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Everything posted by Becks22

  1. Becks22


    Hi Kent we moved in to long term rent after 4 weeks initially staying at one of Tamaras properties to give us time to search for something. We had no UK rental history and although we used a local friend as a reference, they actually never contacted her! We rent through Harcourts and we just wrote a supporting statement regarding us and our finances. Seemed to do the trick!
  2. We haven't been here long but every day we see the ocean, and every day it takes our breath away for different reasons. We are surrounded by wildlife. Lots of people have been super nice and accommodating. The other day, my hubby was fortunate enough to win a free ticket to his first ever crows game (they lost but hey!) which meant he could get on the train for half an hour in to the city for free and back again at the end of the evening. This would never happen in England!! When we want to go shopping, to the beach, to anywhere really, parking is free. 37 years in the UK but feel more settled here in two months than most of those 37 years. Rose tinted glasses are a dangerous thing and there is plenty that is not good as well as England. The other good thing is we have found some real bargains on things, it pays to shop around herery much, plus thanks to a promo, we found ourselves the proud owner of 48 bottles of good wine for free cant be bad!!
  3. We don't arrive until July, but our plan is to go round the agents offices in the areas we like, as I think they must get lots of time wasters emailing, but actually going in and meeting them and discussing your requirements might open more doors. We could be terribly wrong in our approach but face to face is usually best from past experiences of estate agents!
  4. Hi all, the packers are coming on Wednesday to pack our life up and take it away to ship next week! The anxiety levels are pretty high, still chucking the jeyes fluid around etc!! Then we live out of a suitcase for four and a bit weeks before flying out on 2nd July. So assuming it takes a few weeks until we get settled in to a permanent rental, and have sorted out everything we need for our new lives.....does it all settle down after that?! Up until 2 weeks ago I was all chilled and in control, now I struggle to process any thoughts at all! I'm thinking/ hoping that maybe 2 months after arrival life might be a bit calmer? I know it will all be worth it, but I wish I was rich and could have a planner to sort our lives out would love to hear from anyone who is still settling! Although you have been there for a year and not yet settled, don't comment!
  5. I used to live in London. I lived about 3 miles (if that) from my work but the drive would take up to an hour in rush hour traffic. I now live in Norfolk, and have no local buses, trains or tubes! What are these people on about?! We were amazed when we were on our reccie in Adelaide that you could travel on the tram for free in certain locations and the system was really easy to navigate for both buses and trams. We were also amazed by how many dual carriage ways there were on so many roads. Any one who wants to emigrate to sit in a pub after work deserves to go home!!
  6. Thanks Tamara! I could have just emailed you in hindsight!
  7. Becks22

    The Lake

    Wow! That is beautiful!
  8. Hi we are coming over for good in July and plan to rent initially. However, we have sold our UK house (complete next week) so will have funds for when the time is right to buy a property. I've noticed a lot of people post their lease breaks. Is that because it is silly expensive to break a lease over there? I know it can cost here in the Uk but I dont think its huge sums of money, I could be wrong having not rented for over 12 years! Just trying to think about what to do with our money and whether getting a 12 month rental is signing our life away when it is possible after 6-8months we will be ready for our own home? Thanks in advance for any rental advice!
  9. I expect its like most recessions. Some people will really struggle and notice it, others either don't notice it or will even benefit from it in some way (our uk mortgage dropped by 4% overnight which was a huge help). The best thing to do is to plan for the possibility that you wont have work for the first few months, and then if you do you will have some extra savings for other things. We are coming over in July. I don't yet have work, but I'm a nurse so we have got savings to cover us for a while if need be, but people always need care so bound to find something at some point if I still don't have a job lined up when we arrive. We personally didn't find the uk recession had much impact on us, but I did see the effect it had on so many others.
  10. We have plenty of winter things to bring, thanks to a very chilly spring so far!! Good news is we got our visa grant this morning so now we definitely know what to pack. I wouldn't fancy clothes shopping on arrival. I can think of a million other things to do especially when we have so much to sort out! Plus we have had the winter sales here so all jumpered up on the cheap!
  11. Hi all, we are hoping to arrive early July, but we are packing up our house at the end of May and living out of suitcases at my parents for June. As a result, we will have to make sure we have summer and winter clothes in the optomistic hope that June in England is warm. How cold is July/ August in Adelaide? Are we talking jumpers and a jacket or full on English winter coats needed? I've looked at the average temperatures from previous years but, for example, its apparently only 15 degrees here today but its quite muggy and I'm rather warm! Not shorts warm but still, wouldn't want much more than a thin jacket, but if the wind was icy, I would! Any advice would help with our packing. We should have a 40kg limit each (4 of us) but I imagine that when you emigrate, this seems like no where near enough compared to a holiday so want to pack as wise as possible! thanks
  12. Becks22

