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Everything posted by thearmchairdetective

  1. Ah, but to be sure, it's the thought that counts.
  2. Hello Darling. I always look for you on here but you too appear to be a casual user :-) So glad there are three sides to a story at your end, It's good to know your police know that Road Traffic Offence's are criminal acts contrary to your law.
  3. Caption: Tyke always needs a shave after a hard nite on the tiles!
  4. Actually, Tyketta is Yorkshire for a Tyke Chave, just like Wayne and Waynetta from Down South :-)
  5. To be fair, a little humour isn't indicative of disrespect. Royd has a point, there ARE always two sides to a story just as people have different opinions and different ways of making a point, as I am sure you would agree?
  6. Excellent, but leave some for the others :-)
  7. MAke sure you have a job to come back to here in the UK before you burn any bridges. Good Luck.
  8. I have pics, you have cash! How much Cash?
  9. Good info Tyke, were you wearing yer Chaps? :-)
  10. I have been to SA and specifically Adelaide for a Holiday. Me and the Mrs absolutely love the place.
  11. Ah, That'ss le all the KAth and Kin reruns on the tube :-)
  12. Wanna but some feelthy peechas as well sucker :-)
  13. I feel sure that the Tax man gets info from Boat seller companies re the price they sell a boat at. As fer tyke, He has a huge boat with twin Methaine driven motors, he eats a LOT of beans :-)
  14. Enjoy yourself down ther , you lucky thing.
  15. Good Luck. Keep coming back. If you see Tyke, buy him a Huge Beer from me will ya?
  16. Ah, but its somewhere I have been, will go again and its so lovely:jiggy:
  17. Look what my mate from Brisbane sent me :-) What a cracker. HAve you a better one?
  18. Yep, should have looked through the rain to see what month it was over here, that would have reminded me:biglaugh:
  19. And to your good lady wife buddy
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