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Everything posted by Seacity112

  1. If you say this, does it mean you are judgemental as well? Which i have my own opinion on some cases and feel like to speak out my own opinion?
  2. Hi mate, just ignore them, what they did just trying to get some attention to avoid their frustration somewhere. Even screenshot sometimes could be editted by apps, so we keep us eyes open, don't get involved with this game. That's all.
  3. Hi mate, i don't trust either of them. Just someone feels bored, open different accounts to make jokes on us. Oct and Nov, from their posts, i just think they are nonsense here.
  4. Hello, why do you want to keep us happy with this kind of post? I can no doubt you the the same guy with Oct guy. one post and register 5 mins ago.
  5. Congratulations but a bit doubt If this Oct guy joking or not...Sorry, just see this silent follower, only one post and registered 4 hours ago...
  6. @TTTFHi mate, as this processing time has been iconized a political issue, could we just revise the petition letter to David Coleman and advise him : Current immigration policy exposes Peter Dutton and Scott Morison's narrow minded and short-sighted in governing. They say they just want those people have business talents and can make huge achievements to Australia economic!!!!! This stupid thoughts might not work out on any substantial outcomes, probably only end up with nothing but worse situations. Economic is a engineering for every country, the main part of population , or the middle class is the engine of this engineering, to build up and achieve country's economic, never be the extreme tiny part group like business talents...So please being open/welcoming to those like /skilled migrants who would like or have been joining this group , at least we haven shown them our eligibility to live and work here. What else visa can do this like us do ?
  7. What the hell!! We should call and complaint one by one. That's manslaughter!!! Current immigration policy exposes Peter Dutton and Scott Morison's narrow minded and short-sighted in governing. They say they just want those people have business talents and can make huge achievements to Australia economic!!!!! i bet this kind of stupid thoughts would end up with nothing but worse situations. Wait and see. Actually only the main part, the middle class can build up a country's economic, never be the extreme tiny part group.
  8. We are all the ones from suffering this unlimited pains. All the feelings, no matter positive, negative here could be understood. I think we still need to fight like fighters, don't give up, otherwise just keep silently swallowing this evil? Who else knows our situation and comes to help us? No one, only ourselves.
  9. Because behind HAD the boss is Petter Dutton, he doesnt agree.
  10. We should keep on actions. Maybe above is also an good example to speak out our voices. We have done a lot, and they just ignore and seems revenge to increase the time again and again. All i want to throw them just shit.
  11. You have total right express your feeling,mate, frustrated or whatever. Such long processing time, is mentally killing, i agree.
  12. Great data and being in good logic, makes my day!
  13. Hi mate, this is kind of entertainment as few case could be seen granted.
  14. Hi, 887 bridging visa? Does it mean we can apply from the day when Bridging visa comes into effect or the day when apply 887 visa?
  15. Co Regina marked in office today, the next Co is ....?
  16. Any new grants today? Co Wilson, Regina, Grant, Michael, Sophorn pls....
  17. While the migration cap of 160,000 places remains unchanged, there will now be 25,000 regional visas set aside for migrants who agree to work outside the major cities, up from 23,000.2,000 extra skilled visas will be added up this year. Does it mean that 887 would get more benefit from that as this year no 491 visa applicants yet.
  18. @TTTF Thanks mate. Another group email is required? I would to be one of followers if someone is able to organize this group email. I mean, we have seen quote a lot efforts in several rounds, though the rival is quote tough but not always unconquerable, especially politician. Peter Dutton is powerful and primary dicision-maker on visa policy, but right the moment the noisy voice against him within government is getting louder, and he is so notorious among parties.... we can see the light there, so as long we don't give up, keep on some smart actions, to gain what we should get....
  19. Thanks for reply mate. So do i, kind of an active follower and supporter. What i suggest is brewing another petition or revise that old one to ask Peter Dutton to get off! The waiting time is above what a human being can hold.
  20. We should start a petiton to ask Peter Dutton to go, let someone who is really capable to deal with issues between immigration and economics to get in.
  21. Hi mate, pls prepare a poem for your grants, as it's Aug's .
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