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laura girling

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Everything posted by laura girling

  1. Hi Andrew. Why don't you just apply for a change of address now from here. or get your parents to apply for you, let them send over your new licence. Then change it. They dont keep your uk passport anymore. you get it back on the spot, Lauraxxx
  2. Hi Alan OMG well done mate, Does it feel good now you've got it sorted. By the way I lived in Backwell Bristol. just down the road from W.S.M I felt gutted watching the news on the pier, Good luck Lauraxxxxxxxxxxx:)
  3. Hi Deb, If it helps my Hubby and I are in the same position. we can go back when we sell the car and re let the beach house. What are your choices and plans? There is nothing worst than being in a position where you feel you don't want to be. Im not jelouse of other peoples lives as I have a wonderful hubby, but sometimes I wish the job situ was better and that I had more disposable income to enjoy. We just find that we are struggling just to pay bills and food. Wish it were different but its not. Im still glad I tried, and may try again if the house eventually sells. Lauraxxx
  4. I know Sarah, it's changed for the law in England now aswell they are trained to not use 12% in foils. Here they would rather leave bleach on for 1 hour than have 9 or 12 % on for as long as it takes. Gauchi uses the no 9 % on foils apparently its all about the condition of the hair. What they do is lift then tone with a suitable toner. Lauraxxxx
  5. Hi Trish, What a shame it's October. We live at West lakes shore which is just off Military Road Beach side. (actually on the beach) appart from the garden in front. West lakes is a sought after area . the schools are great, as is the big west lakes shopping mall. It is th e suburb between Grange and Semephore. We pay $380 per week for a 3 bedroom unit, its great for the kids to run down the beach whenever for any amount of time. If you could get here before Sept would have been good. Lauraxxx:v_SPIN:
  6. Hi Guys, Very sad I know but just excited as I can now use my web cam. YIPPEE. car for sale by the way. Lauraxxxx
  7. Hi there, There are lots of salons that are only interested in the proof of the pudding. They won't need an Ozzy cert. My experience was a little different than your wife's, I spoke to a guy named Alan Shearing at the TRA in the City of Adelaide. I worked at a training school here for a while and I have to say Australian hairdressing is a little different to English hairdressing. Its illegal to use 9% and 12% with bleach foils The trainees are expected to know how to mix up for example 8.64 from scratch They only use semi colour on hair that has been coloured already not permanent colour. the list can go on and on. Hope this helps Lauraxxx
  8. Im not going to jump down your throat, and im defo not in any happy bunny gang, but... Just to say i have tried, tested, and lived here for 9 months now. okay ive lost money and gained an experience that I would do all over again perhaps a little differently. I know this because we went for it it didnt work out but can sit on my sofa knowing. knowing is better than wondering don't you think. Go for it Alan. Lauraxxx
  9. Hi Alan, You will have a wonderful life here im sure, You sound like many others worrying about their futures. Ive got to say that nothing ventured nothing gained. Either you can try it out or spend the rest of your lives wondering what if. We are actually returning as my hubby and I are both hairdressers and its only paid $30,000 per annum. We tried it, loved it and had a great adventure. Only you and your wife can decide. At least you have no house to sell, thats another reason for going home for us, as we had this notion of selling our house buying a big house with a lovely swimming pool ect. With the market like it is our house won't sell for the price we need to buy the one's we like here. Well, good luck and welcome to poms in adelaide. Laura
  10. Hi Guys, If anyone can help, we have to sell our car in order to fly back to England. Its a Toyota camrey vienta 1999 year Silver C/D player Good air con 15000 miles Lovely looking , reliable and a comfort to drive 5 door hatch back, five seats seats fold down flat for more storage. Big boot We paid $15000 six months ago. OFFERS INVITED WITH THANKS Laura xxxx:wubclub:
  11. i really loved the joke, it was just what i needed a good laugh. thanks lauraxxx
  12. When you have been allocated a case officer, they then give you a list of panel doctors in your area, We paid 1-10 pounds per adult for our x rays 20. pounds Aids test 85 pounds per adult and 40 pounds per child for medicals hope this helps Lauraxxx
  13. Hi Julie-ruth, As you know the property Market isn't at its greatest, we too are in the same boat, at the end of the day a property is only worth what somebody is willing to pay for it. I know this is not much help, but when our visa came through we put our home on the market this was back in March 2007, we had our first offer on a first viewing, they offered 15 grand less than the asking price, we thought it was too soon to take such a drop (lol). We had no other offers close to that, we should have bitten his arm off for it. Our story may have been different now, just through what I can look back on now as being greedy. You have to way up how much equity your house has made you since buying it, and all the other stuff like how much you will need to buy a property and live comfortably in Oz. Only you and your Hubby can decide. We ended up leasing out our house, things haven't been the bed of roses in Adelaide as it is very expensive to live here, and I feel at the moment thank God I kept the house. But that's us and will be a different story for you. At the end of the day it's only money, a life here can be great, at least you have a good choice. What helps me, looking at children in Africa, and all the people caught in fires and losing their homes, Im in a desperate position here, but their are always people worst off. ( I don't actually sit and watch it on TV or anything, I mean taking a moment to think about it.) Good luck with your decision. Lauraxxx:)
