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Going Back

The Monaghans

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Guest Nick11

Seeing you writing it on pia makes it seem so real hun. You know my feelings...you will be truely missed by your mates. Not really much else to be said.... on the positive side though we're really looking forward to meeting up with you in Blackpool for the lights and I know you ,Rich and the kids will come and visit us ..I will make sure I hunt out the kellys revenge just for you xxxxx

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What an emotional time for you, sorry to hear you are going back but I have to say that is an amazing post, how you have expressed your real sadness and affection for Adelaide, but also know what is right for your family for now. Wishing you all the best as you 'wear' the decision and it all begins to unfold for you. LOL re your comment about the dog!!!


I know the feeling of being torn, we will always have it, being a 50:50 English / Australian marriage. DH lost his Grandma while living in England, and now we are in Australia and its my turn to be away from family. Its so hard for us to be always away from half of our family, and its never going to be any different. So I completely understand your decision, can almost feel it with you. All the best.

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Guest caoimhe

:shocked:OMG Liz, this has floored me, by the title I thought you were just going on a holiday.

I can understand your reasons, I know we are financially drained living here with 4 kids and no family assistance and although I am not ready to throw the towel in yet I am pretty close.

Both Stephen and I wish you all the very best of luck and hope it all works out for you.

Take care



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Honestly Liz, Richie, Hattie & Rory (2 of the most adorable kids I've ever met), I truly wish you all a wealth of happiness back in the UK. It is hard & not to be underestimated by anyone regardless of their finances, you always continue to miss family, friends & old work mates. I know lots of people will miss you all an awful lot, think of the accomodation choice when you come visit (just kidding lol). And as for Trev, bless him, you can't live without the damn things, I love Maxi too bits, my 3rd son & boy does he know it lol !!

Having taken Ashleys Dad's only grandkids to the other side of the world, I do understand completely. I feel blessed & fortunate that we have seen gramps & mamma twice in just over 2 years & this I have never took for granted. We benefitted from bums on seats (cheap flight tickets) & a good tax return last year to help us on our way.

I sincerely do wish you all the very best. The Shaws, will definitely keep in touch & look forward to hearing all about your great life back in blighty with lots & lots of pics.

But one request........please don't remind me that Next, M&S, ASDA are cheap, local & great to shop in...........please don't lol. Otherwise I will have to remind you of the cadburys that isn't cadburys & the non existent Walkers cheese & onion crisps etc.....will miss you loads but understand your reasons for going back.

Loads of love Angela, Ash, Brad, Tom & Maxi xxxx

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Hi Liz,


Ultimately, you have to go with your heart, and they do say that home is where the heart is. So maximum respect to you for giving it a good go, and four years is certainly a good go by anyone's measure. Good luck to you and your family and I hope everything goes smoothly for your return to the UK.

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Guest flowertowers

It was very interesting reading your post and the replies from others.


Since our wonderful trip in 2008 for a month we have ummed so much as to whether we should make the big move.


OH hasn't any parents so it would be me leaving mine! Have a sister that lives nearby them but I suppose I still wonder if I can or can't.


Reasons for wanting to come to Oz is to give our son and future children a different/better upbringing as England in my opinion is getting over crowded and well I have my own views on that.


OH recently bought a business which is very very sucessful so we have comfortable lives, but obviously long hours so time is prescious.


I worry in time if I will regret not going if I think I can't leave my parents, yet I know they would visit (only just 60). But I know why I want to do it.


I think I've bored my friends silly by going on about the amazing Country that Oz is! I'm not silly to think it would al be smooth and happy but I so want to live the dream and the lifestyle I saw on our visit.


I go through a few days of thinking yes I'm gong to make the decision then I get cold feet.


Since returning not a day goes by when I don't think of living in Oz I'm not going to say my holiday as I know that was a holiday.


I almost want someone just make my decision for me but then I get cold feet!!


Just wondered how everyone made that 'final' decision in the end - I know you can always come back but it would mean selling a thriving business to go to Oz so wouldn't have the opportunity to come back to.


Look forward to hearing any posts!!:confused:

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Guest Nick11
It was very interesting reading your post and the replies from others.


Since our wonderful trip in 2008 for a month we have ummed so much as to whether we should make the big move.


OH hasn't any parents so it would be me leaving mine! Have a sister that lives nearby them but I suppose I still wonder if I can or can't.


Reasons for wanting to come to Oz is to give our son and future children a different/better upbringing as England in my opinion is getting over crowded and well I have my own views on that.


OH recently bought a business which is very very sucessful so we have comfortable lives, but obviously long hours so time is prescious.


I worry in time if I will regret not going if I think I can't leave my parents, yet I know they would visit (only just 60). But I know why I want to do it.


I think I've bored my friends silly by going on about the amazing Country that Oz is! I'm not silly to think it would al be smooth and happy but I so want to live the dream and the lifestyle I saw on our visit.


