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Everything posted by mummytummy

  1. Registering with AHPRA can take up to 6 months and without out she won't be able to work as a nurse in Australia, they also changed the criteria to Degree level only http://www.nursingmidwiferyboard.gov.au/Registration-and-Endorsement/International/Meeting-the-registration-requirements.aspx If she is young enough to get the Working Holiday Visa (18-31), then she could come over and do anything else apart from nursing (if she isn't registered with AHPRA) https://www.border.gov.au/Trav/Visa-1/417-
  2. This was posted on fb by Blighty's 10 minutes ago: "Can somebody do me a favour and explain to the misguided and misinformed people on Poms in Adelaide that Blighty's business IS NOT CLOSING DOWN. We are very much in profit I don't work on rail projects in Adelaide; I own a rail construction and advisory consultancy that services large scale mining projects in Qld, WA and NSW I have accepted a project in the UK that is extremely lucrative, so ...lucrative that I cannot say no to moving to the UK (and neither would or could any of you) and believe me I earn a shed load of money in Australia The Blighty's business is for sale as I cannot do it justice from the UK The staff are friendly when people are friendly to them (I do not pay the staff enough to take any abuse from anyone) Why do you feel the need to denigrate a business that was set up by someone from your culture and community, who employs people from your community and sponsors your kids teams so that they can play sports in your community; do you walk into and Australian chicken shop and complain about frozen chips, pre-processed crumbed fish with such venom? It's nice to have an opinion but to be opinionated is not so nice When we decided to come to Australia 8 years ago we looked at similar web pages to seek advice and kinmanship; we found vitriolic hatred by people who seek to cause harm and spread malice - not a lot changes guys..... You are in paradise guys start to act like it and leave the hatred behind. On a lighter note: In 2.5 hours Janice and Paula went through 31Kg of Cod, over 80Kg of potatoes, 9 Steak Puddings, countless Kg of sausages and too many smiles to count It's horrible being in this much financial trouble: hopefully things will get better for Blighty's haha "
  3. Same here, got mine certified/signed by my manager as a verification of completed training, Caz if you would like a copy of mine as well you are welcome, then you can compare the 2 styles for your own Sue
  4. I only went back a year as this was all they wanted when I asked them, I included everything i'd done - mandatory, e-learning etc., I used this that someone had posted on here previously and adapted it slightly - I took out the last column http://www.pomsinadelaide.com/forum/jobs-careers/36215-cpd-template-ahpra.html
  5. PR though costly is worth it in the long run, it gives you more security I think in terms of healthcare, centrelink entitlements to name but two We are currently on a business sponsored visa 457 and would love PR
  6. Oxi, are you applying for visa for yourself or are family also going with you as you will also need certified copies of their birth certificate, passport as well depending on the type of visa you go for, we ended up going back and forth to magistrates court to get things certified, just when you think you've done it all someone will ask for a certified copy of something you haven't got lol! money will just trickle through your fingers, but worth it in the end
  7. If you are going to go for PR then ANMAC which can take about 3 months or so for them to complete skills assessment, you will need certified copies of documents and I would advise to get several copies done of each document as it saves time and money during the long and lengthy process, you will also need copy of same stuff for AHPRA as well, I can still remember the headache of getting it all together I believe you can still apply to ahpra at same time, do you have a timescale for getting to Australia? Good luck and i'm sure others will be along too with more information http://www.anmac.org.au/fee-schedule-0 http://www.nursingmidwiferyboard.gov.au/Registration-and-Endorsement/Fees.aspx
  8. We're on a 457 and the only thing we have is a medicare card as UK and Oz have a reciprocal healthcare agreement
  9. A friend of ours told us SA ad put a block on interstate and overseas recruitment at the moment and if we were offered a job to grab it... again, i don't know how true this is...
