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Is it time to stop bringing any more migrants in?


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Ha I think Godwin's law has been invoked, Lol! Just before someone closes this thread down as a result I'd like to make a few points...


Forum sites are a place for robust discussion of different points of view. If you can't stand the heat get out of the kitchen.


The OP asked a question that has generated that discussion so I reckon it has done its job.


Personal attacks reflect badly only on those who make them.


Everyone is entitled to an opinion whether you agree with it or not.



You are right WhatNow and I've been watching this discussion from afar but I think people who are looking at migrating here are taking this very "personally" because it must feel to them like someone is trying to take something away from them or to take the "shine" away from their dream or make them feel guilty that they might be taking someone's job away from them when all they want to do is improve their family life, which is what most people who migrate here want to do. I think sometimes if people "walk in someone else's shoes" that they might see why people feel that way.

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Guest WhatNow?

I think we all can appreciate that Kris, but if you post on a public forum you have to accept that not everyone is going to stroke you. No one wants to trample on anyone's dreams but migrating is too hard and expensive these days to get wrong because you have rose coloured specs on.

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Guest Shanners



For those of you contemplating the pros and cons of giving it a go in Adelaide as a result of this thread. You should take a moment to consider this great philosophical quote


"Never be afraid to try something new. Remember, amateurs built the ark; professionals built the Titanic"


Dolly Parton (1987)





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What we shouldn't do is generalise them to imply that only we know 'the truth'.


We no longer preach with the fervour of the recently converted.


Loved all your post but particularly these bits!


I've enjoyed reading this thread but it does seem to have reached that point when it's simply going round in circles.


I think that if a thread like this, on its own, is enough to make people ditch their plans to migrate, then they would never have made it anyway.


But mainly, I feel that people should chillax a bit.


:cool: LC

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I think people who are looking at migrating here are taking this very "personally" because it must feel to them like someone is trying to take something away from them or to take the "shine" away from their dream.

I think sometimes if people "walk in someone else's shoes" that they might see why people feel that way.


I think you're right, Kris.:wubclub:


I also think there are some walks that might be better avoided.....




Can we do the Godwin's Law thing again, please Jim! ;)

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Surely if they have managed to hold down a skilled job despite things being so bad in the UK, they will be more likely to find work in SA as they obviously have a decent skill set?


Glass half full. :wink:


Such an attitude is important. I've noticed, though, that so many who proclaim to have this trait only seem to display it in relation to the country they're moving to – looking at their comments about the country they're leaving they give no clue as to what positive people they are ...:wink:

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I agree. They're often the type of roles in this country that migrants end up doing; strange that Brits won't do those roles in their own country but will travel across the world prepared to 'do anything'. :wideeyed:


Just reading this article reminded me of your posting.....us humans are funny creatures! :wink:


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Such an attitude is important. I've noticed, though, that so many who proclaim to have this trait only seem to display it in relation to the country they're moving to – looking at their comments about the country they're leaving they give no clue as to what positive people they are ...:wink:



I guess it's a trade off; better quality of life outside of work with slightly less desirable working life. Not for me really, my job will be much the same but I know what you mean.

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Guest Xhako

After some thought Diane - your signature sums you up. Or it did until you changed it, was something to do with having no tolerance.


IMHO - no it is not time to stop migrants coming in.


We are coming a 457, our sponsor flew my OH over for the interview - there is still a genuine demand for some skills, our visa came through in ten days.


We will be paying a massive amount of tax, bringing in a considerable lump sum and spending lots of money, we will be paying our own way, not taking a single freebie and I will probably do some fund raising. Can you say the same for your daughter in the UK?


The UK is under some considerable financial difficulties and so we have to move to ensure our standard of living remains comfortable. I am sure others have similar circumstances.


Diane - do not judge others based on your own double standards and do not assume that as a 'Moderator' you can expect no-one to answer you back.


Good luck to all POMS who are thinking of making the move, do not give up based on one unhelpful post, I am sure that not all of the Australian poplulation has the attitute of "Shut the door I say"

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No of course Xhako, take no notice of me at all. I am sure with your OH's trip here and your research from Sheffield you are far more familiar with the economic situation here than someone living here could ever be. So glad you are here to set everyone's minds at rest.


And of course no Australian would ever resent a migrant coming here, specially one earning so much money and paying so much tax into their economy - they should be bloody grateful to you for sharing your wealth and experience with them, and all those Australians, and any other migrants, out of work because they are too lazy to go out and find a job can look up to you as a shining example of how they could do well, if they only tried.

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Guest WhatNow?

Since when has telling people the unpleasant facts (as well as the pleasant ones) been 'unhelpful'? I would have thought encouraging people to set themselves up for failure is more 'unhelpful'.


Oh well - none so deaf as those who don't want to hear.