I go through a few days of thinking yes I'm gong to make the decision then I get cold feet.


Since returning not a day goes by when I don't think of living in Oz I'm not going to say my holiday as I know that was a holiday.


I almost want someone just make my decision for me but then I get cold feet!!


Just wondered how everyone made that 'final' decision in the end - I know you can always come back but it would mean selling a thriving business to go to Oz so wouldn't have the opportunity to come back to.


Look forward to hearing any posts!!:confused:


In all honesty -it was my selfishness and tunnel vision that got us here (and I don't mean that in a good way)

It never dawned on me the enormity of what we were doing ..only 3 years on is it hitting me..especially when good friends decide to return..it does make you question what you have done.

Nobody can advice you what to do...all I can suggest is to listen to the little man in your head.

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Thanks again everybody for all the kind words. To be honest, I was expecting some flak about it and was worried about sticking my head above the parapet, but we've had nothing but good wishes from everybody. So thank you again.:notworthy:


It's a hard decision, no denying that. But at risk of repeating myself, we have absolutely NO regrets about coming over in the first place (other than leaving my poor old mum behind for three years...) the children have had an amazing experience which most kids will never have. We've made fantastic friends who made living here all the more wonderful for us. Our reasons for going back are mainly financial, we were just unlucky that Richie's trade just isn't that well paid here. But the pull of family is also strong and I think for us, it got stronger the longer we were here.


If I could just tow Australia a little bit closer to England, we'd probably stay!


By the way, don't think I haven't noticed that none of you have offered to start the collection for Trev yet....:biglaugh:

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I skype my mum every Sunday and it shocks me to see how much she's ageing. She's a widow and I'm an only child, she's completely alone and I took her only two grandchildren to the other side of the world when they were just babies.


As soon as I read this bit, I knew exactly where you are coming from! I think you are making the best decision for your family and I wish you all the best.


I wonder if it's worth considering getting Australian Citizenship before leaving so you can come back at any time in the future?

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Guest steph

Hi there


Just wanted to say 'good luck' with everything. We are also on our way back to the Uk after arriving here in September 2007. We fly next week. Like yourselves we have our reasons but my main is also family. We have two young children under the age of four and for me the family ties are too important. I never realised I would feel this way until we had a visit home and its just where my heart is.


We have enjoyed Adelaide and are very sad to be leaving all the good friends we have made. Adelaide is a lovely city, some love it and settle easily others don't. We don't regret our time here and will leave with some lovely memories.


Hope all goes well for you all and enjoy being back with your family. I know I can't wait for my family to get to know our little ones.

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Guest Django
To be honest, I was expecting some flak about it and was worried about sticking my head above the parapet


Why?? Its a decission that is yours and yours alone. We have no intention (at the moment) in returning to the UK. We love it here and miss nothing that we left behind. BUT we are all different and have different backgrounds. I, for instance, am not very close to my family so that will never be an issue for me. Tracey is close to hers but I can see her mum joining us out here before too long anyway. So why should someone in my postion be giving you grief over your decission??? We are not you and don't walk in your shoes. It is your decission and probably a harder one than the initial one made to move here.

The only thing I would do in your position was to get citizenship. Not just in case a few years down the line you change your mind. It would be more for Hattie or Rory, who in years to come, may want to move here and it would mean they wouldn't have to go through the whole stressful process.


Good luck on your return and I hope you find happiness there. All the very best for the future.

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Guest cunnah10
Evening all!


Those of you who have been members for a few years will remember us as regular posters about 3 or 4 years back. We have been in Adelaide since July 2007 and have loved pretty much every single minute here. We've made the most fabulous friends we could wish for, we live in a lovely little house, in a quiet, leafy area with our own pool and we've spent many an evening down at Port Noarlunga beach eating delicious fish and chips and watching the most perfect sunsets.


But. There's always a but isn't there? The but here is that we've decided that financially and emotionally, our future lies back in the UK, not here in Australia. I don't want to get into a long, heated debate about where's better, I'm not interested in hearing "But you haven't been here long enough!" or "You must be mad, I wouldn't go back if you paid me!". The fact is, we badly underestimated two things, how much we would need to earn to live comfortably and how much we would miss our family and friends back in the UK.


We both work, Richie full time and me part time. We get by, but that's all we do. There's nothing left over to put to one side for a rainy day. Holidays, except for camping around SA or the occasional trip to Perth to see family, are completely out of the question. We would never be able to save enough to have a holiday in the UK, we'd have to take out a bank loan. If ever we got a phone call to say one of our parents was ill, we'd be absolutely banjaxed, we simply don't have the money. I skype my mum every Sunday and it shocks me to see how much she's ageing. She's a widow and I'm an only child, she's completely alone and I took her only two grandchildren to the other side of the world when they were just babies. That's a hard thing to live with, trust me.


