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Everything posted by ianb

  1. theres a few companies that accept it, some do, The company I work for accepts them for now but are pushing Safework SA to stop recognising them. Not sure how they appear different other than the name of the issuer. IMO better waiting till your here and head to recognised provider
  2. ianb

    Andrews farm?

    Nice to see a sensible reply! We lived in AF for a year when we arrived, no problems for us, and as mentioned above people we met were great.
  3. Well said sir, you can't beat a positive attitude! But then again you would know this as you live in Crewe. Research is great and there have been many that have" researched " and then you see a post on here saying "I moved south but why is all my line of work in the North?" and "I am going back as there are no english pubs along the beach from Semaphore to Brighton" Its gone up everywhere yes and if you live within your means you get by. Just hope your trade/job is one of the few over here that are still booming and not going very quiet like construction or engineering as every week you see in the "local" papers job losses. Not having a go at the positive attitude as thats the main thing to make it here but be very careful as there are many here who would love to see and remind you if things did not go as researched. finally as a ps, i love it here, i work hard, i earn well but i don't have all this untold wealth that many come here expecting with them rosey sun glasses on
  4. Understand your frustrations and must admit id be the same but be very very careful about posting a name on here guilty or not PIA would get hammered
  5. I know a few that have gone to Hewett Primary and have not heard anything bad about it. Same applies to Trinity. I presume you mean Xavier as not heard of St.Savior? Our boy goes to Xavier and he loves it there. It has a great set up and so far have been really impressed. Other than that do not know much about any other schools although a few people send their kids to Kapunda senior school which i hear is good as well.
  6. Having built with Statesman can honestly say never build with them. Nightmare getting started, You can never get to speak to anyone who knows anything other than the poor lady in the office, The sales staff in the show homes never trust what they say. After service very poor. The only bright thing was the actual build which was ok (although due to one thing would not trust them). Be too long a reply if went through all the issues, but can not recommend.
  7. Would love to but not coming back lol Where abouts in good old sunny sussex you from? Was from not so sunny hastings.
  8. idiotic comment. seems they must be south of GJR judging by the comment
  9. Yes about right 45mins to 60mins, depends how far up in the barossa you are, we are just east of it on the edge and takes about 45 minutes to Semaphore. Not much in the way of beaches up past the port or St Kilda (not really a beach like further south) unless you head over to the Yorke. Barossa area is a great place to live
  10. ianb

    Queen Mary 2

    Thinks my Boss:policeman: is on that, He flew to South Africa to catch the cruise back (lucky git!:daydreaming:)
  11. Only in those that believe it
  12. ianb

    Adelaide traffic?

    CBD to Freeling (20 odd kms north of Gawler) takes me about an hour on a normal day leaving CBD at 5pm, not rushing, no speeding, Northern Expressway great, goes both ways as well;)
  13. ianb

    2 yrs on

    Im sure he is looking down at you proud of what you have achieved, you have not had it easy but you are living your dream. Live for today as no one knows what tomorrow holds.
  14. ianb

    2 year update

    Glad to see your all settled now. Sure does grow on you this place.
  15. Happy birthday Kian, here's hoping for many more ozzie birthdays.
  16. ianb

    moving on

    Good on ya Simon, compared to the last move from sunny kent its just up the road for you! should be easier! Best of luck and hope to walk into a nice coffee shop next time we are up there! Regards
  17. ianb

    World Cup Shock

    :biglaugh:Very good, trouble was cant be that french man as does not have hands!!
  18. Typical hickies. ! I assume Star electrical do the wiring down your way. Ring them and they say that included in what work they do is install the cable to one point in a location you want. In other words you have paid for it but Hickies try to get more money from it! Its included anyway so not much of a good will gesture.
  19. hmmm now i wonder why I dont come on here very often, like many others and spend 99% of my time with ozzies great to see whinging poms is alive and well
  20. ianb


    welcome to PIA, good to see another local lol. We are in Lakeside at present, hopefully for another month before heading to new house. Glad you have settled in. There are a few of us up this way
  21. ianb

    Flights booked

    May be wrong but i think all flightsfrom Uk using singapore land and take of at terminal 3? even if they do change its only a short no stress hop onto the mono rail to the next terminal. Also passes time while waiting for flights going between all the terminals.
  22. Our boy played for Hastings United under 10's before moving here near two years ago. Probably know you all? I used to help the under 10's He has just started playing again for a local side here and loving it, In my opinion at youth age soccer here is at a higher standard than at similar ages in Uk. Just a shame at older level the money is not in the game. There are loads of teams all across Adelaide both at Federation level and at normal level. federation clubs tend to be expensive from what I have heard although standard tends to be higher. Your boys should have no trouble finding a team when they get here after playing at the high standard hastings United run at Schools do all sports, our two love it here.
  23. Jo, we are off there next week, will let Steve know at work when i get back. Hope hes booked his holiday in !
  24. I would get when here. Dont know what the one is you say you can get there but some firms may not accept the card if its one done on line.
  25. Not anything to do with Workcover its supposed to be a construction industry induction. Basically all you do is sit for 6 hours listening to a guy talk then if u have stayed awake u end up with a white card. Its changed to a white card with is nationally recognised from a Green card (in SA) In principal a good idea but reality is its just another way of getting money out of you or company. Take a look at Master Builders Assoc web site for information and costs
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