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Everything posted by Toni

  1. I am not aware whether pre-schools/kindegartens have funds put aside for translators (if that is what you are asking). Personally I wouldn't have thought so. I know of someone who does do translating and mainly they work for health services or family services. Do a search for Interpreting and Translating Services Adelaide and it comes up with a government organisation that looks like they may be looking for casual staff. Doesn't hurt to ask as a starting point anyway.
  2. Unfortunately I can't give you information of who to contact but translating services are valued here in places like hospitals and other government services where documents are required to be translated or to act as a direct face to face translator. if you could do a search for who provides these services then you could also approach them. I think the pay is good too for these type of jobs because they are more of a casual nature but once you have proven yourself then you are likely to get more jobs.
  3. Wow - I live in Goodwood and got woken up with the smell inside the house (we have ducted aircon and windows are open). I can see a glow from outside my home - in the distance (thankfully). Looks like a few homes lost http://www.adelaidenow.com.au/news/south-australia/large-fires-burn-in-south-australia-as-temperatures-soar-into-the-40s/story-fnl1ee8j-1227172035133
  4. Toni

    Happy New Year.

    Happy New Year to you and the Tyke Family and all the PIA members.
  5. I like your thinking NeilW
  6. I just came back from Kangaroo Island (highly recommended) and used our entertainment voucher (otherwise you could have had mine). Re a previous comment, they do ask for the voucher when you check in at the terminal so remember to bring it along otherwise they will charge the full price.
  7. Thank you very much LC - you were definitely right
  8. Does anyone know if there are any supermarkets open close to the Hallett Cove area on New Year's day? I know that Woolworths & Coles will be closed but is there any local Foodland, IGA or Drake supermarkets (or other) open on that day? I've looked on websites but there is no "joy" to be had there.
  9. Snifter I think that you and your neighbours will have a lovely time and it sounds like a very generous thing for you to do to keep that tradition going. You are obviously a good organiser and it sounds like you have picked a good neighbourhood to live in. That's difficult to pick when you are buying a home.
  10. They call March over here "Mad March" due to the number of events we have here at that time so book soon if you find something suitable. There are also some commercial sites which you can look up, including Airbnb (if you don't mind sharing a house you could pick up a good price per night), also places like Stayz - the advantages of these are that you can usually put in your dates and it will come up with the homes that are available. Airbnb is likely to be the best priced ones, they don't just have the "share" homes you can book a whole house too. I think a few people who are members on this site have used that site to book their arrival accommodation.
  11. story about proposed new sites here - looks like 11 new sites to be opened including Hallett Cove - great for job creation if they go ahead http://www.theaustralian.com.au/news/heres-the-11-spots-discount-grocer-aldi-says-itll-set-up-shop-in-adelaide/story-e6frg6n6-1227086337345
  12. Worldwide too! .....they have no integrity, respect for others......and think they are better than others.....they should invent a new dictionary meaning for "Politician" perhaps something like.......someone who is voted in and then goes through their election promises one by one and re-nigs on them.....someone who has double standards.....did you see that Mr Rabbit's daughter won a scholarship.....gee they must be short of a dollar or what....
  13. It doesn't add up what they are saying. Real estate agents are notorious for the "less is more motto". If they were serious about you they would cancel the listed inspection - it will save them some time and perhaps they could get on top of their back log. I would say to them that the application is either a "binding" application or not and then just walk away and look for something else if they don't give you an immediate answer. It is unconscionable what they are doing as it leaves you in a state of limbo and a waste of your time if they decide someone else presents better.
  14. I was driving through West Beach today and there is a distinct smell in the area closer to the southern side. (It was hot today.) The area next to Henley Beach was fine - in fact I like that area better than Henley Beach because it is a bit quieter.
  15. Fred looks very cute. I am not sure I could cope with a spider in the house though I bet there are some that I don't see. I admire your attitude towards them Tyke. I used to be terrified of those big moths but I don't mind these days, they have some gorgeous designs on their wings. Someone told me that the moths are the "spirit" of a departed loved one coming to visit you and it is a good sign.
  16. I pretty much agree with everything Diane has said. Even the politician thing - but I think the politician thing is probably in most countries. The fact that federal doesn't like our State government makes our government more appealing I must say. I don't like the winter much, once you rug up and take the plunge to go outside then we have some beautiful gardens to walk. Love the Mt Lofty Botanic Gardens and a hot chocolate in the restaurant/cafe at Mt Lofty Look out. Don't like that it is so expensive to go overseas, although China, Thailand and some of those countries are quite cheap. Unfortunately most of my family live further afield. But I do love travelling around Australia in car and caravan and being in our beautiful outback with our beautiful wildlife. I even like that people from other states think that there isn't much to do here because it keeps it for us. And in winter if you get sick of the weather then you can travel to Darwin or Queensland to get some respite.
  17. Congratulations, she is lovely.....really cute photo
  18. Toni

    Happy Halloween!!!

    You made me laugh Anne. That is really getting into the spirit. They should have given you some chocolate. We got no-one coming to our door. We have a large rambling front garden, with bushes and hedges and it looks a bit like a "secret garden" so I think that scared people away. Bunch of wusses we have in this area methinks......
  19. Toni

    Happy Halloween!!!

    Yes it seems to be getting popular. We saw a severed hand and an eyeball just lying in the street. We assumed it was fake I also saw some humongous spiderwebs hanging on fences - I thought it was someone getting ready for Christmas and spraying "fake snow" until I realised later on what it was about. It's kind of fun but I am not going for a walk tonight there are some strange kids and adults walking around, I am telling you.
  20. Personally I think that if people feel threatened by their safety (and especially because there have been some incidents) then people need to take action and avoid that threat. We know it isn't all men. The majority aren't like that but for those people who are like that then it is the perfect job for them.
  21. I agree with NicF & Snifter. If there are only 2 of you then you won't need a big place and the rent is likely to be more affordable. Also agree about the push bike idea. I had some friends (with children) move to the city fringe area of East Terrace a few years ago and they loved it. Easy walk to Universities and North Terrace. They all got a bit fitter and they also downsized to one car. (East Terrace is generally an expensive area though). Hutt Street area is also nice, not right in the city but about a 15 minute walk and very sociable on weekends with great cafes and restaurants. Lots of people about. South Terrace sometimes has some one bedroom places for rent and that's not far from Central Market and has a tram nearby.
  22. My 70 year old Godmother wouldn't take a taxi because she was worried about her safety, until she got a regular one she trusted. I've heard a few stories too about attacks on passengers by taxi drivers and also quite a few about passengers on taxi drivers. A few years ago there was as story about the difficulty of getting women to do taxi work as they feared for their own safety. I guess the same with bus drivers too. Especially if you had to work the night shift.
  23. I guess it depends on your "take on life". Some people just want the straight, helpful answers and are offended or ignore the ones that seem to be making fun. Life is complicated enough without having to wade through "bull*hyte".
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