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Anyone work at Uni SA?

Guest Adelaide_bound

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Guest Adelaide_bound

Hi All,


I'm applying for a job at Uni SA and wondered if anyone here worked there and had any tips or insider knowledge I could use in my application at all - not really holding out, just thought I'd explore any avenues I had as any little helps as the saying goes :) And as Adelaide seems to be very much not as much what you know but who you know, I thought just a quick ask on here wouldn't hurt at all.


Many thanks in advance if anyone does,


Cheers :)

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What division are you applying to? The different divisions and areas are like completely separate organisations and some have very little to do with each other. I do work there but to be honest I don't have much in the way of insider knowledge that would be any use. What I would say though is don't be afraid to sell yourself and make sure you really address the criteria in a 'spell it out' rather than imply kind of way.

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I've had a couple of interviews with them - one was via Skype and I was called back to 2nd interview once we arrived where they asked when I could start and told me to expect an offer in the post....5 days later I got an email stating that I had been unsuccessful. That was pretty shabby I thought - so be warned not to trust what they say until you have it in writing.


I also got invited for another interview but it was in the same week I got the job I now have (and love!) and after the above experience I turned it down.


In my experience they expect very specific and detailed answers to the criteria questions, I wrote up to the word limit on both applications which got me the interviews.


Good luck!

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Guest Adelaide_bound

Cheers guys - its in the Teaching and Learning Unit - thought it might be a very separate department thing, but wondered if there was anything overall in the Culture of Uni SA that isn't overwhelmingly obvious from other research like the website etc :)


Thanks both of you for the 'don't hold back' advice - I'm trying to learn to be less British and 'oh, I'm not too bad at at that' and more 'I totally and utterly rock at that' instead lol.


Cheers :)

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Guest shella_n



As Michelle said - I do!


ive worked for UniSA for 2.5 years and I absolutely love it - such a good place to work.


is the job at LTU? What is the role as I work with LTU quite a bit and might be able to help - feel free to pm me.


I can't think of any advice to give you in terms of culture - but make sure you have your background knowledge done - we got a new VP ( from Ireland) who started in January so lots of changes happening. Also look up Horizon which will give you the 'vision! which was written in 2010 I think. Make sure you know how many students we have, our market share - that type thing


Feel free to pm me - with my job I deal with nearly all the different parts of the uni.


cheers Michelle

Edited by shella_n
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Hi AB,


I also work at UniSA. As Michelle says, new VC, young guy over from Ireland who is shaking things up (mainly in a good way). Very much into inclusiveness, getting everyones view across etc.


We had a thing called Unijam which was a huge online discussion forum to get everyones ideas across (staff and students) covering the whole spectrum of Uni life. Would be a good thing to mention.


As a whole UniSA see themselves very much as the younger, more progressive, dynamic modern players in this space compared to say Adelaide Uni - the 'establishment', more traditional Uni here.



Feel free to PM me if you want any more info, good luck with your application, cheers, JK

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Guest Adelaide_bound
Hi AB,


I also work at UniSA. As Michelle says, new VC, young guy over from Ireland who is shaking things up (mainly in a good way). Very much into inclusiveness, getting everyones view across etc.


We had a thing called Unijam which was a huge online discussion forum to get everyones ideas across (staff and students) covering the whole spectrum of Uni life. Would be a good thing to mention.


As a whole UniSA see themselves very much as the younger, more progressive, dynamic modern players in this space compared to say Adelaide Uni - the 'establishment', more traditional Uni here.


Feel free to PM me if you want any more info, good luck with your application, cheers, JK


Thanks heaps JK, really helpful snippets like this is exactly what I was hoping for (well, I wouldn't say no to anyone being on here and going 'oh I'm recruiting that job, yeah just have it' LOL, but I think there is more chance of an elephant flying past tbh), so thank you loads :D


Fingers crossed and if anything happens I'll report back (or just hang my head in shame and keep quiet if they weren't impressed at all with the application and I hear no more lol)

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Guest Adelaide_bound
From talking to people who have worked there or currently work there, there seems to be quite a clear divide of people who enjoy working at UniSA and others who find the working environment not suited to them.


LOL, pretty much the same as anywhere then Jessica - methinks anywhere where there are only glowing reports might be a bit too good to be true.....

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