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Everything posted by ianb

  1. Well you wont get 1/4 acre between CBD and Glenelg. You will have to look further in the hills As for no crime when you find where that is perhaps you can let everyone know where it is
  2. depends what you call a good area but like already said 45mins from CBD covers a big area!
  3. I think everyone has those days. Im sure we will miss family every day we are here. Alot will have to do with getting the right job which is not easy. While there is work out there getting it is another matter! Lots of obstacles are put in your way even for the most determined but unfortunately i doubt that will ever change no matter if there is a boom or bust economy. The pros for me are the kids coming home from school and saying about this or that sports day or function, being told that the school sing the ozzie national anthem at school without the fear of upsetting someone from another country, the fact they are encouraged to speak up in class and enjoy school and it has certainly helped ours with confidence (although sometimes to much ) Perhaps we have been lucky but the good days far out number the bad.
  4. Although a week is no where near enough to do all you should do and you will be in holiday mode we found it really helpfull when we did similar as it helped get the "rosy sunglasses" off when you do actually arrive. If like us never been to anywhere in Oz before when you read comments and see pictures it can make it seem like paradise. While we have never regretted it since arriving and still know we have done the right thing it certainly helped in actually seeing things first hand so the "its not what we expected" thoughts when you do arrive and it helped knowing which way to go when you land at the airport with the kids in tow! It depends on what you expect in your minds as to what you will see when you land. Its not all sandy beaches, palm trees and BBQ's If you can afford it personally i would go for it. But as normal only you can decide if it will be money well spent.
  5. ianb

    new Mods

    good luck to the both of you.
  6. Not sure if its Sports World in store and Sports Direct on line. It did confuse me to start with (easy done:confused:)
  7. Sarah, It is called Sportsdirect.com (have already had things sent over from there)
  8. cant believe even a post like this starts getting "bitchy comments" Well yes i can from what seems to happen lately! Love them or hate them the world has lost two "talented" performers
  9. Because they do Respect your opinion but everyone wants different things. If everyone wanted the same thing we would be sheep!
  10. once again the opinions of places to live will differ from everyone. Everyone will live in an area that does not suit someone. I work with people that live in the areas and they love it there. Best to Ignore opinions and actually wait till you arrive and then judge a place by your own eyes and not by others
  11. In my experience so far on oz building sites the comments above are spot on I have not come across one "ozzie" on a building site that i have not got on with. Take a bit of stick and give some. Its much better laughing at work. No one wants to actually be there so much better to make it as enjoyable as you can. At the end of the day 90% of "ozzies" are immigrants. I'm a POM and proud of it!!
  12. ianb

