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  1. I think you are starting off on the wrong foot, looking for benefits before even landing that is. Job market is tough here in Adelaide, if I were in your shoes, I'd plan for the worst and hope for the best. Good luck!
  2. Tarek


    I thought I was the only one, we usually get electricity bill around $450, give or take, this quarter it was $780! Also the gas bill was much higher than usual, but I know that my kids were running the heater a lot of the time, I thought that the gate was locked and it was an estimate meter reading, but it was actual, so I called AGL and apparently, as they claim, total usage was higher and peak usage was higher, so I went up to the next tier and the calculation formula changed. I'm still trying to figure it out as our daily routine didn't change and even the pool pump runs less hours in winter and only off peak!
  3. Well done indeed. I have tried to quit SEVERAL times, but to no avail
  4. Sorry to say so, but 100 MS admin job applicants is not as specialized as project manager applicants, I have been told by my agent recruiting for a Griffith university project manager role that 128 qualified PMs applied for this position, but what they expected is something near 16. This can tell you that we are in recession already
  5. Please check Tamara's web site, we rented one of her houses and it was beyond our expectations of a short term rental, it felt just like home. It would be a great start if you are planning to settle in south.
  6. I used to work as a project manager in business consulting, it turned out that 15 years of overseas experience in two of the big 4 firms is not enough as I have to have an Australian experience which I won't have unless someone hires me here. I tried couple of investments here, but the return on investment is not that great. I won't deny that I'm really happy to move here, but jobs are really scarce and it seems that no one is leaving his job and no more jobs are created anymore.
  7. Being a migrant myself, I do agree, please stop accepting more migrants, I have been not employed since I came here, I have tried so many jobs that are not related to my line of work, but to no avail... I second the motion.
  8. To all of us living down south, I read that in Adelaidenow this morning and it wasn't a surprise for me, many of the other supermarkets have similar issues and even worse, but not yet named and shamed. http://www.adelaidenow.com.au/news/south-australia/foodland-port-noarlunga-south-in-court-over-more-than-50-breaches-of-national-food-standards/story-e6frea83-1226590209825
  9. I totally agree with you. Although I'm neither a guest nor I contribute much to the threads, but I do follow this forum regularly. It's one of the few things that I'm keen to read morning, day and evening times. I do enjoy reading all sort of discussions going on here, but maybe it's some people's nature to read more than they write.
  10. When we validated, we had lots of copies (backups) with us, all went fine.
  11. Congratulations Ali :xmas14:
  12. Nice thread, I'll be looking for a long-term rental as soon as I arrive in July, and some of the posts raise a question here, did you have enough time inspecting the house in the allocated 15 minutes or not? Personally I think it's too difficult to look at every thing in such limited time. Also, what we should be looking at when we are inspecting a house? Edit: How is it possible to know about neighbors, as no matter how good the rental is if you have a bad neighbor.
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