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Arrival planned for June 2015

Amit Malhotra

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I'm getting really nervous & keep reading forums & having a panic attack when l read negative comments lol. Just want a date in my head so we know.....hopefully round about the same time as u guys. When is ur house getting packed?


Try not to focus on the negatives too much. Easier said than done I know. Of course there are or will be some but every persons experience is different and for all the negatives you may read, there are positive stories also. Perhaps not posted about so much as people are off living their lives. I fall into the latter camp but do try to post updates now and again as to how things are going :smile: Also I've met a few more recent migrants who also fall into the success story camp who have never even posted on a forum so their stories go untold. Sure for some it can be hard to secure a job or a home but keeping a positive attitude to it can make a big difference in how you cope send adapt, especially in those early weeks and months. No one can know how it will go for you or any migrant. Migrating, even with the best research is a big leap into the unknown in many ways. Until you do it, you just can't know. Scary part of it but it's got to be done to find out. Bit of a big thing I realise but stay focused on your plans is the best advice I can offer :wubclub:

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Snifter exactly what lve been telling myself people r quick to post negatives but if they're out there living the good life don't tend to post about it xx


Quite often true from what I see. I've met a few migrants who never use forums or communities and who are doing just fine. Found jobs, bought a house, kids settled well. Of course for some finding work is hard, or homesickness kicks in. I do think often homesickness can get worse or start if things like a job or long term rental don't fall into place as quickly as was hoped or planned on. Then it can kick start doubts and worries. Be prepared for all eventualities, worse case scenarios. And that even if it's going well with work and home, homesickness can happen.


For us it's all good 15 months on. We bought our house 7 in, hubby has changed jobs and is very happy as still working from home and has time for his beloved cycling and racing. I'm content, work part time, all well with kid at school where has made lots of friends. I've made new friends, a few Aussies, a couple of ex pats (mainly via life outside of this forum). Joined a book club which has been nice. All Aussies apart from me and I've been made very welcome.


We have a good social life, do lots outdoors (although not on 35C plus days ;) ) and are better off here in terms of finances and personal life. We've found a good balance.

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Snifter ur post makes me feel tons better thank you. Is part time work available? I've worked as a civil servant for a good number of years so have good office skills but took my redundancy last year & am now working in Costa to add to my skills. Husband already has a job in place x


Can't really say as I didn't really go looking for my job, they asked me. I work down in Port Adelaide so its a fair commute but as its only part time and a long day/days when I do go, its fine. I'd not want to drive it 5 days a week. I work to give us the extra money for treats and social stuff. I don't plan to work full time anytime soon as son is still quite young and I don't wish to put him into OSCH or vacation care during school holidays. Like to be around for him.


I've not actually job hunted as in replying to ads or listings etc. No experience of that. I guess it comes down to how persistent you are and what you are happy to turn your hand to, and also a bit of luck and perhaps knowing someone to give you an in with the position. There are plenty of casual part time jobs around but lots of people to fill them. Be prepared for it to take a while or require a total rethink if you can't secure work. If your hubby has a job in place that is a good thing as it means pressure is off to begin with. Volunteering might be good to begin with, it gets you meeting people, perhaps who can give you a bit of word of mouth for things going on or recommended you to someone they know etc.

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Hi Karen and alex,


Sean keeps reading the forums and panicking about work, he is an electrician! It's a massive move and a big gamble ! Selling the house leaving everything, but life is for adventure. it takes guts to pack up and leave a comfortable life ! we are all doing this yeh!!! we don't know what's in store and that is scary and exciting !,,, x

we are packing up in a few weeks and arrive in Adelaide on the 13 th of march, I can say that now I booked the flights last night!

I was having a massive panic on Monday but I've sorted lots out this week and I feel better . Airbnb is a fab web site to find temp accomidation on. Hope your visa comes soon and you can start booking all your bits x x

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Hi Sam , yeh I'm a bit calmer now I've sorted out some big bits in the last couple of days and I think I needed to realise that this is happening! The visa takes so long you say you going but you don't want to think to far ahead in case it doesn't happen! But this is happening ! Yeh x x. We are stopping in Vietnam for 4/5 weeks on our way out. we are leaving U.K. on the 9 th February and arrive Adelaide 13th march x x How is everything for you guys x x

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Hi Sam , yeh I'm a bit calmer now I've sorted out some big bits in the last couple of days and I think I needed to realise that this is happening! The visa takes so long you say you going but you don't want to think to far ahead in case it doesn't happen! But this is happening ! Yeh x x. We are stopping in Vietnam for 4/5 weeks on our way out. we are leaving U.K. on the 9 th February and arrive Adelaide 13th march x x How is everything for you guys x x


Oh I definetly understand what you mean, it was such a relief to finally book the tickets, we are off to Darwin for a week, we arrive in Adelaide on 21st of March, do you have a rental sorted? So much to do......oh Vietnam!! Enjoy.

craig is a joiner without a job lined up so we know how you feel xx

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So can you get Medicare before you arrive? X


Medicare will have to wait till you are here. Pick a small office I suggest or go to a main one on a Saturday morning when the Centrelink side is closed and its only Medicare being dealt with.


You'll need passports, visa grant letter (with full heading etc and CO name) and a few other things to prove ID. We got it sorted after we had picked up our bank cards, so had passport and bank cards as ID.

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Lorraine, luckily Alex has work set up but we still have panic attacks about silly things. Cant wait to have our visa so l can book the stuff we need. Alex works away from home as well so it can be doubly stressful trying to sort it out inbetween all the things that need to be dine. But hey ho we'll get there & lm sure it'll b worth it

Keep telling my girls we'll be going on an adventure + life is for living so if u can make s dream reality then go for it xx

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