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Current Job Market in Adelaide...Pls give some advise...

Guest Satheesh

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Guest Satheesh

Hi Friends,


My PR has been approved and planning to migrate to Adelaide in January,2015.Migrating to Adelaide with family including 2 small kids is a quite tough decision .How is the current Job market in Adelaide ? Is it very tough to get job in engineering field ?

I have 8 years of engineering experience in Singapore .

It would be a great help if some one can give some tips to find some jobs..



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If I could give one piece of advice it would be don't move in January! We did it and found it wasn't our wisest decision. It's peak holiday season so mega expensive, summer school holidays so companies tend to be running on less staff. I'd wait until early February.


Can't help on job search, but good luck.

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There's quite a big article in todays newspaper (Advertiser) about the impact that the closure of Holden will have on local business' in the north. It will affect all suppliers throughout Adelaide.

The solar industry is experiencing difficulties. There's quite a complicated formula for feed in tariffs depending upon when the system was installed. The earlier the installation the higher the tariff...but the subscription rate from consumers took them by surprise and the number of people who installed solar power was more than they budgeted for. The subsidies have been reduced and many companies folded. Sorry to be so negative but it's the truth.

I hope that you walk into an engineering job but please be prepared to take any alternate job in the meantime. If you have the mindset that it may take some time, and you don't mind an interim job, you will fare much better than getting depressed by not walking into your field of employment.

Maybe someone in your field can offer some help or advice?

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I work for an engineering consultancy with offices in all the major cities, the market is tough we have halved our staff in our Adelaide office and down to around 100. I can send you a list of a few local companies if you are interested. Below is a link to some market analysis




best of luck.

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I am in roughly the same boat although I will be moving over in Feb 15 & am more Renewables / Mechanical based.


I worked in 2008 as part of a WHV and found you could take CVs (resumes!) to companies but I didnt get anywhere through that route. Registered with a couple of agencies (Hays etc) and eventually found a job after a few months that way.


Can you send me a copy of the list too LouiseEP? Every little helps!

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