So. We've talked and talked and talked, and this is the decision that we've made. I would never, never badmouth Adelaide. We truly have loved living here, for families with children it's the best place in the world to live, I honestly believe that. But (there's that word again) we've decided we want our children to know their grandparents and we want to be in a financial position to give them the occasional foreign holiday and the odd trip to TGI's. We are both lucky that we have jobs to go back to and we've managed to sort a house out as well. If we can sell our house reasonably quickly, we expect to be back in the UK by July or thereabouts.


For those about to come over, don't hesitate. Adelaide is a beautiful city with so much to offer. For those of you already here, enjoy every single moment of it because you are truly very, very lucky!


Thanks for listening. :)

As a Pingponger myself I would like to wish you ALL the very best of luck on your return to the UK....AND there are quite a few of you who have recently gone back or planning to return soon! I am now 7mths in on my 2nd stint of living in Adelaide ...and I am finding it really hard still even a second time around dealing with the emotional side of things.I come from a family that are VERY close to each other & some days are really difficul there for me... BUT the good days out number the bad days thankfully.I came to give my 4 kids a better life AND I have to keep reminding myself that! BUT I know that I am going to be one of these people who will always have one foot here in OZ & the other foot in the UK. Best wishes to you all on your return to England !!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I was so sad to read your post but well done for being brave enough to make such a hard decision, and good luck with your journey home. It can't have been an easy descision for you. We are still in the UK and have just started the long Visa application process in the hope if settling in Adelaide with our much missed family.


Many of you who come back do so mainly for 'family' reasons and having my family on the other side of the world is heartwrenching for us too.


I am writing from another viewpoint - we are the 'aged parents' my daughter misses and, as they are happily settled with no thoughts of returning, we are hoping to join them for however many years we have left. I am so looking forward to seeing my grandchildren grow up and sharing in their lives.


It is a huge adventure for us and embarking on it is scary, especially as we are in our 60s and have been in our house for 40 years! Packing up and starting again is a massive undertaking but the rewards, I trust, will be worth it.

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Thank you again everybody for all the kind words, it really does mean a lot.


The reality of it all is really beginning to sink in now, the house is on the market and we had our first open at the weekend. My house has never been so clean, Richie walks through the door when he comes home from work and thinks he's come to the wrong house!:biglaugh: Just have to wait now for that elusive buyer and we can start making definite plans.


How's Trev's collection fund going? We may need to rattle those tins a bit harder guys, he's got to go to the vet tomorrow with a poorly paw. There goes any potential profit from the house sale then.:mad:

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Guest lindagarrattley

Hi Monaghans

My sister and I are also pingpongers. We were born in Oz and brought up in Uk. I returned to Oz to study and have spent the rest of my life wondering where I shld live! My sister has a similar experience. Now I'm based in UK with my family and have given myself permission to spend time in Oz, whether it be 6 months or 2 years. I hope to return to Oz in July for 1-2 years as there is a course I want to do at Unisa and it feels like I need the right time. Monaghans, you are doing the right thing but be prepared to pine for Adelaide for a very long time. Life is for living and you've had a fantastic family experience. Good luck with the move. I'd very much like to talk to you about your move, can you e.mail me on (please PM for email). Best wishes Linda

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest DianeJ
In all honesty -it was my selfishness and tunnel vision that got us here (and I don't mean that in a good way)

It never dawned on me the enormity of what we were doing ..only 3 years on is it hitting me..especially when good friends decide to return..it does make you question what you have done.

Nobody can advice you what to do...all I can suggest is to listen to the little man in your head.


Hi Nick,

Oh I wish you could speak to my husband, he blames me for our return even though I didn't make him come back. We have been back 8 months and he has made mine and the children's life hell. He is probably going to return on his own as I think he has secured a job, not giving a thought for anyone but himself!


Di xx

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Guest DianeJ
Thank you again everybody for all the kind words, it really does mean a lot.


The reality of it all is really beginning to sink in now, the house is on the market and we had our first open at the weekend. My house has never been so clean, Richie walks through the door when he comes home from work and thinks he's come to the wrong house!:biglaugh: Just have to wait now for that elusive buyer and we can start making definite plans.


How's Trev's collection fund going? We may need to rattle those tins a bit harder guys, he's got to go to the vet tomorrow with a poorly paw. There goes any potential profit from the house sale then.:mad:


Hi Liz and family,

I haven't been on here in ages and came across your post. I just want to wish you all the very best on your return.


Di xx

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest steve&tracy

Hi Liz ,Rich and Family

Great post all the best for the future,enjoy your time with family and friends back in the u.k. What an experience you all have had,and something you all can look back on with pride. Best of luck from us all,Steve,Tracy,Amy, Emily and Katie.

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