  10. Dis we have the same viewers? same here..:nah:Oh well, we plod on eh!!
  11. We had a viewing today as well, lets hope something comes through for us Misplaced On the positive side the house gets a thorough clean each time we get a viewing... Sue
  12. AHPRA costs $540 as you have to pay for assessment, application & registration which is approx £356 Certifying of documents varies alot, we went to local magistrates court and was charged £60 per appt. (not document) and each time we had alot to be signed..
  13. If you wanted to send your documents by courier i used this company http://www.interparcel.com/ documents arrived in about 3 days and you can track it all the way, it cost approx £30, and was collected from my home
  14. We applied to AHPRA 3 months ago and still waiting, only communication from them so far was a email acknowledging receipt of our application they took the money out of our accounts straight away though
  15. Thank you all for the replies and help, as i write this he's in the garage stripping, cleaning, polishing the thing so i think he'll be trying to bring it
  16. [TABLE=class: yiv1583505097] [TR] [TD]Can't find the original link but i copied this from a post sometime ago (thank you Helene ) 12 months to go *Make sure you have at least 2 years left on your passports. * Dig out all your personal paperwork, including birth, adoption and marriage certificates, employment refeences, driving licences and qualifications. * Update your CV to make it suitable for the Oz/Kiwi market place. * Get your finances in order, consolidate bank accounts and reduce debts. * Talk to your children’s schools about your plans and ask them to prepare hand-over files 6 months to go * Get quotes from removals companies and flights and get them booked. * Sell any unwanted items of furniture and clear out cupboards. * Clean and paint any garden tools and furniture you plan to take. Items with soil on will be denied entry at customs. * Ensure you get your P45. * Ask your doctor, dentist, optician for your hand-over files. * Open an Oz/Kiwi bank account * Set up a trading account with a currency broker. * Request credit references from your bank, building society or any other lending agent. * Identify temporary accommodation in case your house sells sooner than expected and you have to move out. * Contact the Inland Revenue. * If you are on PAYE and are leaving before the end of a tax year, it’s likely you’ll have overpaid tax. This is because the earlier in the tax year you leave, the less your tax-free allowance will have been factored in by your PAYE payments. Claim a refund of the overpayment. Also contact National Insurance. You can choose to keep making payments if you wish to. 2 months to go * Inform the DVLC of your move – perhaps give them a relative’s address to write to. Hold onto your British driving licence. You’ll need it until you get a new driving licence at your destination. (If you move overseas, the DVLC will not update the address on your licence to an overseas location.) * Track down temporary accommodation in Oz. * Register children in new schools. * Organise all birthday cards and presents for the next 3 months. * Request up to date statements on any endowments, pensions and investments. * Confirm the removal firm are booked 1 month to go *Give your change of address to your bank, passport office, DVLA, pension company, inland revenue, insurance brokers and accountants. *Bring council tax and utilities up to date and cancel accounts for TV, internet, phone and insurance. *Go to a car boot sale to sell any items you don't want to take with you, or donate them to a charity shop. *Arrange all your post to be redirected to a friend or relative. *Transfer funds to Oz. *Start packing non-essential items.*Collect all hand-over files from doctor, dentist, optician, schools etc. *Arrange some private health cover for Oz/NZ if required. *Pay off any outstanding debts. *Close any surplus bank accounts and destroy unwanted cards. *Shred any personal records you are not taking and dispose of. *Ensure all your relevant paperwork is in a handy travel file. *Cancel any redundant direct debits or standing orders. *Ask for a copy of your No Claims Bonus from your insurance company. *Contact your car insurer – tell them you’re moving and ask for written confirmation of your no claims bonus because this will often be accepted overseas, enabling you to get cheaper insurance after you’ve moved. *Cancel remaining time on your car insurance for a refund. *Contact your life insurance company. You’ll probably want to continue payments so it’s important they know your new address. *Have your mail redirected. You can have it redirected to an overseas address – if you have one arranged. Alternatively, have your mail redirected to someone in the UK who can then forward it to you *Arrange for gas, electric, telephone, satellite, internet provision etc to be disconnected. *Do make sure you pay all your bills before you leave. *Debt collection agencies operate worldwide. The last thing you need is for your credit record to be spoiled and debt collectors chasing you in your new country. *Cancel child benefit. 