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Everything posted by Toni

  1. Unless you have "cash" then I would always put the subject to finance clause in. If anything happens and the bank gives you the wrong info and you then can't go through with the contract then you may lose your deposit and the banks always have their "out" clause where they are not liable.
  2. I heard that from someone else to but it looks to me from their website that they are now in Hendon, Tapleys Hill Road. Perhaps they are in the midst of moving and not replying for that reason. I know a few people who have used them and they provide a great service.
  3. Oh no.....the pressure of a recommendation.......I really liked G of the G - science fiction fantasy that didn't take itself too seriously. I thought the movie "Lucy" started strong but kind of tapered out. The ending was really bizarre and I think that they could have done more with Morgan Freeman. I think with G of the G I will buy the DVD as I can see myself watching that again. Maze Runner is one I will watch also. I got a few scoopons a few weeks back where I got a few tickets for $10 so that was a bargain. I don't often look on those sites these days because I usually buy a voucher and don't use it but with cinema tickets it's alwayS a winner with me. PS - I think Scoopon has cinema tickets at the Capri cinema for $8.00 if anyone is interested.
  4. Yes I went to see that one too the other day. (now that someone else has admitted it I thought I would too :-) ) Now I am feeling really brave..... I also went to see Guardians of the Galaxy. Ienjoyed that one....had a smile on my face as I walked out.
  5. Look up realestate.com.au and look in the "share" section. If you type in South Australia in search section it comes up with a few. Some are student accommodation though.
  6. Not my normal type of book but recently read “It could be forever” by Lea Rebane (Barossa Valley) author. Light hearted fantasy about a romance with David Cassidy…. Kind of cute in spots but also sad/shocking in others.
  7. Wow that is a nice place but also try one of the members that list or on here - you can get a whole house for a similar or less price.
  8. Got excited there for a minute.....I thought the three words would be .........read til the end A woman was sitting at a bar enjoying an after-work cocktail with her girlfriends when an exceptionally tall, handsome, extremely sexy young man entered. He was so striking that the woman could not take her eyes away from him. The young man noticed her overly attentive stare & walked directly toward her. Before she could offer her apologies for being so rude for staring, the young man said to her, 'I'll do anything, absolutely anything, that you want me to do, no matter how kinky, for $100, on one condition.' Flabbergasted, the woman asked what the condition was. The young man replied, 'You have to tell me what you want me to do in just three words.' The woman considered his proposition for a moment, withdrew from her purse and slowly counted out five $20 bills, which she pressed into the young man's hand along with her address. She looked deeply into his eyes & slowly, meaningfully said, "Clean my house."
  9. He brought a lot of happiness to people with his movies and interviews. He was one of a kind and will be really missed. Not only a natural comic but a deep and thoughtful person. I loved his movies and hope that if there is something beyond this life that he has found peace.
  10. Watching the sulphur crested cockatoos in our pine tree larking about and making quite a ruckus :-) One of our neighbours hates that.....even that is a bonus. Going for a hot chocolate at Mt Lofty lookout or a walk at the Mt Lofty Botanic Gardens - the Camelias and Azaleas are out and the daffodils are making their presence known. Even the cold crisp mornings while I am snug in bed with my warm quilt (doona).
  11. On come on Diane.....shows what you know :smile:the Premier said that he was not going to do that......and we know politicians are truthful
  12. That's right Tyke....really....she is a cheeky one.....really ....Yorkeshire people whinge??...what next:nah:
  13. I am so glad you haven't, this thread is priceless....highlight of the evening (pretty boring eh?)
  14. It sounds magical - you have been lucky
  15. Tonbridge looks lovely LC. I really love living in Adelaide but you have to give it to the UK with all those beautiful old buildings and charm. The food doesn't look bad either. Looks like a great place to live (or visit).
  16. I am pretty sure that they are catering for the tourists rather than those who are migrating who have a more limited budget. And it must be the "Yorkshire" in you because for 8 people (off peak) that is only $21.50 per person or $170 a night.
  17. The best time for budget rates for furnished rentals is after March. They call it Mad March over here as we have lots of events in February & March where Adelaide is quite busy with tourists. November might still be ok but once the school holidays start it gets busy.
  18. I was sent this at work and I think it is a good idea. (BTW I am not sure any of you clicked on the link as you seem to have gone on a completely different tangent - and I don't think it is negative). I really like that the government is trying to do something about the federal government cuts. The link asks you to sign an email that will be sent to the federal government.
  19. Just check also with the Sealink people. We went at Christmas and they had some special deals on which meant that if we booked without using the Voucher then they gave us a better discount and also included our first night accommodation (which for us was at the Caravan Park) at Penneshaw.
  20. Oh come on Tyke - I consider you a friend and I definitely don't mean to offend in anyway but even you must be able to see that Howde has a point here. If the Premier of SA can see that the turn of events that occurred in Families SA recently was wrong and said so then surely you can see that there is a lot of truth in what Howde has said, especially as it has hit a "personal" issue for them. I can see people here being divided and if people think that this forum is just about "fun" then that is not right. We talk about a lot of things and we are all entitled to our opinions. Hopefully it means that the forum becomes a better place for it. Respect goes a long way. PS Howde - I understand about family being in war zones and how worrying that is.
  21. I wouldn't say outraged. More that the people who were outraged about the Malaysian Airlines issue comment seem to be on the other side of the fence now.
  22. Well I am surprised here...just the other day some people were outraged about the Malaysian airlines comment which was done tongue in cheek. I think Howde has a point TBH.
  23. I don't live at Henley Beach but it is a beautiful area and I think you will love it. There are a few members here who live at Henley Beach so hopefully they will come on and "sing its praises". If you google City of Charles Sturt you will find the council website which lists a lot of community information about the general area.
  24. I went over at Christmas time with our Caravan and stayed at a Caravan Park near Flinders Chase National Park - it was called WesternKI caravan park. It has cabins too. Lots of lovely wildlife coming right up to you. We've been before and have been up close to the Seals and with that tour you do have to pay but there are board walks that you can do for free. Remarkable Rocks and Admiral Arch are free but you do have to pay an entrance fee to the park. There is a good visitors centre at Rocky River (at Flinders Chase). they also have some cute and old looking cabins there. We also went to a Honey making farm which has great honey. I'd really recommend it. The roads have improved a lot but there are still quite a lot of dirt roads. Vivonne Bay is a good place to base yourself. There are petrol stops in other areas other than Penneshaw & Kingscote but you need to keep your eye out for signs and fill up. Personally I didn't like Kingscote much. We visited it but it just seemed like another large suburb - although they have a good Pelican Feeding display.
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