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Everything posted by likesshopping

  1. Hi Simon Yes, apologies for delay, have had a hectic weekend folllowed by busy work days - but have replied to your email. Thanks Sarah
  2. likesshopping


    Its blumming cold this morning! Just come back from a very comfortable 20 degrees from Brissy - it was sunny, so felt very warm - people in the water in Southbank beach ! Freezing here :-(
  3. Just come back from Brisbane where my hubby and I went to see The Lions play their first test against the Wallabies . My husband is welsh (from Cardiff) and is a massive rugby fab - so he was overjoyed that we managed to get tickets to see them play - and with 8 welsh players too!! We arrived in Brisbane on a cold and wet friday morning and spent the day around a couple of the Art galleries - the Modern Art gallery was my favourite and most of the artist there were australia - it was a lovely way to spend a day. Saturday morning the sun was shining - brightly! and totally blue skies with not a cloud in sight. We put on our red shirts and walked into the city - there were red shirts everywhere and there a was a buzz of excitement in the air. We met up with some friends from Adelaide and had a great lunch at the Brissy Surf club! My hubby bumped into an old friend from Cardiff who was over here for the Lions tour, so that was a nice surprise A few more drinks then onto the Caxton where the atmosphere was electric! then into the Suncorp stadium - totally amazing atmosphere - we had seats behind the posts and were sat amongst some Wallabie supporters, who were really friendly and we had a great laugh with them. Lots of singing and shouting - it was a agreat game to watch and then that final kick!! A fabulous experience - it was so nice to chat to other fans who had saved up just to come to Australia to watch the Lions, everyone was such in great spirits - just awesome! Hubby off to see the next one in Melbourne, lets hope its a just as good game! Anyone else go ? Sarahx
  4. Hi Congratulations on getting your visa - it was long time ago since we got ours, so I cant help you with your question - however, what I can tell you is that its winter here and its been a beautiful day - blue sky, sun shining and my hubby and I have just come back from a beach walk - that it what makes living here fab..... Enjoy your next part of your journey to get here - and enjoy your visa celebrations!! Sarahx
  5. We saw 3 whales in Basham beach last weekend - fantastic to see - totally mesmerising!
  6. Hi Ellie Ive just seen your messages and have replied to you on email. :-)) Sarah
  7. HI Sarah Welcome to PIA, as previous poster says..weather is alot better here ( although a bit cold at the moment - only 14 degreess eeek!) Your girls are perfect ages to arrive - its lovely here and my two daughters have blossommed since arriving 6 years ago. Good luck with the rest of your visa process Sarahxx
  8. Hi there Yes, a friend of ours bought a house about 1000sqm block and her parents built their house in her garden - its a lovely 2 bed - open plan kitchen/living/dining and shower room - the only room they were not allowed is a laundry ( as Tamara has also said). T It has worked out very well for my friend and she loves having her parents on hand to help with childcare. Good luck Sarahx
  9. Hi Have you checked out stayz? http://www.stayz.com.au/ or even http://www.adelaideshorttermrentals.com Sarahx
  10. Hi In my opinion, Adelaide is a perfect family place to live - lovely beaches, Hill, Wineries, lots of play areas with public bbqs. Ive been to Perth and Brisbane and believe each place has something great to offer - but as a previous poster said - its what you make of it! We've been here for 6 years and love it ! Sarahx
  11. Hi Adlyn I would say the primary schools here are very laid back with their uniform. My daughters went to 3 different state primary schools here and were allowed to wear any trainers, blue tops etc. They are now at a private high school which is much more strict on uniforms... Hope this helps Sarahx
  12. hey, I bought a house that I hadnt seen in an area I hadnt been to before we came - and it all worked out good. Sometimes, calculated risks pay off! Check out Southern Suburbs as well - all are very family friendly, next to the coast and housing is less expensive. Yes, there is a commute to the city (and it will be even easier once the train line is re-opened later in the year) My husband commutes into the city everyday. Will only take 30 min on the express train. Check out realestate.com and see what your money can buy in different areas. We like MOana, Port Noarlunga, Seaford, Seaford Rise, Port Noarlunga South.....amongst others. Good luck with the rest of your journey Sarahx
  13. likesshopping


    Hi there I agree with everything Snifter has said - its a beautiful place to live and fab for families, we came over when our two daughters were 7 & 10, but would have loved to have moved over sooner when they were younger - your girls are perfect ages. My husband works in IT ( IT Project Management) and finding him a job in Adelaide was the thing we were most worried about - There is defo alot more in Melbourne & Sydney. It took my husband about 10 weeks to find something and that was with him going into the city everyday and speaking with recruitment agencies - but then landed a good job in Microsoft......Its definitely a place of who you know, not what you know here, so networking is good. He has since moved jobs a few times and he has never been out of work ( in 6 years ) and pay has increased as well - so there are jobs here, just may take a bit longer to place - once you get your foot in and name know within the IT people, things are fine. Hope thats helped a bit.
  14. Kmart, Target and Big W are good places to start for essentials - they are all abit like Asda without the food - so lots of homewares (inc car seats and baby things) and stuff Good luck with everything Sarahx
  15. Its defo time for those flannelette bed sheets and pjs!!! Our home is lovely and cool during the summer - but it sure does feel chilly when is cooler outside!
  16. Hi Gus Nice to hear your reviews, you had awesome weather whilst you were here - which makes all the difference too. Sounds like you did all the great family things and paved the way for when you finally migrate. Glad you loved the South - we do too! Sarahx
  17. Hi Huggesy I felt exactly the same as you just before flying out - I never had one jitter, or even one thought that it was a huge thing that we were doing....I felt like you, that it was the right thing to do and I just couldnt wait to get here. I didnt even feel like crying when we left, and I felt a bit alwful that many of my friends/family were upset - but all I felt was cheer elation that we were migtrating! (not because I didnt enjoy living in the UK, because I did - it was the fact that I wanted to live in Australia more). Gotta rememeber that everyone is different and feels differently about migrating - just dont worry - its normal to feel like you do. I also knew that I was gonna love it and almost 6 years on I feel exactly the same - I have never looked back. Enjoy your last week in the UK.. Sarahxxx
  18. Hi Guys Another good place to check out short term rentals is - http://www.adelaideshorttermrentals.com.au Good luck with your plans Sarahx
  19. Hi Grant Milne was based on Main South road, but that was a couple of years ago now - if you call their head office they will give you his number - he was really good and came to our house too - which made it easier when you have younger kids in tow! Yes, we did quite a few upgrades - all of which I am very pleased about. Sarahx
  20. Nicely put and great advice Sharon xx
  21. Hi Mark Check out the 'accommodation only'. We may be able to help you - I have sent you a pm Sarahx
  22. Hi Guys Also check out www.adelaideshorttermrentals.com.au. Also, when contacting rentals, let them know your budget as many will have cheaper winter rates. Hope you find something Sarahx
  23. oopps! sorry, just read the bit about State only......
  24. Hi Also take a look at Cardijn Catholic and Tatachilla Lutheran College...both fee paying high schools. Mine go to Tatachilla, which Im really pleased with and I have many friends whose kids go to Cardijn (more sporty,) who are also say good things about. Sarahx
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