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Reasons to be cheerful....

Guest Tracijbc

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I think i get what tracey is trying to say, yes she could buy cheaper brands etc but the uk equivalent here is dearer if you shop by the same standard. I buy cheaper stuff here but feel peeved that i have to to be frank when the prices here are definetly inflated by the lack of competition in the retail sector. I certainly didnt move here for the supermarkets but feel a bit agrieved that i have to shop around when in the uk i never even had to think about it too much.


Just my point of view doesnt mean i dont like SA though theres good and bad in every place, and its finding a balance but when the scales tip one way then yeah maybe its time to move on. Good luck to you both on your journey back to blighty and to the next chapter in your lives :wubclub:

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Guest kangomik

Willber, we went a few billion in debt too mate, and we will have to pay that back sooner rather than later. And don't get me started on paying back the desal plant.


to the OP.

You did put a picture of yopur shopping up, what did you expect people to do?

Everyone has their reasons for staying or going, it is not for everyone, but as you expect them to listen to you, in turn you must do the same....?

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Guest Guest5035
Willber, we went a few billion in debt too mate, and we will have to pay that back sooner rather than later. And don't get me started on paying back the desal plant.


to the OP.

You did put a picture of yopur shopping up, what did you expect people to do?

Everyone has their reasons for staying or going, it is not for everyone, but as you expect them to listen to you, in turn you must do the same....?


They might become ping pongs when they see how much petrol is



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How much is petrol in the uk? Last time I heard it was about one pound 10 a litre.

Food shopping in oz reminds me of shopping with my mum in the uk about 30 years ago. Competition will eventually catch up with coles and woolies and they'll be in for one hell of a shock.It's only a matter of time!

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We find not eating cuts are bills down to a level we can cope with.

We both look a lot thinner than we did inthe UK, so who needs coles when you have the sea..

Fish are free and so is seaweed. Its is rather expensive here thou.. Not sure we get what we did in the Uk, but we decided that a country full ofpeople who have no regard for the Union jack the people who live there and the society who live near them. Oz wouldbe better even if we are starving..

At least you dont get cut off with a trolley by a group of Polish workers at Coles, you used to at Tescos.

I do think Ozzies get ripped off thou and just put up with it.. Bring on the revolution

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You post came across as tho that was the only issue you had, people are going to react in the way they did.


As we have been there and done that with regard to food prices etc.


Its all good and well getting cheap foos prices like back in the yUk courtesy of tesco and asda...but just spare a thought for the guys who produce the goods...we had some friends who were dairy farmers and they get next to no profit at all due to the blood thirsty supermarkets basically dictating to the producers.


as for price of fuel here is a link...





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How much is petrol in the uk? Last time I heard it was about one pound 10 a litre.

Food shopping in oz reminds me of shopping with my mum in the uk about 30 years ago. Competition will eventually catch up with coles and woolies and they'll be in for one hell of a shock.It's only a matter of time!



I've been here 30yrs. So that's why shopping here does'nt seem any different from the UK!

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Guest guest3462

Yes the weekly cost of shopping is greater than in the UK, but i find that we are eating far healthier here with more fresh fruit and veg from our local grocer and leaner cuts of meat from our not so local (Southgate Plaza) butchers. I look in the junk mail each week and see where the specials are and work round it that way.

We are by no means a well off family, in fact the SA medical board has just fleeced us of almost $30,000 to allow us to stay!!! but we do not do without and we DO have tetley tea, Heinz beans, Bisto and Kellogs cereals as a matter of personal preference not Britishness!!!


I will never try to be Australian as I am not, I am British (Barnsley til I die!!), I just choose to bring my family up in a place where I believe is cleaner, safer and on the whole nicer than the UK. Some people who come here may find that it is not where they choose to stay and I wish them all the very best (of British!!) in their futures wherever they decide to settle.


Most people on here know that we have a true love for Australia and will never leave to go back to England permenantly, but we too are going back to the UK in June to clear out the storage and arrange our shipping and I can't wait!!!


Good luck with your move and hope you get everything you wish for in your big move.

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Guest Wes Bloss

MANY interesting points made, a good read in all, and a great opportunity for many to vent there annoyance with the big names. I have picked up some useful tips on both shopping and cooking, so overall the thread has been very worthwhile.


Traci and Matt. - I think, due to your comment and pic, and each members emotional stance, we all went off down the supermarket agenda. OBVIOUSLY, you would not leave on this reason alone, and it is a shame you did not explain more comprehensively your true reasons for returning. Maybe these are personal, maybe not, but at the end of the day we all must make the decisions that we feel are right for us and our families at that time; sometimes, often, we come to regret them, but that is the beaaty of hind sight. If you feel this is the right decision, then it is, and only you can determine where you go and what you do from here.


