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Everything posted by xzibit

  1. AutoCAD, Revit and Microstation seem to be the preferred on Adelaide. It's a small place and those type of jobs are usually filled by people who know people here. My company have taken on 3 people in the past 6 months, all positions were filled by one of us knowing someone. No positions advertised. That's quite often how it is here. Hate it.
  2. I'd go to Perth. Whilst you still have the chance!!
  3. We're month to month. We just asked for it. No point signing up to long contracts of you don't have to.
  4. They've got nothing better to do than pretend to be superior keyboard warriors.
  5. Yep I know nothing. But then we only specify top of the range fittings. uPVC windows look terrible and have made UK housing estates new and old become an eyesore. They have their place if your on a budget, but until you can thin down the frame profile, and give them an attractive finish - why would anyone with even a tiny sense of design want them? I'm out. But before I go I do want to say that I'm not trying to be a pain in the ass or troll, I genuinely have a dislike for everything uPVC windows stand for and curse their invention. By no means am I saying the single glazed aluminium crap you get here is any better, but a decent, thermally broken (non continuous construction) frame with a double glazed unit that has been fitted properly (not by any of tradie) will perform as well if not better, and so much more aesthetically pleasing.
  6. I notice it but doesn't really bother me. I know I can speak properly, and have other things to worry about tbh.
  7. I've never specified uPVC in my life. Just don't understand why you would choose them over nice timber windows in the UK.
  8. I don't think it would last to well with Australia's UV levels though. They don't look to special after 5 years in the UK. I would much prefer timber double glazed units in the UK, but would go with ally frames here as they seem to compliment the building style. Commercial section over residential to get some nice chunky frames. AWS have a great range. http://www.awsaustralia.com.au/
  9. Really? uPVC? I thought were only chosen for council houses? Double glazed thermally broken aluminium is the way forward.
  10. I'd be more excited about a 787 to be honest. But they've been grounded.
  11. What's it here for? Out of interest.
  12. If I could find a job there I would live there quite happily. It's a reasonable size, but quite quiet. Halfway between Adelaide and Melbourne. I reckon that it has a community feel, everyone seemed very friendly when we visited. It is quite remote though, unless you want to travel a long way, you're kinda stuck there. Like I said, I'd live there of I could find work there. Unfortunately most of my work is based in the major cities.
  13. Trouble with living next to kids unfortunately. This is a reason we didn't buy a house we were interested in due to a shared driveway and the possibility of issues. Wouldn't annoy me unless the ball was being hit against the windows or car though.
  14. Will be riding the bupa stage of the tour down under that day so won't make it. Again lol.
  15. Surely hard lenses would be uncomfortable. All contact lenses are made by about 3 or 4 manufacturers so maybe try another brand?
  16. Not overly. Sell it to me. Will it make delicious smoothies?
  17. If I like it, I "like" it. If I dislike it, I don't "like" it.
  18. Yep. Not too much going on here in Adelaide apart from the hospital. Head to Melbourne.
  19. So you may have seen me changing seats running away from the huntsman running around above my head then lol. Yes, luckily the woman managed to direct the driver to the city.
  20. It's been terrible. Our bus was pulled over by the police yesterday as the driver was weaving between lanes. He got lost!!! I did two days (4 trips) and I will not go back. I know they are free for January but is rather pay to park. I drove to work today. And I will continue to drive and cycle until September. I'm not going on the death trap buses again. No air conditioning is annoying, especially in this heat, but people used to manage in the old days (70's, 80's). The buses have the equipment for air con, it just doesn't work. I nearly passed out yesterday evening it must have reached nearly 50 degrees on board. My fiancée had a 2 hour trip from Noarlunga to Brighton due to a door not closing completely. Still, only 9 months left! Haha.
  21. xzibit

    Hot Hot Hot!

    I've got a heater on as the air con is too cold!!
  22. http://www.abcb.gov.au About $300 I think. You may be able to find online access somewhere but you need a subscription most of the time. We have a login for work but its so frustrating using it online, hard copy is the way to go.
  23. May be helpful to tell us which bank you are with, as I presume they are all different. I'm with Barclays and they sent me a new card reader a few weeks back. Now I have two. God knows why they felt I needed another one. Surprised your bank won't send you one.
  24. The price of unleaded is for 91ron, which some cars (like ours) can't use, so we have to pay about $1.49 a litre for premium 95ron unleaded. So watch for that. We're looking at buying a diesel, mainly because its much better to drive than its petrol counterpart. Diesel is slowly catching on here, but mainly in larger utes and SUVs. LPG is popular, and still cheap (although not as cheap as it once was) but I'm unsure whether its still possible to get any money back from the government.
  25. xzibit


    People get "invited" because they are skilled in something that Australia requires. If you don't have these skills then you won't be able to come on a skilled visa and will have to look at other options such as a business visa. It may be the case that you just aren't eligible for a visa unfortunately, not everyone is. At least with all that family here you'll have plenty of people to stay with on holidays.
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