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Everything posted by xzibit

  1. Thanks Andy and Stacey for some great information. And for the tea and cake. X to the Z ;-)
  2. Maybe a picture of you riding them with a port shirt on too.
  3. Haha must be a good night if your bringing up year old threads. Come to Glenelg next time and you won't get a chance to view the forum
  4. We'd come but it's in Hackem which is too far for us. So will pass this time. Next time if a bit closer.
  5. But where are you from in the UK? Yes you could buy a 3 bed house for that in the UK but its usually up north and cheap for a reason (it's up north). With regards to the house in Adelaide, it's worth what someone will pay for it, and I doubt it'll be for sale for long.
  6. Architecture. So I'm sure someone I know knows you somehow lol.
  7. God knows Dan? Sounds like a mythical legend from tales of old.
  8. Strange. I think you keep coming up on my linked in account as a 'do you know'. Every time I log in it asks me if I know someone with that name.
  9. Everyone will just recommend who they bank with. So - Commonwealth are the best. It was easy to set it up online before I moved over.
  10. What's a HUBI? Google tells me it's a cross-platform streaming application, but I'm unsure whether someone would value an application that much to include it in a post. Welcome anyway. Enjoy the city life, great location.
  11. iPod nano, iPod shuffle, iPod classic, iPod touch?
  12. A moral obligation hey. If there was a job offer in another state, I'd feel morally obliged to take it to support my family. It's all about the morals.
  13. Is there any chance you can change it to Victoria, New South Wales or Western Australia? If so it would well be worth it. Adelaide is a back water and will be dead for a few years yet. I've been looking to change jobs for months, there hasn't been one advertised (its word of mouth here) but there's 10-15 advertised DAILY in Melbourne. Save yourself. Head elsewhere.
  14. Which suburbs does the club cover? Sorry to hijack the thread.
  15. Hey although I live quite a way from you I'm always out on my bike at the weekend (and weekdays to work) whether it be road or mountain biking. Also a motorbike fan, was into trials in the UK but haven't managed to get back into it here yet. Also partial to beer and JD. So if you ever want a ride, or a drink let me know. Me and the wife are happy to socialise. (The wife won't bike ride, drinks only lol).
  16. Where abouts in Dorset were you from? We're in Brighton. Good at doing cheap things as had a spell of no work so got used to it lol.
  17. I commute from Brighton. Used to take 20 mins on the train but takes 40 at the moment on the bus so I often ride in as can do it in 35 mins and its good exercise. Christies will be an extra 10 mins on the train and 20 mins on the bus. Brighton is about as far out as I'd commute to the CBD but everyone is different and some people like to spend their spare time on public transport.
  18. Shouldn't be too hard, there's a she's load of civil work going on at the moment. Hopefully you're better than the idiots I have to deal with on a daily basis.
  19. xzibit

    iPhone in oz

    Oh, I thought you would know.
  20. xzibit

    Costco Store

    Take a bodyguard. To be safe.
  21. xzibit

    iPhone in oz

    Well that's just getting the carrier to do it. And for example, you can request an unlock for free on the O2 website, which takes a few days to come through, but you have to be in the UK for it to get applied. How do I know this you ask? As I've experienced it. Hence why I was asking for the like you mentioned where you can get an iPhone unlocked from outside the UK.
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