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Why do people break home rental leases?


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I don't normally start threads cause no-one replies - probably because I am boring and non-imaginative - but I have been pondering why people break leases and thought that it might be useful for new people moving to Adelaide to be aware of some of the more common reasons people break a lease to move to another home, especially if it is a rental and not because you have necessarily bought a home. It can be costly to break a lease if the home is not rented to someone else right away so just thought it we all did up a list then it might give people some ideas about what to look for in their first home in Adelaide.

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I don't normally start threads cause no-one replies - probably because I am boring and non-imaginative - but I have been pondering why people break leases and thought that it might be useful for new people moving to Adelaide to be aware of some of the more common reasons people break a lease to move to another home, especially if it is a rental and not because you have necessarily bought a home. It can be costly to break a lease if the home is not rented to someone else right away so just thought it we all did up a list then it might give people some ideas about what to look for in their first home in Adelaide.


Excellent thread Kris. Never looked at the problem from your angle and yes as a 'will-be' migrant I would like to hear about and know the reasons for this. I'm sure that it will prove useful to alot of us newbies. Thanks for posting:smile:

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Guest ReadyPenny

A friend of mine broke theirs because they realised after a few months that they had chosen the wrong area and wanted to be somewhere else. Also, another friend took on a rental out of sheer desperation even though she knew it wasn't right, just to get a base and then looked for somewhere else once the pressure was off and moved shortly afterwards.


Hope this helps.

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Here a a few reasons I have heard of. Bought a property while lease has months to run. Taken on 12 month rental, then need to move interstate or gone home to UK long before rental due to expire. Ferel neighbours, and crap landlords. I would suggest a 6 month initial lease on a rental property especialy if your newbies, gives you time to check out area, suburb, neighbours, proximity to your work when you land a job, landlords re maintainance etc and to make sure your circumstances don't change, ie we need to leave or bugger we could do with a cheaper rental. I'm no expert, but this is my reasoning.

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I broke the lease because things weren't working in the rental..

The air conditioning/heating didnt work, as it was an old inadequate system..we had it running occasionally and our quarterly electric bill was over $1500!! Although the landlord sent people round to fix it, every workman who came round said it needed to be replaced as it was just over working, which the landlord refused to do..


We always run out of hot water as we had a tiny & very inefficient electric hot water tank, which cost a fortune to heat.


The house itself was nice, but just couldnt live in sweltering heat (while pregnant) or in the cold in winter.. the rent was too high to justify staying with these issues.

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Guest neeks

we broke ours and move tomor,mainly cos the house we live is was taken on as we didnt have much choice as it was near xmas and we were worried we would get no where.


the house is big but dated and we wanted something nicer,it does cost quite a bit when you break it tho

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Excellent thread Kris. Never looked at the problem from your angle and yes as a 'will-be' migrant I would like to hear about and know the reasons for this. I'm sure that it will prove useful to alot of us newbies. Thanks for posting:smile:


Thanks Ali. I think though that sometimes people don't realise it can be costly for them if they break a lease as the contract does say that the "tenant" has to pay the rent until the property is rented and also advertising costs. Some real estate agents don't necessarily go out of their way to speed up the process of getting the property rented as soon as possible and I think that sometimes people who have broken a lease don't realise that they need to push for this to happen and they could lose a lot of money while they wait for the agent to do the right thing. If this happens then people should contact the Office of Consumer and Business Affairs and see what can be done. (I heard that from someone I know who has just come out of this situation recently). And my tip is if you are looking at a long term rental be sure that it is priced at what the going rate is for the same area and size of the property as if you do end up breaking your lease you could end up paying it for longer as the other similar but cheaper properties will get snapped up quicker.

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Nice thread, I'll be looking for a long-term rental as soon as I arrive in July, and some of the posts raise a question here, did you have enough time inspecting the house in the allocated 15 minutes or not? Personally I think it's too difficult to look at every thing in such limited time.


Also, what we should be looking at when we are inspecting a house?


Edit: How is it possible to know about neighbors, as no matter how good the rental is if you have a bad neighbor.

Edited by Tarek
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Thanks Ali. I think though that sometimes people don't realise it can be costly for them if they break a lease as the contract does say that the "tenant" has to pay the rent until the property is rented and also advertising costs. Some real estate agents don't necessarily go out of their way to speed up the process of getting the property rented as soon as possible and I think that sometimes people who have broken a lease don't realise that they need to push for this to happen and they could lose a lot of money while they wait for the agent to do the right thing. If this happens then people should contact the Office of Consumer and Business Affairs and see what can be done. (I heard that from someone I know who has just come out of this situation recently). And my tip is if you are looking at a long term rental be sure that it is priced at what the going rate is for the same area and size of the property as if you do end up breaking your lease you could end up paying it for longer as the other similar but cheaper properties will get snapped up quicker.


You've made some good points there Kris. I guess the whole process of renting needs luck, research and alot of advise. I have a hotel discount card and might decide to stay in a hotel in the City until I get recruited and decide whether to go for shared accommodation or get a small unit or apartment near work. This way I might have a better chance of securing a rental that suits my needs. Again, great thread and some good stories out there.:smile:

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Guest guest8040

My question would be are people always honest about why they are breaking the lease? Think I'd be pretty mad if I saw a lease break specifically advertised on here, moved in and found there were problems with the property that had prompted the previous tenant to move out. However I appreciate an unacceptable problem to one person may be perfectly workable to another

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See? Lots of people have replied! Heck, I even logged on especially...even though I can be of no use whatsoever (no change there lol!)

yours positively,

LC ;)


Thanks LC - always appreciate your posts - they make me chuckle too :biglaugh:

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Guest Ihadtouseanewname

Trying to break ours at the moment purely because we are moving back home...its a fantastic house in a lovely area with brilliant neighbours!!! And the landlord is a real gentleman...:-)

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