  14. Hi There Sprayer. (WE GOT TO GET OUTTA HERE) Crickey Mate what a scary area you live in, just to let you know my son has learning problems and in the Uk was funded so he got a one on one for at least 8 hours per week. Here they were quick to help him with phycologist and the most severe cases only get 4 hours help. I think you'll find it will be the same case as your school in the UK not having time to help him as too many others in the class. Although I have to say my sons teacher has made him so much more independant and with the homework that he receives it makes him think a great deal more. Also it will help your son as he will go into year 7 at primary in Jan 09 so it will give him a chance to catch up a little. Good luck with your move. Lauraxxxx
  15. Well done, doesn't it feel wonderful after all that hardwork. congratulations its great to have a choice. Lauraxxx:)
  16. :idea:there could be possibility here we are a family of 5 living in westlake shore on the beach i wouldn't say its big but we all fit in quiet comfortably the price is $380 pw but as the Aussie say location location location its close to westlakes mall and near the train station and other amenities if any good give us an email laura.girling@yahoo.com.au ps never see the landlords
  17. :idea:just a thought were putting our house on for rental we live at westlake shore on the beach great views in about a months time any good for u the price per aweek is $380 .send us an email laura.girling@yahoo com.au
  18. hi guys just a thought were going back to uk and we will be putting our rental property market we r on the beach in westlake shore which is very near to semaphore the price is $380.pw if any good f u send us an email laura.girling@yahoo.com.au
  19. Hi Cazzie, We actually live very close to Semaphore, it is more expensive here because of the location it is near the city, transport, shopping mall, great schools, Footy stadium, library,ect Oh did I mention it is on the beach. The rentals here are very rare. We pay $380 per week We are going home shortly, if you are interested, let me know. Laura xxx:idea:
  20. Hi Reeve and Deb ive put the details in on Jacky's thread, If you want to e-mail me, we can discuss more Thanks for your reply Laura
  21. Hi Jacky Thanks for your reply, The house is $380 per week, Its in West lakes Shore which is a lovely suburb, we chose to live here as it is a great location for schools, shops,beach, library ect. It is located on the beach front . if you e-mail me laura.girling@yahoo.com.au we'll discuss more if you like. Laura xxx
  22. Hi Guys, If anyone is Migrating to Adelaide and is willing to help us out by leasing the 3 Bed house we are in, feel free. Also we have a car for sale, Toyota Vienta (Station Wagon) (Estate) 1999 We are selling it for $11,000 We bought it only 6 months ago. Thanks for reading this post, if you know of anyone let me know. Laura xxx:)
  23. Hi Angela, How can I say this without sounding annoyed? There are lots of hairdressing jobs, The pay is $17 dollars an hour yes this is better than nothing, we are on one wage, this means it pays for the bills, food ect. It means I cannot and When I mean cannot... Buy any treats for my kids, Cannot even buy them Birthday presents Cannot save up for a rainy day Cannot save up for Christmas presents No Birthday Parties for my little girls Okay you may say they would be better off here and all of the above doesn't particulary matter, but the fact is they do to them and they do to me. I feel insucure financially for the first time in my whole married life and I don't like the feeling much. Back home in the uk. 1. My children will beable to go to school and pre school, so it will allow me to work part time. 2. If my kids are sick i can take them to the doctors and not have to pay for medicine. 3. If they need to see a dentist It is free. 4. If I need contraception it is free. 5. The schools are free. 6. We can afford to save money. 7. We have friends and family for support. Sorry if it feels like I annoyed, Im not, its just that I don't think you understand that it isn't enough to keep us here. Lauraxxxx
  24. Hi Trisha, Don't panic about the kids, my son did not want to leave his friends, he has really settled here he loves the beach, fishing off the jetty, cycling around and going to school. We live in a suburb called west lakes shore and hired a house on the beach for $380 per week. Its a 3 bedroom home that is actually on the beach, we are probably going home soon not because we cant settle, just for different reasons. If you would be interested in this home pm me and well put the web cam on so you can look around. We have taken the lease on for 1 year so we have to sub let it. let me know Lauraxxx:cute:
  25. Hi Diane, Thanks for your feedback, My Hubby has looked into labouring for builders as weve heard that at least its better paid. He's really a hardworker bless him. Everytime we look at ads though they require either a driving licence or they have already been taken. If you know anyone who would like a labourer please keep me posted. with thanks to everyone Laura xxx
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