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Everything posted by xzibit

  1. Elizabeth is lovely. The Hackham of the north.
  2. And they'll also supply a box!! Winner.
  3. Only the back seats are undercover. But you can't see much from there.
  4. Haha. Awesome. There are some characters out there. Probably sold the story to try and recoup some of the wasted cash. Robinsons squash is pretty epic though.
  5. Wow haha. They really don't want any poor applicants do they.
  6. Good luck getting a job outside your profession. When I was job hunting I was applying for many jobs and recruiters were asking why I wanted to do the job when I've had a career to date. Adelaide is a bit of a backwater and also it's a who you know place. We've employed 3 people in the past 6 months and not advertised once, the manager just asked around the office if they knew anyone that wanted a job. Which I personally dislike as a practice as you won't necessarily find the best person for the job.
  7. Can you not just read the manual and save yourself $200? Or do you mean adjust your aerial? If its just retuning your tv, you really don't need to call someone out for that? Most TVs do it automatically now.
  8. There's a few of them. CBD (Currie st), Plympton, Holden Hill, Port Adelaide and Elizabeth. http://www.msy.com.au
  9. I've heard plenty of good things about them, but I had a bad experience with them. I initially connected them to get them to submit my visa application and they advised me that I wasn't eligible for a 176 PR visa and to apply for a temp visa (can't remember the number). Even after trying to prove I was eligible they said I wasn't, so in the end I applied for the PR visa myself (and got it) and saved a shed load of cash. So their incompetence was a good thing in the end.
  10. xzibit

    Why Stay?

    Oh fo' sho'!! I would get citizenship before going back. Cost enough to get the visa, I'd want something out of it all.
  11. xzibit

    Why Stay?

    Going back costs money. Some people don't have that money. I'm not wanting to go back, I like it here, but some people that don't are actually stuck here due to not having enough money to move back.
  12. I get around 40-45mbps download on my mobile on Telstra 4G. So it's worth getting a 4G dongle.
  13. Surely you could find some cats and dogs to fulfil that need? Whack on some chilli sauce. Done. ?
  14. Apart from Big W yes, but also at most shopping malls in the suburbs too.
  15. Telstra Vodafone Yes Optus Virgin Telechoice Dick Smiths JB Hifi Harvey Norman The Good Guys Big W Kmart May be some I missed but there's a start at least.
  16. You need the network to unlock it. Apple holds the actual lock and the network request it be unlocked, then even you plug it into iTunes, it becomes unlocked. Now it can be done by other means, but if you were to upgrade the software or restore your iPhone it can relock the handset. The issue is that some UK networks require the phone to be in the UK for it to unlock, but some can be requested online. O2 for example will unlock a contract iPhone for free and all you do is fill out a form on their website.
  17. Melt on Waymouth Street is a favourite of mine for lunch.
  18. If only they had installed Google maps on their iPhone, they could have avoided all the hassle.
  19. I think I did once see an Australian in Hallett Cove although he was probably lost.
  20. Hallett Cove or Seaford Meadows possibly. Both are full of the whinging lot. ?
  21. Although there are Renault dealers here in Adelaide, and you see quite a few of them on the road, the Espace has never been sold here as far as I know. Which will basically make it worthless (most likely). Mechanical parts and servicing shouldn't be a problem whatsoever as the Espace shares engines and parts with other Renault models that are sold here, although if you were to have an accident it would be painful for a bodyshop to source the panels I'd image, which will push insurance up. Personally I very much doubt it would be due to them not being sold here (yet). The guy on Poms In Oz will be able to give you the best answer whether it's worth it.
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