The sad thing is that all those who are ready to make the move will find a completely different set of economic circumstances from those that pertained when they started the migration process. I can understand that it is disappointing to have gone through all of that to find people telling you that things may be more difficult than you can imagine. Migration was hard enough when the houses/food/utilities here were comparatively cheap and you came over cashed up from a UK house sale and with a good prospect of reasonably paid job. Then you just had to deal with homesickness, marital discord and disaffected older children (not to mention jibes from Aussie workmates about Whingeing Poms).


My genuine advice to you is to take off the rosy specs and listen to what the generally helpful people on here are trying to tell you - don't just hear what you want to hear.

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This thread is forgetting one thing. How many Australians are leaving this country to work overseas??? Stop immigration and the only people who'd be happy is the aboriginals they would get their land and lives back. Saying that with the resources and skill mix you get from migrants houses are built better, car's are built safer, health-care is improving and yes education has become competitive. To win the job you've not only got to be good you've got to be exceptional. At the end of the day most Australian's prefer quality services over worrying about which country that person has come from that's delivering it.


Saying that like all countries this country does not like bludgers...



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Guest Helchops
After some thought Diane - your signature sums you up.


IMHO - no it is not time to stop migrants coming in.


We are coming a 457, our sponsor flew my OH over for the interview - there is still a genuine demand for some skills, our visa came through in ten days.


We will be paying a massive amount of tax, bringing in a considerable lump sum and spending lots of money, we will be paying our own way, not taking a single freebie and I will probably do some fund raising. Can you say the same for your daughter in the UK?


The UK is under some considerable financial difficulties and so we have to move to ensure our standard of living remains comfortable. I am sure others have similar circumstances.


Diane - do not judge others based on your own double standards and do not assume that as a 'Moderator' you can expect no-one to answer you back.


Good luck to all POMS who are thinking of making the move, do not give up based on one unhelpful post.


Good luck mate, hope it works out for you. I'm seriously upset by the way Diane has been allowed to preach, and I would postulate that we're she not a mod, her posts would have long since been deleted.

It's not that they're wrong, just worded in a really accusatory, angry, sarcastic way. I think a mod should be somewhat impartial (or at least friendly) and Diane isn't.

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Guest Helchops

This thread should have been closed a long time ago...I can't see any benefit, and I think it alienates a good part of the audience.

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This thread should have been closed a long time ago...I can't see any benefit, and I think it alienates a good part of the audience.


I am not for closing threads at all. We are all adults and can read between the lines for ourselves. The double standards shown by some stick out a mile and are there for all to see.


The fact is people are still coming over and making a success of it. Read into that what you will.


As the saying goes, no one asked us to come here so if we don't like the system we can head for IKEA and it does not matter how long you've been here it gives you no more right then someone that's just got of the plane.


And to the locals,,,,,,,,,,,,,stop whinging :)

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Good luck mate, hope it works out for you. I'm seriously upset by the way Diane has been allowed to preach, and I would postulate that we're she not a mod, her posts would have long since been deleted.

It's not that they're wrong, just worded in a really accusatory, angry, sarcastic way. I think a mod should be somewhat impartial (or at least friendly) and Diane isn't.


As I have said multiple times, but you obviously choose not to read, being a moderator does not mean I am not entitled to an opinion. If I wished to abuse my Mod Powers I would have the last word and close the thread immediately afterwards, but in this case I am adding my opinions to a thread as every member on the site has a right to do, within the rules of the forum, and have left it open for others to express their thoughts too. You must live a really sheltered life if you think I am being angry and accustory - and never take part in any meaningful discussions or belong to any other discussion forums, if you can't take someone expressing views that may not be your own. There are plenty of insulting adjectives I could throw back at you, but that is not what a discussion is about, now is it?


I am also not the lone voice expressing concerns about the current economic situation and job situation here in Adelaide, so if you have nothing better to do than get offended by my opinions on here, how about going to read a newspaper or something, or doing some proper research? Also bear in mind than unlike some people who post on this forum and are here in Adelaide, my income is not dependent on migrants coming to Adelaide, so I have nothing to gain by posting anything misleading. If "preaching and postulating" is telling it how it is, you could perhaps benefit from reading a dictionary too.


Now, back to the topic - did you have any facts about the economy in South Australia, the attitude of locals towards migrants, and suggested ways to deal with this to add to the discussion?

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Guest Xhako
As I have said multiple times, but you obviously choose not to read, being a moderator does not mean I am not entitled to an opinion. If I wished to abuse my Mod Powers I would have the last word and close the thread immediately afterwards, but in this case I am adding my opinions to a thread as every member on the site has a right to do, within the rules of the forum, and have left it open for others to express their thoughts too. You must live a really sheltered life if you think I am being angry and accustory - and never take part in any meaningful discussions or belong to any other discussion forums, if you can't take someone expressing views that may not be your own. There are plenty of insulting adjectives I could throw back at you, but that is not what a discussion is about, now is it?


