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  1. We are a group of expats from England who just enjoy a friendly game of golf every Sunday morning. What you need to do is join our facebook account called Adelaide Golflovers, a gentleman called Richard hosts this facebook account. Every week, tends to be Monday or Tuesday he puts up an event for golf on the Sunday giving the venue and the tee off times. You either put that you are going or not going or maybe. There is no pressure to attend or not attend. We play stableford points, that means everyone as an equal chance of winning. We are not a Society and we always play on local public courses all over Adelaide regions as far as from Gawler to Goolwa. The prices tend to be from $45 to $55 per round. The winner chooses and books the next weeks golf and the loser complete a write up (which is a piss take - banter). My mobile is 044 911 9334 and I am called Tony Smith or Private Message me or email me on Tony_Smith1969@hotmail.com
  2. We are a bunch of guys who enjoy a game of golf every Sunday morning. We play at all public courses around the Adelaide Metropolitan suburbs, mostly southern Adelaide. If any people who have just arrived in Adelaide and would like to play social golf and meet new people. Then add yourself to Adelaide Golflovers on Facebook or respond to me.
  3. No it would not fit in any type of car the mattress is Queen size and the frames are long
  4. Hi Everyone We are moving into our first Australian mortgage house this weekend (Friday 24th / Saturday 25th July) and we are giving away a free Queen Size Mattress and Bed Frame if anyone is interested, if you live from Fulham Gardens going South via Tapleys Hill Road, Brighton Road, Lonsdale Road then I should be able to drop it off whilst we are moving to Sheidow Park this weekend, we also have a small coffee table and two glass bedside cabinets and possibly one or two nice black trendy book/ornaments/pictures tall stands. Nothing amazing looking but may help some family who have just moved over and do not have some stuff they require. Inbox me and I will reply to you, if able to deliver it will be sometime late Saturday or Sunday morning, if no response I will drop them off at the rubbish dump this Sunday. We are downsizing that's all. I look forward to anyone's response, sorry for those who live up North East, its a pain in the ar....se moving as probably aware and travelling out of my way just adds to the stress, but then again I would be going to the dump in Wingfield if no one wants the stuff - so if that's on the way from Fulham Gardens then I could drop it off. Tony
  5. We lived in Ferryden Park for the first two years and then moved to Fulham Gardens nearly 3 yrs now), which is the area I always wanted to live when researching suburbs to live before immigrating from Newcastle upon Tyne
  6. Hi Craig we a bunch of English blokes who play every Sunday morning, we play all over the metropolitan areas of Adelaide, we play stableford and it's not a society so there is no membership just come and go as you please. If you look at Adelaide Golflovers on Facebook and join you can then add yourself to the events for golf. If you require a chat give me a call on 0449119334. Tony
  7. Hi Hausen We are a bunch of English blokes who just enjoy a game of golf every Sunday. We play the Stableford handicap system, so there is no pressure to win, its taking the part. We play at community golf courses all round South Australia pricing from $30 to $43. We have a facebook account called Adelaide Golflovers, you need to join that, if you do not have a facebook account, just use your partners facebook account. The winner every Sunday books their choice of golf course for the following week and the loser completes a write up, or should say a piss-take. We then put an event up on the Adelaide Golflovers facebook account and yoyu either add that you are going or decline. There is no pressure to turn up, we are not a society. We tend book golf tee off times between 8:00am to 09:15am. We have mix handicaps from 33 down to 18. My phone number is 0449119334 if you want a chat, etc..... My friend Richard Henderson who hosts the facebook account. Tony
  8. What is the address I post the Form 929 to, Immigration told me that the address is on the actual form but it is not
  9. I have just got off the phone with the immigration they said exactly what you have mentioned to me, even give me the same link. Like you said you have to inform the immigration department our new passport details via completing the Form 929 and either posting or faxing it back to them via the address of the Form 929. Thanks for your help Snifter and Claire-n-tel
  10. Does that mean the UK passport authority would have contacted/informed the Australian immigration regarding our children's new passport details
  11. Claire my two daughter have just recently gained new UK passports, thus the immigration will not be aware of their new passport details, I.e different Passport Number
  12. My family and I arrived in February 2010 on a Skilled Regional Passport (Subclass 475) and then in March 2012 we gained Skilled Regional Visa (Subclass 887). We still have the old visa label in our current passport and two members of our family have gained new UK passports and currently have no visa label in their passport. We are aware that you no longer require a visa label to work in Australia, but do we need a label if we are leaving Australia and want to return to Australia to live and work, if NO! Is there anything we need to do before we leave Australia so we can return without any problems. I look forward to your responses................... With kind regards Tony
  13. There is Philip Kennedy in Largs Bay. My wife works at Mary Potter at Calvary North Adelaide. The boss is called Berry, I don't know her surname.
  14. I have have been continuously working since arriving in Adelaide in February 2010. But in August 2013 I was laid off. I have applied for 493 jobs and only had 5 interviews. I am qualified experienced Health Professional and Trainer with a Masters and 2 degrees. Australia is in a recession and I am getting really frustrated with applying for jobs when I know full well I would be extremely competent in the job but don't even gain a response. But heads up and keep trying.....
  15. To All We are Adelaide Golflovers and we are always wanting new players (male and female), who enjoy a game of social golf every Sunday morning, we tend to tee off anytime between from 7.40am up to 09:00am and we play at all public courses around Adelaide, which range in price from $30.00 to $45.00. We are a great set of blokes who enjoy the banter, the 19th hole and of the course the golf. We play Stableford so there are no disadvantages, our handicaps tend to range from 12 to 35. Please PM for more information. The winner of each week books their choice of golf course and time for the following Sunday and the loser does a write up (a piss-take really). We are not a Society and there is no pressure to attend each and every week, we just put an event up on Adelaide Golflovers every week and you can either click join - maybe or decline. Some players bring their older children to golf with them, which annoys me, because they even beat me lol. Also gives new immigrants to Adelaide to meet potential friends. Richard Henderson hosts the Adelaide Golflovers and I am Tony Smith. We hope to hear from you in the very near future. Tony
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