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Everything posted by Moosh

  1. The mat is for the toning class afterwards, you don't have to do it but its a good class.
  2. No need to book. Don't worry about unco-ordination, if anyone is unco-ordinated its me! No one looks at you as you are all too busy looking at the instructor! Tuesday nite we rock Maslin Beach Community Hall @ 7 30pm. Wednesday morning 10am Maslin Beach Community Hall. Wednesday nite Seaford Rise primary School @ 7 15pm.
  3. If you are wanting to shed those unwanted extra kilos but not sure how and want to make new friends, why not come down to Jodi's Zumba class on Wednesday evenings at Seaford Rise Primary School in the gym at the back, it starts at 7.15pm. First class is $5.00, after that it is $10 per class! Jodi is a great instructor and really gets you motivated! Its a fun way of exercising to latin beats. I lost 17 kilos just by doing Zumba so I know it can be done! Come on why not join in the fun ... you know you want to!!!
  4. Smooth Radio and SA Tourism should have at least put up some signage.
  5. Mmmm well I did turn up in my lunch break but nothing was happening. Then my English work colleague suddenly saw Simon Bates, I thought he looked like Tom Baker! lol Simon was trying to find somewhere to have his lunch!
  6. So much for our guarantee then!
  7. We are planning our third trip to KI in November with our overseas visitors. First time was the review above, the second time we went camping where I also did a review http://www.pomsinadelaide.com/forum/out-about-sa/8836-camping-kangaroo-island.html, this time we are planning on staying at The Aurora Ozone Hotel in the Executive Sea View rooms and also in the Baxter Luxury cabin at the Western KI Caravan Park. Anyone been recently that can recommend places to eat in Kingscote? I understand that we will need to book in advance.
  8. Yep I've had it and I hardly ever get colds and flu. Not good.
  9. Moosh

    census night ?

    Australia does the Census every 5 years. Everyone must complete it or you will be fined. It's good for family history
  10. It is all done, hope its ok.
  11. LOL, Nairne is in the Adelaide Hills.
  12. This may be what you are looking for http://www.deewr.gov.au/WorkplaceRelations/Policies/BuildingandConstruction/Pages/NationalCodeandGuidelines.aspx Also you will need to obtain your White Card from a registered training organisation, don't do the online ones as Safework SA doesn't accept them.
  13. Chingari's in Nairne
  14. None of the agencies worked for me. Apply direct to the Construction companies and the joint ventures. There are a few primary ones such as the HYLC Hospital project, they have a website where you register your interest. Other projects are the Urban Superway and the Seaford Rail. Try SKM, KBR, Parsons Brinckerhoff, Abigroup, McConnell Dowell, John Holland, Hansen Yuncken, Leighton Contractors, Leed, Watpac, Guidera O'Connor, McMahon, BHP Billiton, Santos, Jacobs Engineering .... to name just a few.
  15. Think that is the only bulk billing one in Seaford although i could be wrong
  16. We've used Chook. He's pretty reasonable and reliable too! For local trips, he charges $10pp.
  17. My friend Nigel Williams used to be a presenter on Smooth Radio. I worked with him at Chiltern Radio many moons ago. When you have sorted out your itinerary, can you let us know as I would love to come along and say hi!
  18. I prefer to book direct with the airline. They usually are cheaper anyway and if you need to make any changes to your flights, you only need to contact the airline not the provider which is a pain.
  19. A few months back I would have been able to help you as I worked with a load of spanish people but my spanish is too rusty now to be able to translate a document.
  20. I didn't renew my European passport, I got an Aussie one instead. I found that there was no queue at all entering the UK at Heathrow whilst all the European passport holders had a massive queue. I must admit though, I did get interrogated at passport control asking why I was visiting the UK and I even had a return flight booked! Bloody cheek!
  21. Moosh


    I was only asking the OH yesterday why there are no pikeys in Oz. Have you seen that programme "My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding"?
  22. What a shame. Another company monopolising the market.
  23. Well they could have called her Blakes Seven!
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