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laura girling

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Everything posted by laura girling

  1. Hi Yes I don't miss the traffic of a saturday shopping trip. The Mall at Cribs was good though. i only went to swindon once, swimming at the Oassis. Lauraxxx
  2. ` WOW, my brother works near Filton, Rolls Royce. i was from stockwood then moved to backwell. Jacky how's the jet lag, my hubby and son were the worst I never had jet lag at all, I think this is to do with being deprived of sleep anyway through my girls. Do you guys have children? Hope you settle quickly Lauraxxxx
  3. Thanks for that, its nice of you to jog us on abit. Graham, what line of work are you in? Jarrett is now working in a barber shop, its okay but he's not to talk to the customers ect. weird but true and only pays $16 per hour. He's worth so much more though. In England we had a trendy hair salon and charged 40 pound a haircut, imagine the difference, lol But on Thursday which was his day off, we cycled to pick up my little one from kindy, stopped at coles on the way bought some sausages and rolls, fed the ducks and swans at west lakes whilst we had a BBQ in the park. Then on sat we spent most of the time on the beach building castles and trying to find the whale again. Then coming home the kids were playing headstands and running back to the beach again. Then we sat and watched that sizzling sun touch the ocean whilst slowly sipping a cold glass of Chardonney. WOW, you don't really get that in the UK. I do get homesick for my family, home in general and friends, but and there is a big but I don't know if I will feel the same about it with the memories I have of wonderful Adelaide. Here's to more great days Graham. Lauraxxxxxxxxx:)
  4. Hi There, Have you tried to subscribe online Adelaide advertiser. They have all the rentals in there. Wed and Sat are days to look at rentals but to be honest it may be better to go to a caravan pk. Lauraxxx
  5. Hi Guys, Anyone from Bristol or West lakes shore Lauraxxx
  6. I must have had too much wine last night, I didn't realise that I sent this post already LOL , sorry Laura:err:
  7. I saw the whale in the ocean from the beach outside our house wow Lauraxxxxx
  8. Scenes like this really do change my mind daily, we,ve decided to last out the lease which is up in Jan. Now the warm weather has come everything seems rosier. What we need really is a silent partner to help us open up a new salon here. That would be good....in our dreams.lol Lauraxxx
  9. Just thought I'd share this with you. We were on the beach yesterday, i looked out to see and saw a rather large black body splashing through the waves. I shouted out to my hubby incase I was just seeing things then it jumped through the waves again, I can't believe we were sooooooo lucky to see a whale wow Lauraxxxxxxx:jiggy:
  10. Hi There Have you tried to subscribe the Adelaide Advertiser on line, they have all the jobs listed in there. Also thats where you find rentals, cars ect. Try also Career one. Lauraxxx:)
  11. Hi There, no wicker, I was gutted i had to leave my girls pretty baskets. Never mind that was the first time i thought of them since arriving here.lol Lauraxxxxxxxxxx
  12. Hi Nicky. Did you mean Chew valley estates are going bust, if your online do you want to go in chat room Lauraxxxx
  13. I canot believe my eyes, our family was enjoying the beach today when we spotted a whale in the ocean, fab or what? Lauraxxxxxx:)
  14. Nicky, that doesn't seem too bad for all of you to be honest. Ive been looking at flights to return home and one way will cost $7,400 for us. so return at 5 grand's okay. Have you tried flying out on Christmas Day, It may be cheaper. i'll put you on a nut roast. see you soon lauraxxx
  15. To all the guy's who are homesick for England, Including myself who was rushing back to get my Son in school for Sept. Im still here and with my tongue in cheek I have the notion in my head that when our lease is up in Jan 09 i'll be returning to England. With all this in mind, I now want to stay I think this is bizzarr. Is it the fact I know going home is an option, or the sun's come out to play, or even the fact that our lives here are now developing at long last. The kids are okay at school here, little Atheletics is starting on Friday so that's a good social outlet, The parents at Kindy are friendly, im begining to build up lovely friendships. OMG what do I do, I have a 12 year old who is so so so excited about returning to his friends and senior school. And to all home sickers if you want a new friendship PM me and i'll give you my number. Lauraxxxx:)
  16. There are lots of places to avoid But I will say this West lakes shore is fantastic Lauraxxx
  17. Just to add 2 Irish builders got a contract in wales on a building site. Paddy said to Murphey Hey Murphey have they got a B&Q in Cardiff Paddy replied I don't know but it's got two f's Lauraxxx
  18. Hey Jenny, Welldone for your decision, it takes a lot of deciding to return, the ifs and buts go through your mind a bit doesnt it. We too are finding it difficult and we were heading back for the kids to start school in Sept. we couldnt release the house and have decided to return in Jan when the lease is up. Sods law, after making the decision I now feel more relaxed, making new friends and I feel im enjoying here more and more. A very confused Pom I am. Id be interested to know how you feel in a couple of months, will you please keep in touch and let me know. Thanks a lot Lauraxxxx:unsure:
  19. Nicky & Andy Just hurry up over here you lot, Ive got the wine, GET THAT bl**d* house sold and sell mine while your at it lol Laura & Jarrettxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  20. Hey welldone for keeping your chin up, I do have to say you are in a lucky position at least you have had offers, weve not had any and the property has been on for a very very long time. Next week it'll be gone im sure the right buyer will fall in love with it. What were their reason for pulling out? See you here soon Lauraxxx
  21. Hi Andy and zoe, I think everyone including us are wrapped with selling houses. Good luck with your visa & House and workwize you'll proberly get a job quickly. Look up career one. Your ahead of the game with Zoe having a job already, well done and see you over here soon. Lauraxxx
  22. Hey Sue, Sorry to read your down. Well, try and keep it in mind that when you do get here its for good. you will be here soon, here's a joke to cheer you up. Little Jonny in the classroom says to the teacher " hey Miss I ain't got no pencils. the teacher says "Jonny its I have no pencils, we have no pencils, they have no pencils and so forth. Jonny says "well who got all the F*****G pencils then. HOPE IT HELPS, Lauraxxxxxxxxx
  23. laura girling

    IOM flights

    Hi, don't get me wrong, I love Adelaide. My hubby and I are hairdressers which believe me is poorly paid, we also have 3 kiddies 2 are under school age so only one of us can work at a time. In England we had trouble selling our house, so we can't have the lifestyle that we wanted here, just yet. we have to just pray thet the market picks up, we can sell our house and that the Aussie dollar gets better against the pound. Then we may return. Gosh did I write all that, lol Lauraxxxxx:arghh:
  24. laura girling

    IOM flights

    Hi Guys, That is a cheep price, does anyone know if you can use this to emigrate back to the UK. Thanks Lauraxxxxxxxxxxx
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