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Everything posted by thearmchairdetective

  1. Merry xmas back at ya troo. Good to see LAzy cow back on here giving you one too.
  2. I can dig where your at man, everyones straw and everyones camel is different. Me, my mum was taken into the RUH hospital in Bath xmas eve and I spent xmas "Dinner" visiting her in the ward. By the time I got home I couldnt face it. So in some respects we are the same, i.e both our dinners went in the bin. Fingers crossed next xmas is better for us both.
  3. I just bought THREE bottles of cheap ale at ASDA in Bristol for £4 (special Offer) A crate holds 12 bottles.! Ive stayed in Adelaide and drunk a lot more for a lot less. Obviously a lot of people do the right thing by joing PIA and asking where to shop . Well done for taking that first step:D Oh, and the weather here in the UK is Pants.
  4. Hi Corwin. You from the Bristol Corwins?
  5. I am envious of your position.
  6. Hehehehehe. But five minutes after a flood in Victoria it will be sunny, or windy, or or or:biglaugh: However I am reliably informed tht Adelaide is consistantly the hottest pace in Australia with 40 degree heat being normal. How I wish I was there!!!
  7. You looked faced maqte. CAn;t tell which one though:biglaugh:
  8. Did the OP ever visit again or get in touch wit any of the respondee's?
  9. Well mypost was admitted, but edited:biglaugh: Employers post seems to have disappeared.
  10. With luck, something along the lines of "Maybe the subjects of this article should be grateful that they have jobs. I also think that maybe "Employer" would benefit from going back to school ! " Might just appear as the next comment:) Oh, and Martin I don't think your too qualified at the moment:biglaugh:
  11. I'm going to have to be pedantic here:) NO, they said last couple of years, which in TV terms means you might just be considered as a benchmark business.
  12. You shouldn't really be deciding if you qualify or not, you have to be in it to win it so put your business forward:)
  13. Wow, that sounds brilliant Nikki, What did you do over in the UK, did you go over on a business visa or start fresh?
  14. What a fantastic idea. I bet you get everything you need right here on Poms In Adelaide without going to any other forum. I look forward to reading who the OP chooses, when the progmame air's and on what channel. I hope it's a whole load of businesses started by people on Poms in Adelaide, what a fantastic boost for the forum from the makers.
  15. Great post, thanks for sharing an d please continue to do so. As an observation, I lost my dad in 1982 and I still think of him at least once a week, you just get to live with it and as time passes it will get less raw I promise.
  16. Hi Nicola, slightly off topic to your thread but is this swopping visa's what you hope to do or is it something that you have been told you can do please?
  17. Congrats to you, lok forward to load of BBQ pictures:)
  18. A tad late from me but well done you.
  19. I think your story would be great to read, how many hoops did you have to go through to get a 405 visa, was the english speaking thing a money earner as I thought you had to be able to speak english to get into australia. I would not agree that the UK is the most beautiful pace in the world, I have been to far far better places but I cannot disagree with your comments on the services UK citizens don't have to pay for....at the moment! Good luck with your plans and make sure you keep us up to date with them.
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