It would be fantastic if you could remain on the forum and give us an insight into UK life from a returning perspective.


All the very best - Wes

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Guest Lickylady

If you left the UK and came to Oz for an adventure, something to do with your lives that not everyone else gets the chance to do, have had your adventure and ready for another one then go for it. Adelaide is boring and I know you have seen and done most of it in the 2 years you been here so good luck.xxx

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Guest Tracijbc
They might become ping pongs when they see how much petrol is




NEVER. Not in a million years.


When I board my plane and finally say goodbye to Adelaide it will be with a sigh of relief, not a wistful one.


To the people I have met here and have loved spending time with, you are a bunch of stars and have made our 2 years here a little more bearable. You are always welcome to come and visit us in the UK, you all know who you are. :)


Adelaide, to me, is the person in the office who feels they have to tell everyone just how wacky and funny they are. They try so hard to fit in, but fail at every turn because they never quite get the joke that everyone else is rolling on the floor to. Their siblings and peers are all more stylish and make them look like they only wear the hand me downs that their friends and family throw them in pity. Adelaide is the try hard person who never really makes the mark, but give them a few drinks and their true colours emerge and they prove themselves to be loud, brash and violent. Definitely not the type of person you would introduce to your Nanna.


We came with no preconceptions of Adelaide, like all of you on here, only hoping that whatever life brought, things here would be just that bit better or at the very least, different. Our lives in the UK were not at all bad. We had no debts and we both enjoyed our jobs and love our family and friends. We did not come here to escape anything, we only came here because we could and it was an opportunity we had to try to see what if.... I leave here now knowing that I never want to live abroad ever again. A holiday in Australia is NOT living here, do not be fooled into thinking that because you spend a month here and it's all sunshine and lollipops that living here will be the same. In my experience any amount of sunshine does not make up for blatant racism, rudeness, an ever increasing cost of living, the removal of the big tempter - cheap housing - which is now a myth in Australia and the generally uptight and parochial attitudes of people here. I cannot speak for any other Australian city as I have only visited them as a tourist, I can only base my opinion on Adelaide and SA in general.


To those of you who love it here, great, good for you, a big pat on the back. Nothing you say is going to change my opinion, because it is purely that, my opinion, so please don't bother shouting me down, I am no longer interested in the reasons why Adelaide is "heaps good" because to me it is plain, boring and the place I so desperately want to leave.



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Adelaide, to me, is the person in the office who feels they have to tell everyone just how wacky and funny they are. They try so hard to fit in, but fail at every turn because they never quite get the joke that everyone else is rolling on the floor to. Their siblings and peers are all more stylish and make them look like they only wear the hand me downs that their friends and family throw them in pity. Adelaide is the try hard person who never really makes the mark, but give them a few drinks and their true colours emerge and they prove themselves to be loud, brash and violent. Definitely not the type of person you would introduce to your Nanna.


How funny - that's exactly what I think about the Gold Coast! In my opinion - and after five years here - Adelaide is the quiet one in the corner who doesn't try and join in all the brash and loud office jollity, just gets on with it, knowing that those who find her in the corner and choose to spend time with her will slowly start to see her true, subtle qualities and appreciate her for who she is! She'll never be the choice of the party people, but she's definitely the type you'd marry and raise a family with!


Good luck back in Britain, enjoy the bright lights and the brash in-your-face media, but don't knock sleepy Adelaide just because she's a glass of good wine girl rather than a Bacardi Breezer bint!!

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I agree about the somewhat "parochial attitude", i have met a few people who really are so entrenched about living in the "right area", who seem to the think "free settler" status is paramount to the whole ethos here in Adelaide; however...............


I have met many others who are just ordinary folk, going about there business and just want to have a quiet life.........Adelaide affords that much. It isnt perfect, but i have grown very fond of Adelaide.


I think anyone going back is brave, and i wouldnt question their reasoning for it.....im not sure i could, or would go back to the yUK now.


Have a safe and happy life back in the old country, Jaci, best of luck to you.

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So, we are returning to the UK in June next year, and we can't wait! Flights booked and ready to start looking at shipping costs in the next few weeks.


Just in case anyone reading this is wondering why people return....well, the reasons are many and varied. One of them became apparent this evening when we unpacked our shopping from Coles and realised that this tiny selection of basic goods had just cost us the equivalent of just over 70 quid (sorry, no pound sign on this stupid keyboard).


