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No longer on the fence


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Well after hemming and hawing about it for the last six months, my son, my 5 year old that is, has decided we are a Crows family.

He liked the colours, what can I say. So I will now, as I always have done get completely obsessed by a team I have absolutely no background history with. (Liverpool, Boston Redsox).


It's too late to change now, we have already spent the money on his replica top which he wears with pride at Auskick.



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Aww, its great he's found a team to support. Gives the game a bit more meaning to them I find.


We are a Crows family, my hubby has supported them since he was a kid and while we decided to let our little one decide for himself when we moved over, I think his mates influenced him a bit as they are all Crows fans. Mind you, we enjoy watching Port Adelaide play too.


We now have 3 footie guernseys, endless footy cards and albums, Crows calendar, tee shirt, posters.... Son knows who all the players from all the teams pretty much, knows the stats etc, does footy tipping in the family tipping aswell. Its a bit full on but I figure embracing it is good, I kind of feel more a part of things as its such a popular game here. Plus I do actually enjoy it and have gotten to grips with the rules and how the game is played.

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My youngest started as a Crows fan but has now switched to Port. This is a problem as my Asutralian OH's family are all Crows supporters. And there are a lot of them. My Brother in Law used to play for Norwood reserves long before the AFL even started and the family were (and still are) long standing Norwood supporters. When the Crows were first established in the early 90s it was just a natural progression to support them in the AFL (well they could hardly support Port who were, and still are, arch rivals in the SANFL). The youngest child has both a crows top and a port top but only the port top gets worn these days.


I'm a Crows supporter along with my OH and my eldest child, although I do barrack for Port as long as they are not playing the Crows. It does make it a bit hard to go watch a game though unless it's Crows vs Port.

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Good on him - I support any team, as long as it's one of the ones from Adelaide!


Can't understand my 8-yr old nephew who lives in Belair and has decided to support some Victorian team or other - what's that about? Bad enough that the TV commentators are so incredibly biased against any non-Melbourne team!

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Haha! Good choice! And a classy one :wink:!


The one thing that pretty much unites all the kids I've met here, is a love - or at least a knowledge of footy. It's talked about at work, banter (which can be quite intense) in the classroom, there are the footy programs, Auskick (and the glory of playing at the Croval lol!), or running on after a game; we love it.


Freo next. Scary...



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