1 week to go Cancel satellite TV subscriptions. Sell your car, bike, van or any other transport you wont be needing. Cancel car insurance. Buy some currency for each destination on route to Oz On Arrival Pick up a copy of "On Arrival" magazine at the airport; it contains lots of ideas, information and helpful websites. Collect your hire car and check into your accommodation. Contact people back home to let them know you have arrival safely. Try not to sleep through the day. Set up a Pay-as-you-Go mobile phone to start your off - you can buy a cheap SIM card and use it in your UK phone Find your nearest internet cafe for property and area research. Take a few days to get over the journey and explore the area 1 Week later Get a tax file number (TFN) for Oz or an IRD number for New Zealand. Explore the area or suburb you think you would like to live in and ask the locals as many questions as possible. Meet with rental agents and start reviewing some accommodation property options. Find a solicitor to help with rental or purchase contracts. Consider buying a car sooner rather than later. Used cars are cheap if you don't yet qualify for credit. Get car insurance. Register at a local school Get a landline installed and set up internet access. Invite your neighbours around for drinks and focus on making new friends for you and your children. 1 Month later Review your financial position and transfer more funds if required. Set up standing orders for utilities. Register for your local doctor and dentist, and for Medicare (Oz). Meet with mortgage brokers to understand your borrowing capacity. Visit your children's schools to ensure that they have settled in ok. Identify a reliable plumber, electrician and mechanic in your area. Consider re-writing your will. Start to attend social functions or join a sports club. Establish a routine and settle into your new life! Sue [/TD] [/TR] [/TABLE]
  17. Has anyone had experience and can give me (well dh) advice on shipping over a racing sidecar, can it be done or would it be easier for him and his mate to start over and buy a sidecar over there? Many thanks:goofy:
  18. So sorry to hear ths sad news, our thoughts are with you at this difficult time xx
  19. We've just opened a account with NAB, internet banking, no charges, very easy to do, came through in days, i know who my personal banker is, debit cards will be available on arrival, communications are good so far and the bank i'm currently with here in UK deal mainly with NAB in Australia.
  20. IELTS is a definate ANMAC - to get your nursing skills assessed, take a look at the site and start getting everything together, you'll need to get your documents certified by a notary/JP. APHRA - this is the regulatory body that gives you your registration to practise (NMC over here) I am lead to believe that you don't need to go through ANMAC if you're going to oz on a employer sposored visa, but you will need it if your going to go for the permanent residency visa. Rules have changed recently and you now have to put in a EOI (expression of interest) to apply for visa, if they "want" you you will then be asked to apply... http://www.immi.gov.au/skills/skillselect/ Hope this helps and i'm sure someone with more knowledge on this will be on soon Sue
  21. Hi Lisa, could you include me in your pm list too please
  22. I'm sure someone with more knowledge than me will be along soon, but what about the working holiday visa? http://www.immi.gov.au/visitors/working-holiday/417/
  23. we have just had to withdraw our visa application due to being 5 points short, they would not budge in any way, we couldn't add anything on retrospectively, if we wanted my skills included i had to have a positive skills assessment prior to lodging, we thought it better to withdraw than to be refused. Rob has resat the ielts last week in the hope of getting all 8's in the bandings (he was 0.5 short on previous test but still within what we needed) if he's managed that then we will reapply for the 176 as we will have 70 points, we can't use my skills assessment now as i turned 50 in April if not we will have to go the work sponsored route as Rob turns 45 at end of June so we would then lose points again, certainly not a easy process to emmigrate, a very expensive one, we may be down but we're not out yet.... Sue:goofy:
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