For those of you planning to move here, enjoy your cheap shopping because once you get here, you will be working hard to just have the basics....Merry Christmas from Coles.


Traci and Matt.



Foodland is the place to shop. On the rare occasions that I go onto Woolworths or Coles (to buy Lurpak), I can't believe the price they charge for meat compared to Foodland. A genuine Merry Christmas from Foodland. As for BOGOFs, I noticed that Woolworths in Mildura does them. Might be a long way to go for your weekly shop though!

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Guest lastboyscout
How funny - that's exactly what I think about the Gold Coast! In my opinion - and after five years here - Adelaide is the quiet one in the corner who doesn't try and join in all the brash and loud office jollity, just gets on with it, knowing that those who find her in the corner and choose to spend time with her will slowly start to see her true, subtle qualities and appreciate her for who she is! She'll never be the choice of the party people, but she's definitely the type you'd marry and raise a family with!


Good luck back in Britain, enjoy the bright lights and the brash in-your-face media, but don't knock sleepy Adelaide just because she's a glass of good wine girl rather than a Bacardi Breezer bint!!



Bravo Diane, bravo............. couldn`t have put it better myself ;)

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NEVER. Not in a million years.


When I board my plane and finally say goodbye to Adelaide it will be with a sigh of relief, not a wistful one.


To the people I have met here and have loved spending time with, you are a bunch of stars and have made our 2 years here a little more bearable. You are always welcome to come and visit us in the UK, you all know who you are. :)


Adelaide, to me, is the person in the office who feels they have to tell everyone just how wacky and funny they are. They try so hard to fit in, but fail at every turn because they never quite get the joke that everyone else is rolling on the floor to. Their siblings and peers are all more stylish and make them look like they only wear the hand me downs that their friends and family throw them in pity. Adelaide is the try hard person who never really makes the mark, but give them a few drinks and their true colours emerge and they prove themselves to be loud, brash and violent. Definitely not the type of person you would introduce to your Nanna.


We came with no preconceptions of Adelaide, like all of you on here, only hoping that whatever life brought, things here would be just that bit better or at the very least, different. Our lives in the UK were not at all bad. We had no debts and we both enjoyed our jobs and love our family and friends. We did not come here to escape anything, we only came here because we could and it was an opportunity we had to try to see what if.... I leave here now knowing that I never want to live abroad ever again. A holiday in Australia is NOT living here, do not be fooled into thinking that because you spend a month here and it's all sunshine and lollipops that living here will be the same. In my experience any amount of sunshine does not make up for blatant racism, rudeness, an ever increasing cost of living, the removal of the big tempter - cheap housing - which is now a myth in Australia and the generally uptight and parochial attitudes of people here. I cannot speak for any other Australian city as I have only visited them as a tourist, I can only base my opinion on Adelaide and SA in general.


To those of you who love it here, great, good for you, a big pat on the back. Nothing you say is going to change my opinion, because it is purely that, my opinion, so please don't bother shouting me down, I am no longer interested in the reasons why Adelaide is "heaps good" because to me it is plain, boring and the place I so desperately want to leave.






I have been watching your post from the original and I am glad that you have explained your feelings as I was a little surprised as it did look like your reason for leaving was just the shopping which it never is as simple as that.

I am really sorry that it has not worked out for you - I have only been here 9weeks so can't really comment on costs really as it is all relative as we are just setting up home etc.

At the moment I am enjoying being here and exploring and the adventure and being PR visa has helped us a great deal. At the moment I am happy but I am unsure about what the future holds for us. The big deal for us will be if we can afford the type of house we want as like you say it's not cheap and neither is the mortagage.


I do wish you all the best and yes you are entitled to your opinion, I try to be constructive and helpful with my posts and you have done that by explaining your feelings better.


Merry Christmas and all the best for your new life back in the UK



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I have been here just over 2 years with my husband and two young children. Our youngest was born here. I have been reading a lot of posts as I am interested in different peoples views. It is all really a personal view and down to personal experiences. I will not criticise Adelaide as I know many on this forum love it. I have enjoyed my time here and have met some wonderful people both Ozzy and Uk but my heart is back home with my family. For me its not about the place either here or there, its about my children growing up with the people who love them most. Life is what you make it wherever you are and for me that is where your heart is. We are going back when we receive our permanency in the next few months and for the first time in a long time I feel happy again. Life is a journey not a destination.

