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Everything posted by xzibit

  1. xzibit

    iPhone in oz

    Please can you post how and the website. Rather than a cryptic, you'll have to guess. It would be very helpful. Then people who have forgot to unlock the over hyped phones will be able to use them again. I await your awesome website link.
  2. xzibit

    iPhone in oz

    No quite. You can download the apps, but you can't stream the content due to your IP address being registered in Australia. I have the catch up TV app for UK TV on my phone but it won't work here. The cube is on here. Normally on GO! I think.
  3. xzibit

    iPhone in oz

    Apps are related to where your iTunes account is registered, not where you are. I can easily switch between UK and Aus iTunes Store, but you need a credit card registered in both countries. Why would anyone want to watch oz tv? It's bloody awful. :-)
  4. xzibit

    iPhone in oz

    Make sure you get them unlocked by your current network BEFORE you leave the UK. You can't "chip" an iPhone. You also can't nip to a market stall and have them unlocked as the lock is done by imei and controlled by Apples servers.
  5. Have you done some mock exams? You need to learn how to answer the questions. After a few practice tests, you'll get a feel for it. I did about 2 weeks of mocks then passed my first ielts with 9 in all four categories. I put it down to the practice.
  6. That's the old connector then. Unfortunately won't fit mine. Thanks for replying.
  7. Does the dock work with new iPods and iPhones or the older ones?
  8. You signed up to the mortgage agreeing that you will stay with them for a fixed period and if you decided to leave before this term was up, you would have to pay a fee. I don't see that moving abroad is a reason to get out of it, in the nicest possible way, nobody is forcing you to move abroad. These things should be taken into consideration if planning a move. I purposely planned that date of my move so that my mortgage was outside the fixed period and 2 other contracts I had were complete. I don't see you getting out of paying it I'm afraid. The weather will make up for it when you get here though (from October).
  9. My Garmin does, as does my built in sat nav in the car. And both regularly try and take me down them. Which is annoying.
  10. Ha. Just cos you're hungover after all that sambuca I gave you, doesn't mean you have to be like that.
  11. Hey, we are in Brighton just down the hill and happy to go for a some drinks. We're 30 and 26. Let me know if you wanna get a drink somewhen!
  12. Haha. Love it. Sorry Scooter Dan, I'll apologise at the pub later. I meant Hallett Cove is on a hill. Which is just hard work to walk around. I didn't mean that it's full of British people or anything like that.
  13. What's with the attitude? Anyone would think you wanted reporting.
  14. We live in Brighton. I can take some photos for you if you'd like. It's a nice area and only 20 minutes on the train to the city (when it's running). Nice coffee shops and restaurants on jetty road (the Main Street) and nice houses on the esplanade. It's about as far south as you'd want to go though if working in the city. Or even of you don't as the next suburb over the hill is Hallett Cove.
  15. Scooter Dan is a bit weird so careful. But we'll come out and say hello.
  16. I didn't use an agent. Didn't need one. Depends how difficult your application is. Go Matilda actually told me I didn't qualify for a visa. So I did myself. Useless buggers.
  17. I'm with telstra. Only network with decent lte coverage around here.
  18. xzibit

    Costco Store

    Bit of a 'Costco' area lol.
  19. I'd suggest you don't go then. And maybe do some gardening.
  20. The Kogan phones are imported from Hong Kong. And aren't covered by warranty by Apple in Australia, you have to go back to Kogan. Who are crap. $700 is a good price for a brand new Australian iPhone 5. It's $99 cheaper than you'll get from Apple. Which is the only place you should buy from.
  21. xzibit

    whinge whinge

    Yay. Soggy greasy chips.
  22. I know a couple that decided to leave their son behind in the UK with family so they didn't have this exact issue. Pure genius. Is it an option?
  23. I would have known from the first email. It's a common scam. I suppose some people must fall for it as they keep trying it. Been done for years. Nobody would be stupid enough to buy a car they hadn't seen. I've had a couple, you just have fun with them before telling them to go forth and multiply. Glad you realised before giving your car away though.
  24. Haven't heard of any. It seems it's motocross or nothing here. I used to ride trials in the UK but its pointless here as bikes are very expensive and talent is lacking.
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