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Everything posted by cint&mark

  1. Thanks for the advice. Guess i'm stressing over nothing then [nothing 'juicy' enough about us to warrant the files!!] - so it's good to know that they aren't necessary. Thanks for that... I can go and worry about something else on the 'things to do before we leave' list now then ... Jacinta
  2. ... I popped into our dentists today to request our dental records for Aug when we fly , only to be told that they don't hand over records now and that in Australia they'll just simply start new ones for us... Is this the norm or are we actually entitled to get them? I didn't want to make a fuss there so just said 'Oh ok" , but thinking about it later , surely it'd save so much hassle for us [and the dentist we register with in Oz ] if we have our histories with us?? Jacinta
  3. Thanks for that ! Will get on to it now, Jacinta
  4. It's just dawned on me today that we'll need insurance when we finally emigrate in Aug [bit slow me...] - Can anyone advise us on whether it'd need to be 'one - way insurance' or actually 'migration insurance' ?? Is there a massive difference between the two? Also - could someone recommend a cheap company to go with? Ta v much! Jacinta
  5. Hi - well you sound quite under control to me!!! Bet it's stressful having the packers in - i'm dreading that bit! Good luck with it all and i hope we'll meet up on the other side! take care, Love Jacinta x

  6. Hi - that's shocking news - as if the whole process isn't stressful enough... soz that have got no advice but hope things 'll sort out for you and it'll all be worth it in the end. . . Jacinta
  7. OOps - yep it was the same one!! Feel a bit bad now for slagging her off cos she was actually very nice and helpful.... when we managed to get hold of her that is!! lol It is just dead frustrating when you need something answered and can't get through to them... but if it's any consolation I do reckon she'll do her best by you - keep the faith!
  8. Hi there - we used them last year - couldn't fault them really except for one thing - the person in charge of our file seemed to always be out the office or 'gone home' by 4pm whenever we rang with a query!!! However - that said - they did the job for us and got us our visa! We used them cos my hubby has epilepsy and we were not sure how that would affect our application if we applied ourselves.We wanted to have a bit of assurance that we would be successful in our application before parting with all that wonga for applying! They put us in touch firstly with a med. doctor on the visa assessment panel in Oz who gave us her written opinion on whether we would have a problem or not - and once we got the go ahead with that we proceeded with 4corners. So although they don't state it as such, i think it is highly unlikely that they'd take you on unless they can pretty much be certain you'd get your visa.For us, the peace of mind this gave us was invaluable! { although you're never certain till it happens of course!] Anyway - whatever you decide to do - good luck! Jacinta By the way where abouts in Manch are you?
  9. Hi - I've just ordered 12 adapter plugs [from ukplugs -oz] on e'bay for £14... don't know if that's cheap or not - just thought it'd save a load of hassle at t'other end if we just shoved them in our container with our stuff... don't want to be having to swop plugs over as soon as our container arrives... Jacinta
  10. Good luck with the stress of it all!! Our stuff goes on the 2nd July and already having sleepless nights worrying about it! Jacinta
  11. Hi - we're just gonna pay for it too... knowing our luck our container would be the one stopped and decontaminated .... If it was a lot more than £15 think I'd think twice though, but peace of mind at this point in time for us is worth the money!!
  12. Well done! It's a weird feeling booking one way flights isn't it!? We're heading out at the end of Aug and my hubby is a English Teacher too - maybe you'll bump into each other at an Interview or something!! Do you know where you want to settle? Do you both have any rellys in Adelaide? Sorry ... just being nosy as usual! Good look with it all anyway , Jacinta
  13. Hi Kath - thanks so much for that - really nice of you.You're dead right - it has to be seen as an adventure - who really knows what's gonna happen round the corner?! Note to self : stay positive!! How are you finding Moana? We had a day at the beach there last summer - thought it was really nice... Hope to meet up with you when we arrive! All the best, Jacinta
  14. Hope you don't mind me hijacking this thread but I just think it's such a nice offer for you to do this.. I really hope something of the like will come up when we arrive in Aug cos i'm scared we'll be 'billy no mates' lol . I'm really having a bit of a wobbler at the mo. about leaving all my amazing friends here, come Aug - cos been in Hospital with severe gastroenteritis this last week and to see how people have rallied round helping out with the kids etc has really made me appreciate what we've got here. Blimey - this is the first major pre - oz wobbler i've had... anyway - soz for butting in!!!
  15. Hi - all the best on your new life down under. Jacinta
  16. HI - I feel so gutted for you and can't imagine what you're going through at the moment. Not much to add to all the advice already given but I am a great believer in things happening for a reason - so maybe you were meant to get to Oz although obviously it is not under the circumstances you imagined. Be strong and give yourself time to deal with all the mad emotions you must be feeling. Don't rush into any thing yet. Sounds trite but it is true - that time really is a healer - you will get through this and make the right decision for you. I sincerely wish you all the best over the next few hard months. Much love Jacinta
  17. Hi - have you the web address? Ta, Jacinta
  18. Hi - could I ask which bank that was?? Jacinta
  19. Hi - hope you don't mind me latching on to this thread but does anyone know of any government run Kindies around the Sheidow park area? Thanks, Jacinta
  20. Thanks for that Diane - Might bump into you there then come Sept!! [i'll be the scruffy haggered mum who just seems out of place...oh and is usually VERY late:biglaugh:]
  21. Thanks for that... yep that was my thinking too - get her in there... but couldn't decide if that would just be for my benefit [which it DEFINITELY WOULD!!!] or for hers too !! You've made me feel better [and less guilty about doing it now!].
  22. HI - does anyone know anything about Catholic Primary schools around the Sheidow Park area? We've just got a rental there for when we emigrate at the end of August but we don't know anything about the schools... I have found one school - St Martin de Porres, but there isn't a school website as such to find any more info on it - does anyone have any experience of it or know if it's any good?? My daughter will be 5 this June, so will be doing a reception yr again. Also would you advise that we get her in a school as soon as we get there, or should we give her a few weeks to settle first? Also when does the nearest term to Sept start?? Is it Oct? Too many questions i know!! Thanks, Jacinta
  23. Thanks for that - i didn't realise there was always a first time buyers grant... that's good to know! Jacinta
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