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Guest mayjess

Hi all, having lived in Adelaide & now bk in the UK, I can honestly say I do prefer the UK for food shopping, without a doubt, however I found that living in Adelaide overall was cheaper for us, I can only speak for me & my family. As much as I love my home, I know I am making the right decision to return to Adelaide, as there are many more positives for us there. There is no right or wrong answer to this dilemma only whats right for you and your family, if coming back is right for you then do so. We needed to come back to the UK and I have no regret in doing so, it has made us realise where we want to live.


To the OP I wish you lots of luck & a safe journey home, you were brave enough to give it a go, good on ya!



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NEVER. Not in a million years.


When I board my plane and finally say goodbye to Adelaide it will be with a sigh of relief, not a wistful one.


To the people I have met here and have loved spending time with, you are a bunch of stars and have made our 2 years here a little more bearable. You are always welcome to come and visit us in the UK, you all know who you are. :)


Adelaide, to me, is the person in the office who feels they have to tell everyone just how wacky and funny they are. They try so hard to fit in, but fail at every turn because they never quite get the joke that everyone else is rolling on the floor to. Their siblings and peers are all more stylish and make them look like they only wear the hand me downs that their friends and family throw them in pity. Adelaide is the try hard person who never really makes the mark, but give them a few drinks and their true colours emerge and they prove themselves to be loud, brash and violent. Definitely not the type of person you would introduce to your Nanna.


We came with no preconceptions of Adelaide, like all of you on here, only hoping that whatever life brought, things here would be just that bit better or at the very least, different. Our lives in the UK were not at all bad. We had no debts and we both enjoyed our jobs and love our family and friends. We did not come here to escape anything, we only came here because we could and it was an opportunity we had to try to see what if.... I leave here now knowing that I never want to live abroad ever again. A holiday in Australia is NOT living here, do not be fooled into thinking that because you spend a month here and it's all sunshine and lollipops that living here will be the same. In my experience any amount of sunshine does not make up for blatant racism, rudeness, an ever increasing cost of living, the removal of the big tempter - cheap housing - which is now a myth in Australia and the generally uptight and parochial attitudes of people here. I cannot speak for any other Australian city as I have only visited them as a tourist, I can only base my opinion on Adelaide and SA in general.


To those of you who love it here, great, good for you, a big pat on the back. Nothing you say is going to change my opinion, because it is purely that, my opinion, so please don't bother shouting me down, I am no longer interested in the reasons why Adelaide is "heaps good" because to me it is plain, boring and the place I so desperately want to leave.





Well see you then and good luck in the land of opportunity...



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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest scmercer

Thanks for being so honest on your post Tracy. Everyone takes a chance on coming here, hoping it is going to be the right move for them but it isn't right for everyone and I can fully appreciate after being here 6 months why people do return to the UK. You have given it a reasonable amount of time, I just hope I can do the same and if I do ever return I can say at least I gave it a go.


Good luck and I hope everything works out for you.

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Guest cliveost

Just read the post from start to finish and had to comment. My reply is a general reply and not just for the original member.


I am in the UK and have lived here all my life but if everything goes well will be in Adelaide early 2011 no sooner due to commitments.


Life in the UK has changed for the worse over recent years and it is no longer the place it used to be. I am self employed in construction and my partner is a nurse so we earn reasonable money here but due to the cost of bills, shopping, fuel etc (for those interested petrol £1.10+ per litre and rising) life is expensive.


The big difference is in the quality of life. Here there is no quality of life because you work all the hours you can to survive and then when your not at work its either raining or (at the moment) snowing and so have to spend ore for entertainment. In Oz Im hoping that will change.


The worst thing of all though is that the country is in dire trouble and has lost all the things that once made it great and they will never return. The government here is powerless as we are now run by some guy in Belgium oh and the Human rights brigade where criminals have more rights than victims.


While i dont expect the streets to be paved in gold and everything to be really cheap in Oz it certainly isnt a bed of roses living in the UK. Quality of life is what Im after and am willing to make some sacrifices to get it, so Adelaide here I come. Hopefully!!!:)

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I think this is the reasons why the majority of people try to emigrate, for a better quality of life. We all still have to work, pay the bills, make sacrifices but the overall quality of life improves. I like the way Aus does not care what the outside world thinks and does what it thinks is right for itself. I like the fact that it is not a part of the unjust european court of human rights which as you say gives the criminal equal rights as the victim. And it tries to protect its borders which now the UK is run by Brussels we will never be able to do again. Im very proud to be English/British, sadly im just not proud of Britain anymore.

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