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Do Aussie secretly hate English people?

Guest Stoked

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Agree, I lived in Dubai 10 years ago and the worst people were the long term UK ex-pats, the locals and other nationalities were far friendlier and open minded. In the UK there are still the same issues as mentioned in the original post, growing up in Cornwall I knew people who "hated" grockels and emits (anyone from north of the Devon border). You get small mindedness everywhere, just choose not to associate with these people, its just their own fear & ignorance that is limiting their lives not yours.


Having said all that I often remind my employers, who are Wogs, that's they need Poms like me for their far superior brains and work ethic!:biggrin: My best tip to break down barriers is to remind everyone here that we all share the same Queen, has always helped me start a conversation with an unfriendly native!

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Guest Claire-n-tel
i find Australians to be a bit like dysfunctional children. They make no sense whatsoever! seem to care about nothing and nobody, apart from getting pissed and taking drugs. They are Morally corrupt and i have no Integrity!


TBH I would be discriminating against you as well with that attitude....


Do you not realise how your post comes across starting by saying all Australians discriminate against you and finish by making a very discriminative comment about all Australians!

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Guest Claire-n-tel
i find Australians to be a bit like dysfunctional children. They make no sense whatsoever! seem to care about nothing and nobody, apart from getting pissed and taking drugs. They are Morally corrupt and i have no Integrity!


It seems a bit rich to make that statement when you first post was in answer to someone worried about police checks and to answered them with the following


Nothing to worry about had GBH from twenty years previous and had no affect on the application process, hope that puts your mind at ease as i was worried i would be knocked back for it


:chatterbox: I know who I would rather be around!

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Guest Mrs Bon Jovi
I have been here ten years now,and always feel that i have been discriminated against in the work place. If there is an Aussie after the same job they get it. We are so culturally different, i find Australians to be a bit like dysfunctional children. They make no sense whatsoever! seem to care about nothing and nobody, apart from getting pissed and taking drugs. They are Morally corrupt and i have no Integrity!

I don't agree with the first part of that sentence but I will agree with you on the second part. After all, you know yourself better than anyone else...

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I a lot of poms move here and think they are better than anyone else here .I have met a lot of bloody snobby poms since been here not stayed friends with any of them .


Whilst I hate buying in to generalisations etc, I am genuinely interested, chrisfen46.


Could you please explain...like, what makes them seem snobby?


And @Stoked, we've been here a fair while, associate with Australians (how can you not, not only are we now Australian, but most people here ARE Australian lol), and find 'they' are as mixed a bag of people as anywhere else.


If you believe you have been discriminated against, fight it.


If someone's behaviour is not acceptable to you, whilst it's probably not good to judge, it's certainly not healthy to paint a whole nationality as being the same. IMO, FWIW etc.



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  • 2 weeks later...

I have lived in oz a few years now and to be honest I have a mix of different friends English and Aussie, I find no difference in any. I believe it's just the same in England (good and bad), I also work with a good number of Aussies and find them nothing but friendly, hey yeh there is that usual banter!!! I love it here and haven't had a problem with this country, I believe if you look for bad things or over analyse situations then maybe you will see it clearer than others

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