    Count Down

    Good luck with it all! I'm hoping thats us in a couple of months. I'd like to say minus the rain but it is the UK!
  13. There are quite a few steps to take for a 189. Have you had a positive skills assessment, or is that what the ADC do? I'm a nurse and I had to apply to have my skills assessed by AHPRA in order to be eligible for registration, and another assessment by ANMAC in order to have a positive skills assessment solely for the visa. How many points do you estimate you would have for the 189? Waiting for our visa now so have done most of the steps already, but its a mine field! Are you emigrating alone or with partner/ children etc? You may get more answers from poms in oz site as I think I have seen a few dentists on there who would have been through it all.
  14. 189 isn't a sponsorship visa, its a skilled independent visa, so you do it based on your skills etc. You could turn up in Oz on a 189 and do nothing for the rest of your life (if you were super rich!). Is there a reason you want sponsorship or can you go as an independent visa case and just get a job nearer the time?
  15. I can't wait for our visa to be granted for exactly these sorts of things! Looks great!
  16. Thanks for the advice everyone, I will have a look at the mentioned banks and see what looks best to do from the UK. Sounds like you all had a nice straight forward process which is reassuring!
  17. Hi all, we are starting to look in to setting up a bank account before we come over, hopefully in July. I currently bank with HSBC in the uk and they are charging us £50 if we decide to get them to set us up. However, I can only see one branch of HSBC in Adelaide, which as we don't plan to live in the CBD means we wouldn't have a local bank. Not sure I like that idea! Any one got any experiences with the Australian bank chains so we can try and narrow down a couple to explore further? I assume it is worth doing before you arrive rather than waiting until we are settled?
  18. Exciting news! We are hoping to be there in July too! We still need our visa but seem to be on track to get it by our hopeful move date. Good luck with everything, theres a lot to take in isn't there but it's all good fun!
  19. our friends took us to Mclarenvale, it was beautiful, although the wine also helped that experience . I have had a look at some properties on line around Mclarenvale and they seem nice too. It's hard to plan ahead when you aren't there yet (although I am in my mind!) as we have to balance what we want with the needs of our two young girls. They both love wildlife though so as lovely as the beaches are, i'm hoping they can be persuaded that the hills are the way to go! Mind you, I actually have to get a job first which will no doubt affect where we end up in the end so mostly I'm dreaming at the moment, but south ish is definitely wheere we want to be!
  20. I did both at the same time, and amazingly got them both back granted on the same day! I did a full ANMAC assessment as I was keen to get on to apply for the visa without a delay (I had visions of waiting 12 months for AHPRA). I'm not sure what the cost difference is between full and modified, depends whether the cost is worth the wait. we are hoping to go out early July. My EOI went in this week so still need to do the visa part, but I am literally hyperventilating at the prospect of having to wait until July! Would go tomorrow if we could! We have just put our house on the market. We had sold it last year with a view to moving in to rented but our buyers it turned out didn't have any money so it fell through at the end of 2015. Luckily so far the market seems quite busy and we have turned down 3 offers so far with lots more interest being generated too! Good luck with your applications, I genuinely found it very stress free and easy! I may be the only person in the world to be in that positn so far from what I've heard
