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Everything posted by MovingtoUK

  1. Hi, I am a relief teacher too :-) I used to teach at a variety of schools, but now it is just one or two, as you get known to the school after a while! i know that Aberfoyle Hub Primary School on Jeanette Crs is desperately looking for casuals, not far from where u are at all. Def go and put your details in with them. Good Luck!
  2. I was addicted to Chicago Town frozen pizzas when I lived in the UK. Omg yum!!!!!
  3. Perhaps, but food I know is cheaper and that is our main expense
  4. I think Adelaide has become really expensive, I'd hate to think what the costs are in Sydney... Every time I go out and buy something I feel like I'm being ripped off :-( And yes, jobs are scarce.
  5. Entry for a family is more than $50?
  6. MovingtoUK

    Help please

    Yea, the problem is with the private school jobs, is that it is common knowledge that they almost always have someone lined up. A teacher the school knows, etc. They have to advertise the positions by law. I agree, many jobs have a large number of applicants. Adelaide does have a high unemployment rate unfortunately :-(
  7. You should definitely not get bitten that much by mozzies, unless you are living in a tent lol! As long as you keep your screens on, and doors and windows closed at night, none should get in
  8. It is expensive, something like $1700 for me and then another $1700 per kid! But I qualify for Ancestry visa too. We will see, not looking into it till next year
  9. MovingtoUK

    Help please

    As long as you are not a teacher! No work for them
  10. MovingtoUK


    Yep we have a split system too and our recent bill was $1400! Three months before that $1000. Nearly died. The price has definitely gone up :-( now the heaters are staying off and we r keeping warm in dressing gowns and wheat bags
  11. In regards to the health systems, aren't the UK and Oz the same? One thing that frustrated me when I was over there was that it was really hard to get an appointment with a gp, where are here u can genuinely get in on the same day. But I thought each was a similar system? what area did your hubby live in snifter? one thing that I did miss while I was there was our beaches. SA has the most amazing, beautiful beaches. But now that I've been back for so long, I hardly ever go to the beach. It's amazing what u take for granted lol! oh and iced coffee. I missed ice coffee. Haha. We we also have a larger selection of Cadbury chocolate blocks here, not that that is overly important!
  12. Regarding weather, I find Adelaide weather absolutely freezing in winter as our homes are not built for it, and ridiculously hot in summer
  13. Having lived in both the UK and Oz, I find that Australian humour often tends to be very poo orientated
  14. Thanks everyone with your replies! :-) In regards to teaching, unfortunately even the country jobs are drying up in rapid pace. Unless you want to work in rural NT, it is still hard to get work in rural areas, and even if u do secure work it is contract and may not be renewed. And it's four years u need to be out there. I know that last year the government in South Australia alone advertised 500 teaching positions. 20,000 teachers applied for those! Workload for teachers here is getting more and more too. I taught in UK 10ish years ago. Won a job in an amazing semi rural school before I even left Oz. We are moving to Norfolk this time round as that where our family is. I have a recruitment agency lined up, they assure me they can place me in a permanent position in the area I want before I leave. l can only hope that my experience will b as positive as it was last time! It's all a risk either way I guess! Having family over there def helps :-)
  15. You will need at least $200 for a family of four, it's not cheap, but worth it if u have never been :-)
  16. Hi everyone :-) Well, my hubby, small children and I are planning to move from Adelaide to England next year. Reasons being we have more family over there for the kids (hubby's dad immigrated), change of scenery and life experience, and travel opportunities. Biggest one however, is I am a teacher and the work is so scarce here that if I stay, I will never have a career. We we lived and worked in the UK a few years ago and it was so easy to gain employment :-) My question is, what is the cost of living like over there? Because it is astronomical here. Do u get more for your buck?
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