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Everything posted by ianb

  1. good post guys, time has flown. Just goes to show that to make the move a good move is alot to do with attitude and not $$$. Good news about the rental, hope to catch up with you all soon
  2. ianb

    new to PIA

    Welcome to PIA, congrats with the visa. Where abouts from the south coast are you from? We were from not so sunny Hastings. Dont miss it one bit!
  3. Firstly and more importantly hope your ok Libby? I think what has been said is right, claim through the taxi drivers insurance.
  4. Good news Martin, bout time you stopped being a kept man:biglaugh: Joking aside good news, shows it can be done
  5. There is some plastering that is done but most is tape and jointing and plasterboard work. In 8 months here have only had 1 gang of plasterers on a site i have been on for a small amount of work. Thats not to say its not used but does not seem the norm. Be handy if your hubby does render work etc as that seems more common.
  6. Yes you can get some of the same things but at a cost! Not a bitter drinker so cant comment, but still plenty of choice Theres great seafood here flake, snapper, whiting, tuna, crabs, garfish, barra to name but a few As for finding things the same just remember its 11,000 miles away so if you expect everything to be the same please be prepared for a shock. Its not like going to Spain.
  7. I always seem to dig myself in a hole! How come Steve cant get some of the tradies on site at the ASC to do a cheap one?
  8. Pete, dont know how you can say that now another is on the way!! I was hoping you would set up as a child care centre as we have two ankle biters that we would send down as your the expert! Back to the thread! Had a good day up at Cleland with my in laws!
  9. Plenty of places interstate, Sydney, Perth, Darwin, Melbourne, Gold Coast. Lots of places in SA itself. Camping is a big thing here and lots of camp sites scattered about and National Parks. Relative near by places such as Bali, Fiji, Hong Kong, Singapore, Indonesia, Thailand, New Zealand, Tasmania. Costs of flights interstate and near by places is resonably priced. Main holiday seasons or periods are Christmas and Easter. If you head to places such as Darwin etc best to go mid year as slightly cooler. Hope that gives you some things to look into
  10. ianb

    We've Bought A B&B

    good luck with the B&B, drove past the sign the weekend so know where to find it. Im sure you will do great
  11. Gill, While i agree with what you have raised, please be careful about naming as it leads the site wide open for being sued. For now i have deleted the name until Tim gives his opinion. Not being heavy handed just being careful If anyone wishes to know the name please pm Gill direct.
  12. great to hear things have gone well for you all. Can relate to all that you say.
  13. :notworthy:good post Simon. Really pleased for you how well things are going. Just goes to show that if your prepared to work hard this place can give you the lifestyle you want eventually. You dont get that with laying on the beach all day! Im sure you will end up with a "soggy" chain of shops etc all over Adelaide and with all the effort you guys have put in you deserve to do well.
  14. ianb

    So chuffed...!!!

    well done dude! Suppose you get a medal and a pair of budgie smugglers! Good on ya!
  15. ianb

    Computer helpppp!

    Sarah, Are you getting a local only connection? If so its a setting on the router thats changed. Just a thought!
  16. Could be worse could be aunt sally! ps not taking the #*#*
  17. im sorry these sort of "problems" do make me angry Firstly in all the shops that i have been in, that i am aware, that do bag searches have a big sign on the shop front that reads something like "Condition of entry - you may be asked to show a member of staff your bags on leaving". On walking in the shop if that causes you a problem i suggest you dont go in! Personally i cant see the issue, "when in Rome" and all that! When you go to another country what gives anyone the right to have that country to change how they want it! I for one admit to moaning back in the uk how people could just climb out from under a lorry and demand and get what they wanted! Long may bag searches continue!
  18. Not sure which ones you refer to but to work on any construction sites you must have a white card which is basically an induction course, very basic and only involves 6hrs sitting and listening to some guy talking. Done mine at the Master Builders Assoc. on South Terrace, not sure of costs as firm paid. Suggest looking on MBA web site, should give you idea of costs.
  19. Libby, good on'ya:notworthy:, i think what you said is just what most people think. Massaging figures works for Govt. but most ordinary folk realise thats all it is, bu..s..t! Good teachers + good kids = results
  20. :idea:Do you specialise in english by any chance?
  21. well you cant blame the cold dark nights with nothing else to do!!:Randy-git: Looks like you best get out and start your pool cleaning job and let Tracey stay at home I think its about time Tracey books you in for a trim!! Congratulations
  22. Ken, Was a great night in a great setting! Had family over so all 7 of us went and had a great evening. The blokes a genius :notworthy:and have followed him since they started in early 80's. Best live singer i have ever heard. Not sure if Simply Red will be back as i believe that is the fairwell tour but would deffo go and see Mick anytime
  23. Not getting involved but good on'ya Suzer for arranging the meets and good luck with all the future meets
  24. For all those that keep looking the link is to Safework SA standard rates for certain trades. This is the minimum wages that can be expected and do not take into account self employed rates. Hope it gives you some sort of idea http://www.safework.sa.gov.au/uploaded_files/building_consruction_01_10_08.pdf Another usefull web site to get comparisons http://www.industrialcourt.sa.gov.au/index.cfm?objectid=2094263E-E7F2-2F96-3BB99A2194E8F13B
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