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Everything posted by Seacity112

  1. Totally agree with you and support what you have raised about. @Maxzone We all are waiting for the updates. We are seriously treating and looking at every post and grant news, as waiting is o painful, just try to collect as much as information to find out how far we have to wait.
  2. Keep your head high and going forward, mate.
  3. Please see above reply email from Kristina Keneally.
  4. Senator.Keneally@aph.gov.au I wrote to her last year and got reply. She might help, but she couldn't change her counterpart Petter Dutton's mind right the moment. Here's the email: Thank you for your email. As I receive a high volume of correspondence and have a small team, we need to prioritise how we respond. Please be assured that all emails are read and feedback is taken into consideration. If you your inquiry relates to Labor Party policy on a particular issue or portfolio, please contact the relevant Shadow Minister, which you can find here. As a Senator for New South Wales, emails from NSW residents will be prioritised. Unfortunately, it’s not always possible to respond quickly. If the matter is urgent, please contact my office on (02) 9891 9139. If you live outside NSW, please contact your local state or territory Senators, or your local federal MP. To find your federal MP, please click here. To find Senators in your state or territory please click here. Views in automatically generated campaign emails will be noted. Again, thank you for taking the time to contact me. Kind regards, Kristina Keneally
  5. Wait, wait, wait.... Look at below news, Home Affairs Minister doesnt like anyone. Home Affairs Minister Peter Dutton has opened the door to introducing new legislation to “rectify” the ramifications of a High Court ruling that Indigenous Australians born overseas could not be deported from Australia.
  6. This is Peter Dutton's style policy. Grants have been under quarantine, wait until 14/15th Feb.
  7. Actually not that much workload for them, they could only use one month's or ten days time to process all of them. We all pay heaps of fees for 489 & 887, they just need to do their job, stop playing games. Now they don't even need to process tourists visa that much due to the virus.
  8. Even long weeked can affect them, so no doubt what reason.
  9. Plus their family members, quite a lot skilled migrants . And also some marrige visas, also those asylum seekers and the whole families....
  10. Subclass 190 is another big stream to share the quota.
  11. Why you second contact 21/10/19 is earlier than the first contact 6/12/19 ?
  12. Will do, thanks mate, Love ya. Hope you and your family enjoy every single moment as we have been waiting for so long.
  13. We don't know from official resources, just keep collecting datas every month from Jan 2019 until Jan 2020. Could be wrong. Wish it's not true.
  14. @Stellajane Hi mate, are you still there? Could i ask where should i update Australian Police Clearance Certificate ( Police station or community JP?), as my agent dose not recommand me to upgrade, but i know from this forum, we should update asap as it has been more than one year.
  15. The quotas within Jan have been used up by the other subclass visas. So we have to wait until Feb.
  16. Sorry to hear that mate, let the emotions out which is good for body. We know the pain, and we are human.
  17. Stay positive or any kind of emotions, that's what we could do. But pretty sure the most recent turn, more than 2,500- 3000 invitations for 189 on 10th Jan.
  18. They always give all the quotas to 189, so there's nearly none for us. On 10th Jan, Jesus, at least 2500-3000 EOI, plus their family members, 5000+. So quiet for us.
  19. Any more grants on Friday? Will the timeframe be updated tomorrow?
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