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Everything posted by Blossom

  1. Just a reminder that we don't allow co names to be posted on the forum. Thanks for your understanding.
  2. I'm terrible at cleaning. I hate it lol. I did make myself a full length denim skirt yesterday to keep me warm though lol.
  3. You can go on your own, you just can't buy anything. Even if you go with a friend, you can't pay for things seperatly, and if by card it has to be in the members name.
  4. They just say something like 'processing applications from xxxx month'. I don't know the email address though I'm afraid. You could try poms in Oz. There are far more people on there going through the visa process.
  5. First off, you can go and have a look around without being a member, or being with a member. It is worth it once you have your set things, and have compared prices. Pasta is more expensive at Costco than Coles. We always buy from there: cat litter, dishwasher tablets, kitchen towel, tubs of pre cooked rice, bacon, frozen chicken wings, orange juice, tubs of mandarin segments, tins of tomatoes, razors, deodorant, laughing cow cheese, shredded cheese, half lamb packs. We did buy lots of things at the start that you realise later you don't actually use all of within the use by dates. So now we stick to those things. I will buy kids books there sometimes too. Before I was on maternity leave I would just stop off on the way home from work once every 3 weeks or so. I'm going less often now as its a bit out of the way and they don't have baby trollies. But go and have a look around. Have the Coles online shopping open on your phone so you can compare prices. One great thing with Costco, if you buy anything there, and keep your membership up then it has a lifetime guarantee. Lots of people on their Facebook fan page thingy have said they have taken things like TVs back 3 years later and got a refund with none of the having to send it away with other places etc. however, their electrical items more more on the higher end.
  6. I don't know if they have a website, but on Facebook there is Adelaide pub crawl. The guy who runs it is a manchunian in his early 40s. I don't know if they are running for the season yet, but if you message him I'm sure he'll point you in the direction of the best place to meet people.
  7. How old are you? I know there are some pubcrawl companies which take backpackers around. I don't think they are all young, but on the younger side.
  8. I might actually try to leave the toddler with daddy. She'll be getting tired and could be a handful by then lol.
  9. Sounds good. I'll have a toddler and baby with me. I've not been there before. Will I be able to fit a pushchair?
  10. Sorry, it was the sponsorship part I was talking about. Not all employers are eligible to sponsor people and not all jobs can be sponsored for. I know the upset of thinking it's all go and then finding out its not going to happen.
  11. i don't want to put a downer on you finding a job, but I had a couple lined up before coming out which fell through, because visas are not as easy as some employers assume. Fingers crossed it all goes well for you.
  12. I'm happy for a meet up too. I have a nearly two year old and a seven week old. :-)
  13. Scott hasn't actually visited the forum in over three years.
  14. From what I've heard it's an area always looking for people.
  15. We now have 5 week old Billie too. :-) She slept through most of the show lol.
  16. We took my kiddies for the first time today. We got there at opening and left at lunch time, which was enough for us lol.
  17. We don't allow naming of case officers on the forum for their privacy. Thanks for your understanding.
  18. Number 10. Medicare covers everything they would for an Australian. Scans can be bulk billed (paid for by Medicare) but most scan places charge. You get a referral from your GP and you can take that anywhere though. I've found the public system great. :-)
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