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How cold is cold?

Guest Popestar

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Guest Popestar

Hello all,


So we are arriving next Friday in Adelaide an our stuff is following on on the ship. Trying to pack for three months is hard. I keep looking at the weather and it looks pretty chilly. Can you tell me if its duvet coat and winter boots cold or just light jacket chilly?



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Guest Guest75

Pack lots of layers and woolies. The sunny winter days are great but the winter nights are flippin' freezing ( say me,the Penguins and that pesky Polar Bear!)


Bring the lot, you will wear them at some time.


When I take the Doggo's for a walk I have 4 layers on!:wideeyed::eek::eek:

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My youngest son is still wearing shorts and short sleeved T-shirt :eek:.


Agree with Tyke about the days being nice and the nights being freezing. I'm currently getting around during the day with a cardigan and lightweight coat over a long sleeve top and skirt with a pair of boots. On the way to and from work I stick my gloves on to keep warm. I could do with a warmer coat first thing but I would boil when I go out at lunchtime in a warmer coat (I leave the cardigan in the office already).


However, in the evenings I switch my cardigan for a warmer one and then put my fluffy dressing gown over the top. The dressing gown was purchased here from Kmart when I realised how cold it was in the evenings. Defo bring the lot, although Kmart is great for cheap warm things you will only ever where in the house if needed.

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Yesterday i had three jumpers on, scarf and boots and still felt cold!! Night time is cold, houses bloody freezing especially if no heating so plenty warm pj's for kids and hot water bottles, nights are very cold as are mornings. But few more months and Mr sunshine will put his hat back on:-) :-)

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Guest wijaya

temperature wise, when I see the weather forecast, i try to look what's the minimum temp would be.. if it's below 10, it means cold.. Also for the max, if it's above 14 means still bearable.. The below that means aaargh.. Before moving from London a couple years ago, I bought a winter jacket design for hiking.. Now in the morning, whenever I wake up, if it's below 10, just wear the jacket in the house till it's warm enough.

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I often get up in the morning and put on vest, t-shirt, jumper coat and scarf and leave on all day inside and out espcially if it is raining as it also seems to feel colder inside when wet outside. Other days you wont need to jacket/coat at all. Often it feels just as cold inside as it does outside, but as others have said it can be warmer at times in the day so I guess it depends on what you are doing.

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You might find when you first arrive you read some of these posts and laugh yourself silly, as you walk around town in your shorts and t-shirts in 16 degrees, and take your kids down to an empty beach thinking "what are they on about?" - we were like that when we arrived in the August: couldn't believe there were people wearing fur coats and gloves in the city when to us it felt positively balmy! Once you've been here a while though your blood thins and you start to feel the cold a bit more, but when you first arrive you won't feel it so much.

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When it comes to weather, there are lots of factors that affect how cold/hot a place feels other than simply the temperature (there's a technical term for it that escapes me at the moment). There's been much amusement here recently at the UK having a heatwave but 30° degrees in the UK feels a lot hotter than it does here, and 14° here feels a lot colder than it does in the UK.


It can be warm during daytime here even in winter - today is blue skies and tipped to be 18° - but early mornings and at nights it's cold. As most houses are insulated as well as your average garden shed, the cold seeps right in. Those blankets with sleeves are popular over here for a reason!

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I remember when we first got here, mid July and we were like, Ooooh so warm, we are walking round in shorts, t shirts, kids in summer clothes, sun block on the whole summer vibe going on, then we saw people in full winter gear we were looking at them thinkin you are completely nuts and they were looking at us like we were completely nuts!! So funny and it stills makes me laugh now thinking about it !! Now its the complete opposite, we all wrapped up for artic conditions!! And my family back in the UK think i have totally lost the plot when i moaning how cold it is and its 15 degrees !!

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Guest Damien

I wear shorts and T shirt all year round and get a few laughs from the locals. I do have to admit though as I get acclimatised (been year 3 years) I do start to feel the cold. I'm a wuss.

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I work outside, and I have to say I have only had my coat on once this winter, though I have had to wear it a couple of times when we have had cold windy weekends, last Sunday for one, at mount Lofty.

Seems we have a few whinging soft wusses here though!! where I come from we had t' open fridge door to let some heat int' the room! the ice on windows was thicker on inside than out and it took a week t' boil kettle. We also had bread & dripping for tea (on a good week) repaired holes in our shoes with lino and plastic bags over our feet on wet days! Ay tha don't know how lucky thy are out here in this beautiful country Australia!!:rolleyes:

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