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Board games


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Growing up it was Monopoly or Scrabble. That was pretty much it, least in our house. We had to invent new ways to play Monopoly over and over so as to save us from the mind numbing boredom of the game.


Anyways, fast forward more years than I care to number here :cute: and board games are a whole new level. We love playing them and tend to buy them for a family gift at Christmas and birthdays or just whenever the budget allows. Family and friends come over or we go there, BBQ, good convo and board games played. Take them away on the long weekends and stuff. All good. Few card games also, have Love Letters and also play Hearts, Canasta and so on.


Anyone else enjoying playing them? Got any favourites? We love Catan in our house, have expansion kits for it. Also have Splendour, Ticket To Ride Europe (another popular one), Sheriff of Nottingham and one or two others. Our 7 year old loves Catan and plays all the others too.


Planning on getting Pandemic at some point and husband wouldn't mind Game of Thrones (takes 2-4 hours to play! :shocked:) and Stone Age. Also looking at 7 Wonders.


Cost wise they don't seem cheap ($50-80 is about ballpark) but given a night out can cost that much or more and we get years of use and enjoyment from them I don't think its a bad expense.

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Let us know if you get GoT - I was really dismissive of the TV series after about 20 minutes of the first episode (too much incest and death for my liking) but then I read the books - I'm onto the 3rd one now and I've really enjoyed the story so I'm wondering what the board game would be like?


We still play the traditional board games here (although we have moved on from Red Dog Blue Dog and Shopping List) Cludeo, Yahtzee and Game of Life being our youngest favourites - she'll choose playing games over a DVD everytime - I like the card game versions of things like Fruit Ninja and Pass the Pigs which are quick to play so not enough time to fall out.


My husband has a broken knuckle resulting from a game of Monopoly he played with his younger brother so we don't get that one out very often (even though we have about 4 different versions of it!).

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Let us know if you get GoT - I was really dismissive of the TV series after about 20 minutes of the first episode (too much incest and death for my liking) but then I read the books - I'm onto the 3rd one now and I've really enjoyed the story so I'm wondering what the board game would be like?




Why not try it out at The Hungry Hippo, a games cafe down the nice end of Hindley Street?


We went a few weeks ago, and the amount of games there is simply amazing! They serve really good food, and drink, including alcohol. The tables are well-spaced, with plenty of room....all in all, a fab place to spend a few hours.


I think board games are pretty popular at the moment, amongst young adults in particular. My daughter and her boyfriend have a circle of people they play board / card games with, and we play with another family including all our grown kids. Love it!


One of my current favourites is the card game, 'Dobble'. Well worth the money, and is good for littlies all the way up to, and including, adults. According to the game shop in Marion, there are more adults buying the game for themselves, than for their kids!


Great fun thread!


:wubclub: LC

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I'm looking forward to trying AntiMonopoly (-seriously it is a real board game).....any feedback from anyone?


JB :swoon:


I've not really heard much about it. I'll ask my BIL and some friends if any of them have played it and if they have, if they rate it.


I'm curious, is it where you start off with millions, have heaps of houses and hotels and then try to blow as much cash as possible and squander all your wealth :cute:

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Let us know if you get GoT - I was really dismissive of the TV series after about 20 minutes of the first episode (too much incest and death for my liking) but then I read the books - I'm onto the 3rd one now and I've really enjoyed the story so I'm wondering what the board game would be like?


We still play the traditional board games here (although we have moved on from Red Dog Blue Dog and Shopping List) Cludeo, Yahtzee and Game of Life being our youngest favourites - she'll choose playing games over a DVD everytime - I like the card game versions of things like Fruit Ninja and Pass the Pigs which are quick to play so not enough time to fall out.


Hehe, with you on GoT the TV series. Husband and I both felt the same about it but then 2 years later he gave it another go and sat and watched every episode and was hooked. I've still to return to it.


We hear good things about GoT game but it is pretty full on and can take up an entire evening. Not a bad thing but its not a game over in an hour like some of the others we play.

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Why not try it out at The Hungry Hippo, a games cafe down the nice end of Hindley Street?


We went a few weeks ago, and the amount of games there is simply amazing! They serve really good food, and drink, including alcohol. The tables are well-spaced, with plenty of room....all in all, a fab place to spend a few hours.


I think board games are pretty popular at the moment, amongst young adults in particular. My daughter and her boyfriend have a circle of people they play board / card games with, and we play with another family including all our grown kids. Love it!


One of my current favourites is the card game, 'Dobble'. Well worth the money, and is good for littlies all the way up to, and including, adults. According to the game shop in Marion, there are more adults buying the game for themselves, than for their kids!


Great fun thread!


:wubclub: LC


Think we'll give the cafe a try at some point. I used to love going to the games cafes when I lived in Amsterdam and would join a table of old guys playing the national card game of Klaverjassen or checkers or some such.


Will check Dobble out when next at Marion. We, well mostly husband as he's a bit geeky, tend to read a lot of reviews and feedback before we buy anything and are generally happy to buy if it gets positive reviews.

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-Let me know


I've noticed that The Wheatsheaf Hotel, George St, Thebarton is another place that people enjoy Board games


It's Bicycle Friendly, Family Friendly, and they have good wine, real cider, and real beer (-but the bottle list tends to be more interesting)


Also the B10 bus from Currie St drops you off at the front door.


JB :swoon:

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I've not really heard much about it. I'll ask my BIL and some friends if any of them have played it and if they have, if they rate it.


I'm curious, is it where you start off with millions, have heaps of houses and hotels and then try to blow as much cash as possible and squander all your wealth :cute:


No that's not Anti Monopoly.


-The game you are thinking of is called Trumpopoly

...you start off with $ 22m, buy lots of Hotels and then blow some of it on a campaign to to turn everyones minds into mush and then start World War 3


....not sure who gets to win, though


JB :swoon:

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We bought Pandemic as a family Christmas Present. It is a type of collaborative game, I had never played one of those before. All of you work together to try to save the world.


we really enjoyed it and it plays well with 2,3 or 4 people. You do learn tricks but we probably saved the world about half of the time.


They are expensive but do give you hours of entertainment.


Must get it out again at the weekend.

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