  21. Do you know what kind of visa you want to go for eg temporary or permanent residency? This will affect some of the cost. I'm a nurse going through it all now, just got the visa left to get. Sadly off the top of my head I genuinely don't know how much I've spent so far. The prices for ANMAC and AHPRA are on their sites, plus there are visa costs, 2 lots of police checks, medicals, getting things notarised, NMC letter of good standing, transcripts, IELTS etc. It soon adds up, and thats before you even get to the point of being able to go. What I would say is that it is not worth applying for your registration until you are much nearer, as once you get your letter of eligibility, you have a maximum of 12months to turn up and register, otherwise you have to start again. I also think getting 12months min post grad expeirence is a must as I believe there is a problem in Adelaide currently with a glut of newly qualifieds without jobs as they have to do 12months preceptorship type programme for which there are limited places. I've been reliably told that sponsorship for overseas nurses at the moment is no longer an option due to the amount of home grown nurses unemployed (newly q's) so if you want PR it may be worth looking at how many visa points you would be eligible for as this may well be your better route. Feel free to ask any other questions!
  22. Thanks everyone, really helpful! Sounds like the possibility of living where we want v a good job could work out!
  23. Can any one help? We are hopefully heading out for our new life at the star of July and would love to live either near the Stirling type area or around belair/ blackwood. My wish was to hopefully get a job at Flinders hospital but a job has come up at Noarlunga which would fit the bill (assuming I got it). Does anyone have any advice what the commute would be like day to day? Even though I've been to all these places I just can't picture whether it's really far or not! I live in rural Norfolk now so i'm used to sitting in a car to get anywhere! Thanks in advance.
  24. I didn't hear anything from AHPRA either so I e-mailed them after about 3 weeks I think just to check, although they had taken the money so I did know it was at least with them. I had a reply from the case officer the next day which is when I was informed some bits had yet to turn up. My case officer always replied the next day to questions and they were flexible about the institutions etc e-mailing the missing bits (although nmc sent hard copy). I told my case officer how wonderful he was, not sure if this helped them to speed it along or not! Good luck in your journey too kyliedonut! I hope they are good to you too!
  25. Hi, I'm posting this mainly for any nurses out there who are thinking of making the move who are put off by all the bad reports of nightmares with qualifications and getting assessed in Oz. I applied to AHPRA mid Nov 2015. I had heard of and met several people who were having AHPRA provlems in particular. I personally met two people who had been waiting around a year for a decision by AHPRA as overseas applicants. I applied to ANMAC end of November 2015. I had my application for both AHPRA and ANMAC granted today after both being submitted November time. I had delays in both applications as certain things hadn't been received from the UK from other parties such as IELTS, uni, and NMC. Once everything was correct, both were processed within 6 weeks! Bearing in mind xmas was in between I think this is great!! If there are any words of wisdom I can impart to you it is to plan ahead! I made sure EVERYTHING was done before my applications went off. Although a few things hadn't been received, this was a case of contactng parties to re-send rather than start a request. Apart from the NMC, everyone sorted their parts within 24hours! The NMC resent within 16 days. Both of the people I knew either didn't have degree's and needed to be further decided on, or didn't have paperwork in order, bit missing etc, which all took ags to sort. One of them got turned down eventually, which as they were already in Adelaide was a massive blow. I am a diploma qualified RMN, but I also have a BSc nurse practitioner so without this I could not have registered. If you want to go, you MUST be degree trained, whether that's primary or post qualification. I spent ages hunting for info, and couldn't find anything positive, just moaning about how rubbish AHPRA is, so I hope this post helps even one nurse make the move by planning ahead, then my work is done! We also now need to try and get my AP trained hubby through AHPRA as an enrolled nurse..... Now I just need the actual visa and me and my family can enjoy our new life very soon Good luck to amyone starting their exciting journey!
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