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snakes and creepie crawlies in mount barker


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They are everywhere but that's not a reason not to move to Mount Barker! It also isn't a true reflection of the bug and poisonous issue in Adelaide.

In most Adelaide gardens you are going to find a whole range of nasties...spiders, snakes, ants etc. However...you rarely see them and even more rare is any contact or issues with bites.

A little bit of care and time spent educating the children will take care of everything.


My daughters partner doesn't believe in killing spiders. There are redbacks everywhere in their garden (until my OH pays a secret visit!) and none of the children have been bitten. Contact and bites are rare.


You wouldn't believe what our winter problem is.....mice!

There's been a run on traps and bait at the local hardware store.


There are areas (and States) in Oz that have so many of the deadly critters you wouldn't believe it...but South Australia is relatively safe. :smile:

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Agree with the others. Its common sense and kids learning to leave alone and so on. Our's has been fine since we arrived and has it worked out with regards to spiders, snakes and so on.


It was about 18 months in before I saw my first snake and that wasn't in the garden, it was on a dog walk in a semi rural area that was tree filled and therefore a place to expect wildelife.


Honestly don't worry overly about it, you soon get used to things I think. I am not a spider fan but cope well with dealing with red backs (slower moving) and other spiders. We have the odd one around we move on and if we find them in the shed they get removed.


Personally my pet peeve here is the cockroach :mad:

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