    Our First Year

    Thanks everyone for the best wishes. It has been a great year and we are certainly looking forward to many more. While it has not been easy, as everyone else finds, it has certainly been a good decision we made to come here. Not once have we regretted making the move. It is a big decision but would never talk anyone out of doing the same as long as they are totally committed and fully appreciate that things are different and if they are prepared to accept that its not all paradise. But its a great place (in our opinion anyway;))
  13. Happy birthday to Angela, hope your day is good and the colds better!
  14. Yes it is. Just change the plug on the transformer to an aussie plug! You will need to get all tools tagged and tested every 3 months to work on most aussie sites. Have seen a few "poms" do the same. Must admit they stand out a mile:biglaugh: I brought all mine with me but lucky enough dont use them other than in the house
  15. Well done Martin. Really pleased for you. By the way which Centre Link was you working in? I've been working next door to the one in Pulteney Street for the last 6 months Anyway, enjoy your new job
  16. In my opinion only its 110% Commitment Research and more research Willingness to accept that things are different Deciding what you want to achieve Where to live that gives you the best chance and what you are after not where everyone else tells you to. a Little bit of luck While things like money help and types of visas there are many people on here who make a go of it because of their effort not what they have got:notworthy:.
  17. Well one year ago on the 14th June we arrived in Adelaide to start our new adventure. Lots of excitement and emotions on what and how things would go and also with the mixed feelings about what we had left behind. Started off heading to the house we had purchased while still in the uk, car loaded up with all the cases we had struggled to carry on the way out and at our stop over in Singapore. The first few days were spent running round buying the essentials and a few luxuries to start off with while we waited for a month for our container to arrive. June in Adelaide is mid winter and while the days were pleasant enough the nights were cold, especially sleeping on camp beds and a few covers. Houses in Aus are not designed with winter in mind, apparently as winters do not last long enough to worry about! Also initial registering for things like medicare etc. we find that the cost of living here is just as expensive in most ways as the UK and the only main differences are costs of houses and petrol being way cheaper. Going out for days out as a family is also cheaper and with so many places to see that cost nothing apart from the cost of petrol getting there again makes it more affordable. After a week i had job interviews to attend and was lucky enough to have two job offers to choose from after the first day of interviews. Next step was to get Harry and Georgia set up with schools and we called into one we had looked at on the internet prior to coming and after visting the school was more than happy with what we saw and applied for them to join the school, which was accepted. After being off work for the last six weeks in the uk and also the first month here while settling in i was more than ready to start back and ever since work has been great. Everyone i have come across has been great and very friendly. There is plenty of banter which is great although work always comes first. Overall i probably work longer hours here than in the uk and work most saturdays but earning better money and the more relaxed work environment i would not change a thing about it! I will have to get used to the site BBQ's and the site office fridge having 2 or 3 slabs of beer in (for fridays after work!!) and 1 carton of milk! Rachel has now got fairly busy almost full time doing the same here as she was in the uk which has been good. Harry and Georgia are very settled and from reports and teacher parent evenings are doing really well at school. Overall we have been very lucky to be both working and athough its not all beaches and BBq's in the past year the standard of living we have here is much better than we could ever achieve back in the uk. Our first ozzie summer was great and we coped very well with the days when hot, upto 46deg and spending christmas morning swimming in the sea in the warm was great. Summer seem to go on for ages even though the effect it had turning everything brown and seeing creeks dry up was an eye opener. It is amazing how soon things go green again now the winter rains are here so quickly. Its certainly made us more aware of conserving water. The help that Poms In Adelaide web site has given us has been a life saver and we probably would not have made the leap without it, so we are eternally grateful to everyone on there. In the year we have had camping holidays to Yorke Peninsular, very quiet and relaxing a Weekend away to the Flinders Ranges which has to be one of the most stunning places to see and also a weekend to Melbourne which was a surprise 40th Birthday treat. As well we have had many days out to the usual places such as zoos. beaches, places etc Golf has been great here and courses are stunning and seeing kangaroos and parrots while you play and having some great days out with friends. I have taken up surfing and will eventually spend more time on the board and not in the water, especially after having some private lessons that are booked in the near future. Our next plan is to have the new house built at a small town just north of us in Freeling. The land is much bigger so will have more room for the kids and dogs to play and also have the pool added for when we move in. The house is a good bit bigger than where we are now which again will give us more space to relax. While very early stages and deposits payed it will probably be mid next year before all is ready. Our house now, took a whole 1 day to sell and luckily enough an investor purchased it so from the 17th June we will then be renting tenants! Again we realise we have been very lucky. We have had both families out earlier in the year which was great and look forward to them returning again for more visits. While we do still miss friends and family we realise we have done the right thing and at this stage something completely has to dramatically change for us to want to go back to what we had and return to the UK other than for holidays. Its deffinately something we would recommend people doing but are aware that for some the experience would not work out for many reasons. The hours and hours spent on the internet before we came has paid off and reading all comments and opinions but not letting them cloud our own judgement until we had experienced them with our own eyes. Research is the key as well as a bit of luck and the willingness to accept its different to what you are used to and accepting that its you that has to change not the other way round. Also 110% total commitment and the realisation that you have to still work (unless you come across very wealthy but not many do) as the bills still need to be paid. If your prepared to work hard and get on with it the ozzies will accept you better and they then make you more welcome here. While in the scheme of things we are still early stages we have loved every minute of it and look forward to things carrying on and seeing and doing more things we could not be happier and have no regrets at all, apart from wishing we had done a few years earlier.
  18. thanks all, had a great surpise weekend away in Melbourne. Did not find out till friday when getting home from work. Had a great time and even had no kids:biglaugh:
  19. I find on the building sites i work on they work hard and most long hours, with m ost working 6 day weeks. Not met one bad aussie yet!
  20. :wubclub:Have a great birthday from us all up here:wubclub:
  21. ianb

    not so new ...

    good news guys, keeping everything crossed for you and looking forward to seeing you here soon
  22. I think Trakki said it perfectly:notworthy: Put another way in Germany the speed limit on certain roads is higher (sorry dont know exact) so if a German came to Aus is he allowed to drive at say 140km/s an hour because in Germany he can?
  23. In some countries they have death penalties, some they dont, in some countries they cut of hands for things like petty theft. Its the rules of that country and despite the fact that to other countries it is "morally wrong" im afraid you have to abide by them rules if you wish to be there. just my opinion.
  24. While it may seem wrong to you, British or not. When you live in another country you have to abide by their rules. Adapt to that country not the country change to suit you.
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