over was the approx the same as yours and we decided that with the money we would save, wed' buy new furniture. (admittadley the exhange rate was 2.4 when we came, so got more dollars for pounds)...but $5.5k is a still nice sum to buy new furniture.


There are lots of great furniture shops here that do some great deals....and Im really glad that we did it that way - as I would have ended up buying new stuff as the houses are mostly bigger here and alot of our stuff would look either lost or out of place!




Each to their own of course - theres no right or wrong, its what suits you and yours reason. This was ours and it was certainly the best one for us.



Good luck with whatever you choose.





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We shipped pretty much everything but we had some very nice, rather expensives pieces of furniture (plus some less nice old stuff and some cr*p from Argos) that cost more originally than the cost of shipping. Replacing those in Oz would have cost us a small fortune, assuming we would have even been able to find something equivalent here. We were also lucky in that we were able to stay with family in the UK and Oz so didn't have to forkout for short term rental at all.


Before making a decision why don't you research what things might cost to replace in Oz. There is an Oz Ikea and plenty of other furniture stores - places like Super Amart, Harvey Norman, Feedom. Bear in mind that prices can be negotiated in most places (not Ikea). There are also second hand stores around and you can get stuff from gumtree and ebay. Obviously you can't check out the prices for the second hand stores but you could look on ebay and gumtree. Personally I couldn't have been doing with trying to buy everything from scratch along with all the other things you need to do when you get here, but other people have done it.

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We didn't bring any furniture either, if I were to do it again, I'd certainly bring my white goods but unless you have nice stuff worth keeping I'd say make do and collect as you go - there are plenty of secondhand shops, freecycle, garage sales and gum tree items to keep you going if you're not proud! Plus you do not need everything at once!

We had a short term for 2 weeks, was cutting it fine but it gave us momentum to find somewhere!


Good luck with it all, exciting times :)

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This is something we have thought a lot about too. We have postponed buying new furniture here in UK because of emigrating but and initially thought that we would leave it here and buy when we arrive. Now, we've changed our mind. Our reasoning is that we will be renting somewhere likely 6-12 months before buying a house, so wanted to wait to buy furniture that would fit the house we buy rather than the house we rent, if that makes sense. Plus, I thought it might be less stressful for us to replace things gradually as we go rather than have to buy everything at once (I say this with having two little ones and all there things too!!).


Good luck with everything, Caroline

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Guest PaulandVicky

If it was me, I would buy new from DFS, ikea, John Lewis or even get second stuff from decent stores such as John Lewis from the wonderful ebay And ship it all over...Choice is limited here, and expensive.... Not cheap to buy second hand either!!!!

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Guest PaulandVicky

Honestly, if its worth chucking then chuck it out. But I would really consider buying and bringing here..... Everything is expensive and crap for value..... (In comparison to what you get in uk).... Am I wingin...... Oooops.

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We left all our furniture in the UK (the lady that bought our flat, I asked her if she wanted any of the furniture and she wanted most of it) and the only thing we had shipped out were about 3 boxes of personal items and we started again. We initially rented a furnished place and then moved to an unfurnished place. We went to Ikea and got quite a bit of stuff and over time when we bought our own house and got more money we have replaced items. We still have the Ikea $99 dining room table and $20 dining chairs 5 years later.


I think it depends if your furniture is going to fit in with your Australian home as well. Some friends who emigrated, we went to their house and they had a pine wardrobe in their dining room because they did not want to get rid of it because they had spent a fortune shipping it over and their new house had built in robes in every room. To be honest it looked silly having a wardrobe in the dining room.

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Guest brianlynnette

if its worth bringing then bring it, we shipped no big furniture just the stuff out yre cupboards, wish we'd of bought new coffee tables and a dining table etc before coming cos i havent seen any nice ones, but each to their own hey haha, deffo bring loads od bedding and towels with you as they are soooo expensive, good luck deciding xx

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