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Everything posted by Seacity112

  1. As long as they expedite visa processing for God's sake, we could feel relief. David Coleman couldn't cope with Peter Dutton and left forever, how Alan Tudge manages to fight against that evil???? I doubt.
  2. She is not supposed to discriminate us, and I believe her, because it's not her decision/action to do with us, it's Peter Dutton. And obviously he's suing border control as an excuse to hurt a lot of people including aboriginal people, including old visa applicants. While 491, 189 or 190, most of them are the biggest shareholders of migrants agents, and they help with fighting strongly against control policy, but only old 489 are left behind, in a really vulnerable position.
  3. Regional skilled migrants visa, processing time varies, but they are 24- 28 months indifference, I feel discriminated.
  4. Thanks mate, we could try another way. They are pretending to be blinding, time could tell if this is a human right or not, and that's called Karma.
  5. Migrants face uncertain times as coronavirus outbreak continues https://www.northerndailyleader.com.au/story/6696676/eddie-whitham-says-migrants-are-stuck-in-a-time-warp/
  6. Julianhillmp : First time wearing shorts at a Parliamentary public hearing! Human Rights Sub-Committee MP Julian was working on immigrants issues, not sure if he could help a little bit of us. 887 processing time is a matter of human rights. 489, 491 actually they are the same visa subclass, just because the government wants to show they have done something with innovations, and deliberately discriminate 489. Every regional skilled migrant should be respected as equal as this country is so-called Australia.
  7. This is a good link! It's not 19-22 months any more, 24-28 months processing time for regional skilled migrants is a significant virus spreading within DHA ( by Peter Dutton), all directions are trying to display their mercy now, why couldn't see this and it's time to correct it.
  8. Under the epidemic situation, the ugliness and goodness of human nature have nothing to hide. Rather they process visa ASAP. But it's true that all kinds of personality comes out. Some people would like to show their mercy and generosity and kindness to people in needs, but some evil like Peter Dutton for example would always think that migration are taking away his jobs, his money, his big city's space. Thanks the crsis let us see through the human nature behind this, and learn from this to be a thinkful, kind and humble person. However, like I said Peter Dutton will soon come out from quarantine, sounds like a recovery evil bug, and likes being toxic and doing damaging things, he would be in big possiblity in blocking all good things to visa holders as he's doing these evil things for three years! So God bless Us!!!
  9. Not looks like, they definitely put all shits on 887 applicants, Australian security reasons??? big city congestion??? general election??? new regional visa renovations??? Chrismas holiday??? bush fire???? now corona virus......
  10. “We have a large stock of people currently in the country who are potentially impacted by unemployment and closures as businesses, particularly in the services industry, wind down, who do not have access to Centrelink benefits,” Migration Council of Australia chief executive Carla Wilshire told Guardian Australia. “Many of them have families and children, and rental payments … which creates a significant vulnerability in the community.” Wilshire also said that tourist visa holders may need to be moved on to bridging visas to avoid being in breach of conditions and becoming unlawful, while other visa holders who breached work requirements could also find themselves in strife. “There needs to be a review across all temporary migration streams of visa status and capacity to support people through vulnerability,” Wilshire said. Labor is also raising concerns about the impact of the pandemic on the temporary migrant workforce, suggesting that if a large portion of temporary visa holders in Australia cannot leave, and cannot get financial support and medical treatment, they may be forced to continue working. “They could be left with no choice but to unknowingly spread the virus as they are forced to keep working or keep seeking work,” a Labor spokesperson said. “A virus does not check a person’s visa status. It affects everyone in the community. It is in Australia’s national interest for everyone – citizen or not – to be part of the extraordinary national effort to reduce the spread of the coronavirus.” The National Farmers’ Federation was on Thursday in talks with the government about the restrictions on foreign travel and is seeking assurance that the supply of foreign labour will not dry up.
  11. When we pay the tax we're resident, and when we are outside Australia obviously non-resident. No doubt.
  12. You're welcome, mate @Maxzone and don't feel any upset please, you didn't ask screenshot when you ask confirmation, it's the guy who sent you screenshot himself. You didn't do anything wrong and we have been staying this forum quite a long time, all for sharing pain and happiness. Through sometimes some people don't understand you, but I understand you. Keep who you are and I know you're really an honest guy and like to help others. Really hope your grant is days away, and congratulations here now. Don't be frustrated, celebrate your freedom soon, through the dark long processing time increases again, YOURS definitely is not far away.
  13. @Maxzone Updated time shows that no Feb 19 applicants processed yet, though the new guy jumped out couple days before and claimed he got granted.
  14. Some bugs within HAD really hate 887 applicants. They are speeding every other subclass, only 887, F***
  15. However, they process all other visas speedily.
  16. Keep going mate! Virus is spreading devastatingly across the world, at the same time it makes us feel that only our health and family is top priority, all the other just not that important. Cherrish every moment currently in life....
  17. 887 is so hard, have to experience all natural and social disasters ....now corona is really a big one
  18. First sight, i thought it was a joke, but it is not.
  19. There is no right or wrong, you could also ask someone screenshot which you obviously did, as this forum is free land to express your opinion based on respecting all the rules and policy here.
  20. Hi mate, that fellow's account is brand new to this forum. Maxzone just expressed/doubted the processing time which is under average, and proprosed to wait and see updated time on DHA website.
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