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Starting the long process!


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Hi all,


I am about to sit my IELTS exam so I can get my skills assessed and then submit an EOI. I am a registered mental health nurse and non medical prescriber. I have a husband and 2 little girls and really think Adelaide sounds a great place for children. We are coming out in March 2015 for a holiday/ reccie and I hope to be in a position to have the EOI in even if there are no offers for me to apply for a visa by then! It's all rather daunting but very exciting as well. Mental health nursing in the UK is becoming a bit untenable but I have no idea about doing this in Adelaide. I figure it isn't going to be the same, whether that's better or worse I have no idea! Being able to enjoy some sunshine with my kids and do lots of outdoor stuff will make up for any job dissatisfaction. Any one got any advice for us or things to definitely check out in March we would love to hear from you. It's a bit like jumping off a cliff and hoping there's a massive pile of marshmallow at the bottom! Yum! :jiggy:

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Visas are the bit where I get a little confused. I've done quite a lot of research since 2008 and I've narrowed it down to either a 187, 189 or 190 but I don't know, it depends after the EOI I suppose and whether I get sponsored or go it alone! It sounds like you guys are quite close to going. Must be a great feeling and maybe a bit scary all at the same time! I try not to overthink it but being a nurse I tend to overthink everything and be super organised. I also like to be in control and know what's going on.... I can feel a stressful couple of years coming!

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Hello and welcome. Exciting but sometimes stressful times ahead when making plans to migrate. March is a lovely time of year to visit (is it over Easter perchance? if so book early for a place to stay as they will book out well in advance usually). We had a fab holiday here over an Easter a few years ago, BIL got married, weather was fab, had a mini break down to Victor Harbor for a few days.


How old are your kids? What are their interests (if they are old enough to really have them). What are your own? I find Adelaide can offer plenty to do, perhaps not so much to see as once you leave the area its a whole heap of space till the next town/city. Having said that, there is still stuff to see, just be aware that unlike the UK where a 2 hour drive will take you to a totally different area, with heaps to potentially see/do and another hour will change that again iykwim. Here there isn't that in quite the same way. Its adjusting your mind to it and adapting to the vastness of the country and the fact that Adelaide takes up a very small portion of it and in some ways is quite a remote area. Its a 5 hour drive or thereabouts to Mount Gambier (population 25,000 or so) which is the second most populous city in SA I am told, lovely town by my UK standards :cute: and 5 hours or so from there on to Melbourne.


Have a dig around with the forum search re mental health nursing here in Adelaide and see if you can turn anything recent up for tips and pointers :) I am sure I've seen it discussed on here in recent times :smile:

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Thanks Snifter. We have got a week in a caravan park booked in west beach when we come over and have been very lucky that an old friend from uni went and married a fella from Adelaide so they are kindly putting us up in Glenelg for the remainder! My girls are 4 (just!) and 10 months old so they are still quite young. My 4 year old loves anything that involves being active! As a family we tend to like walking and exploring but don't get to do this quite as often as we like due to the weather. We are looking for a less populated life and more open space. I've lived in many places over the years, including London for 6 years so although busyness and long long commuting are something I have been used to, we now live semi rural in Norfolk but can reach Norwich in under 30mins (which is a lovely and not too busy city) and have dreams of living up in the hills. Adelaide just seems to fit our wish list well! They are currently actively recruiting for people like me to western oz but we can't bring ourselves to apply as we are totally stuck on SA, despite never having been!


thanks for the advice, will have a good nosey round some threads.

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Oh yes it is getting a bit scary!! but exciting at the same time, but overall its what we have been waiting for. I completely understand how you feel!! (I am also one to be in control!! ha ha ) so its hard to sit back and go with the flow, but it is forced upon you, so stepping back and letting things happen in there own time is sometimes the most stress free option, I must admit this whole process has made me a tad more chilled!! I will be pleased when we know our visa is in place as I can then get more organised and put the wheels in motion, don't get me wrong I know it will become stressful at times but at the min im in limbo! I also have a 4 year old, and I have an 11 year old and like you SA seems to tick all the boxes. We live in Cumbria so are use to a less populated area, although my husband is from preston. SA just seems to fit in with what we are looking for in life and also like you we have never been, in our eyes if you never try it you will never know! I think keeping realistic expectations is key to the move, will look forward to hearing you progress.........:cute:

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Thanks Snifter. We have got a week in a caravan park booked in west beach when we come over and have been very lucky that an old friend from uni went and married a fella from Adelaide so they are kindly putting us up in Glenelg for the remainder! My girls are 4 (just!) and 10 months old so they are still quite young. My 4 year old loves anything that involves being active! As a family we tend to like walking and exploring but don't get to do this quite as often as we like due to the weather. We are looking for a less populated life and more open space. I've lived in many places over the years, including London for 6 years so although busyness and long long commuting are something I have been used to, we now live semi rural in Norfolk but can reach Norwich in under 30mins (which is a lovely and not too busy city) and have dreams of living up in the hills. Adelaide just seems to fit our wish list well! They are currently actively recruiting for people like me to western oz but we can't bring ourselves to apply as we are totally stuck on SA, despite never having been!


thanks for the advice, will have a good nosey round some threads.


You can but give it a go. I think somewhere up in the hills you could find something that suits you guys. Its definately less populated as soon as you leave the city and its suburbs and the greater metropolitan area. 5 minutes from our door is like being in another world. I love it.


Work wise, research and hopefully it will be good news.

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