I am also not the lone voice expressing concerns about the current economic situation and job situation here in Adelaide, so if you have nothing better to do than get offended by my opinions on here, how about going to read a newspaper or something, or doing some proper research? Also bear in mind than unlike some people who post on this forum and are here in Adelaide, my income is not dependent on migrants coming to Adelaide, so I have nothing to gain by posting anything misleading. If "preaching and postulating" is telling it how it is, you could perhaps benefit from reading a dictionary too.


Now, back to the topic - did you have any facts about the economy in South Australia, the attitude of locals towards migrants, and suggested ways to deal with this to add to the discussion?


What would be the point of having the last word and then closing the thread immediately (?) no one would know you had the last word...

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Guest AngPhil

I am really sad about this thread. Pomsinadelaide and pomsinoz have been a god send to me and my family in our journey to Adelaide. Someone said to me when we arrived that the people who move and settle in Australia only pop in to poms now and again to share what they have been up to or no longer post at all. They also said that the people who are in Austalia and post regularly are normally a bit bitter or have a chip on their shoulder. Up to reading this thread I thought the person was talking a load of tosh, I can now see where they were coming from!


We have been here since the beginning of August, both have jobs, kids love it and we have only met positive and welcoming Aussies. We don't regret our move and for the people who have been in Adelaide a while, it is a booming economy in comparison to the UK. If people have the opportunity to make the move, good on them for having the bottle to do it.


One of my friends, who I met due to this site, has cancelled her poms account due to the bashing she got for being positive about her move on this thread. I find it disgusting that people who have made the move would resent others doing the same thing. SHAME ON YOU!

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Also bear in mind than unlike some people who post on this forum and are here in Adelaide, my income is not dependent on migrants coming to Adelaide, so I have nothing to gain by posting anything misleading.


I think you are right and as a moderator I think you have the right to start and participate in a discussion just like anyone else. And it does create healthy discussion/debate. As a person who does sometimes "gain" from migrants coming over here I think that comment is insulting to people like me. I think that I and others like me also provide a service back to people and I am always of the belief when one door closes another one opens. Even the owners of this site gain from migrants coming over here and that isn't a criticism of the site or the owners because I think the site is valuable and provides a good service even if people decide not to move here. This site itself doesn't run on thin air there are resources required. Look at the advertisements on this site, I've seen them grow over the years. I also plough back into this community by getting services done from members on this site. My own home was painted by a member on this site and when I need something done I usually come back here first. Your comments and those of other members who may not necessarily have businesses also have made comments that you don't want "migrants" to take jobs from your own families. So in effect you also have a lot to gain from migration coming to a halt. As the Bacons said in one of their posts people will make up their own minds and read in between the lines.

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[quote name=AngPhil;261 Pomsinadelaide and pomsinoz have been a god send to me and my family in our journey to Adelaide

. They also said that the people who are in Austalia and post regularly are normally a bit bitter or have a chip on their shoulder. Up to reading this thread I thought the person was talking a load of tosh' date='



If it was not for the people who are in Australia posting on here giving YOU and everyone else in other countries information you would not know what things were like before you came here .How can you come out with two such different statements (PIA and PIO were a god send) then say that people that are regular on here are bitter and have chips on their shoulders. I don't think you should listen to everything you are told.. SHAME ON YOU..

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The original points in this thread were:


1. At the moment the whole of South Australia counts in Immigration's eyes as "regional" - I was wondering if it was time for Immigration to revisit that classification and split SA into "regional SA" and "non-regional SA" so that if a job classification is short in a country area, but not short in the city, that should be clarified when issuing skilled visas.


2. Even if someone comes over with a skill that is in short supply in the city and surrounding areas, I wondered how long before there would be a backlash of resentment against the other people that a skilled migrant brings with them taking a less skilled or less in-shortage job when unemployment is rising due to things such as factory closures and cancelled government projects for example. I'm not sure what the solution to this is - my suggestion was maybe to put a hold on bringing more and more people into the state, but I can see from some of the better arguments on here that migration per se is not a bad thing for the economy of the state in the long term. Unemployment of locals, and people that have already arrived however, IS a concern.


Those were the subjects for discussion and concern. Those people that think they are disproving the facts by pointing out how easily they themselves got jobs outside of their specialist fields are kind of missing the point. Attacking me personally (or members of my family when you know nothing about the facts) solves nothing apart from making you yourself look spiteful.

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Guest AngPhil
If it was not for the people who are in Australia posting on here giving YOU and everyone else in other countries information you would not know what things were like before you came here .How can you come out with two such different statements (PIA and PIO were a god send) then say that people that are regular on here are bitter and have chips on their shoulders. I don't think you should listen to everything you are told.. SHAME ON YOU..


Read my post properly and look at contributions that I have made to the forum, since been here. I have tried to be helpful to people making the move, not telling them to stay away.

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