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Lily Rainbow

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Everything posted by Lily Rainbow

  1. Wow which part of the UK are you from???I'm staying in Greenwith atm (career break from the UK)so not far from you.I like it here,its ok for a "burb",handy to TTP,the Village shops ect but as much as I like it here,where I live in the UK is really beautiful.Love both places,but boy do you have a negative stance on the UK!Any good points or are you the type that just focus's on the negatives?
  2. How about Clare?http://us.southaustralia.com/regions/clare-valley.aspx or Moonta?http://us.southaustralia.com/info.aspx?id=9006041 My parents used to have a second home in Moonta.Easy to get to,nice beaches and town,cornish pasties!lol
  3. No not for me!lol I have an aussie truckie mate who is currently looking for work.Has 12 yrs experience,HGV license and all that.Used to long distance but happy to pick up work around Adelaide.Anyone please know of any leads?Thanks in advance!
  4. I think I agree with Lazy Cow tbh!Surely if you have had to chip away at your wife for years,she's obviously not been that keen???You either want to go or you don't!I know myself (Yes I'm also a wife lol)if my husband nagged or had to chip away at me for years about something,he would of actually wasted his time.I either want to do something or I don't,there are no in betweens.Not for me anyway!I do hope if you do go,your wife settles?I have read a few posts over the years on this forum and others of "I only came to Oz because I was following my husbands/wifes dream and now I am returning to the UK"Please......for your own sake,ensure this is something you both want,or you could live to regret it.
  5. I'm sure with the teacher being a monk,they will be taught to respect the discipline!
  6. ?I must of missed something!Where are you going?Are you leaving the forum altogether?
  7. Nice pics Tyke,that first one looks like a lake!
  8. LC just had a quick look at the prices of the moonlight cinema?$12 is pretty good is'nt it?Would love to go the the Grease Sing a Long?lol
  9. Gepps Cross Drive in?I spent many late teen years there!Don't ask me what movies we watched cause I don't think we were watching too much!lol Great place though and really good in summer!(not so great in winter,too bloody cold and the windows get too steamed up! How about Strathalbyn for lunch?And a nose round?Tea Tree Gully Swimming pool? A drive to Mannum?(It is hotter up there though so don't choose a too hot a day)Birdwood Motor Museum for a look round and maybe some lunch in one of the pubs?Hahndorf on a late arvo on a Saturday for tea and walk round?
  10. One of my best mates was driving in the hills 3 mths ago when her car hit spilt diesel on the road.Her car skidded and she ended up rolling and upside down!Luckily she was ok apart from a broken wrist.People drive way too fast around those roads (not saying she was btw)and lose control and find their car wrapped around a gum tree!
  11. Thanks Diane,you're a sweetie!Yes Mum lives in Modbury,twin lives in Greenwith.I will probably flit between the two for a while at least!I am flexible with work.At present work for the NHS,but can turn my hand to most things!lol Going to discuss further with OH when he returns home later about the move.xx
  12. Thanks guys,no dependant kids,all left home!lol Ok will look into it.Its no biggie if I can't claim,and tbh I'd rather not go down that route,just wondered.I have some savings so hopefully will be able to live off these before I secure some work,thanks xx
  13. Does anyone please know the answer to this?I may have to leave the UK soon and would like to know asap.
  14. Oh wow!What a nice check in chick!lol Hope the rest of your journey goes smoothly without any hiccups.Where yah heading once in Adelaide?
  15. Hi all,I might have to come over to Adelaide soon to help look after my Mum.I have a Residents Return Visa,and although I would'nt like to think I would claim unemployment benefits (I'm planning to work atleast part time)I'm just weighing up my options financially.I've always been very independant money wise and never claimed anything in my life.I think with PR you can't claim for 2 years but what about a RRV?
  16. I just find it so hard at Xmas time.I try and put on a "front"for my two daughters and grandkids,but deep down I actually feel quite sad!Thank god its only once a year!
  17. Hi all, Today I have spent some time thinking about my folks in Adelaide (I'm in the UK)that I am missing.Especially miss them all at Xmas time.Today (Sunday)my Mum who is 82,had everyone round (She lives at Modbury SA)my brothers & sisters.Its her annual pre Xmas get together,and god I really miss them all.I miss my son (who I had adopted at birth in Adelaide and have since reconnected with,lives in Adelaide also)and could just really do with a hug from them all.Felt quite sad today tbh.There must be a few of you out there also missing people,a hug to you all xxxx
  18. Just catching up with news from home and thought it might be worth sharing this...... http://www.news.com.au/national/south-australia/south-australian-motorists-to-pay-australias-highest-penalties-of-2500-for-not-renewing-vehicle-registration/story-fnii5yv4-1226788193574
  19. Hmmmm Thick sliced cold ham on Boxing day!I actually prefer the Boxing day meal lol
  20. Same reason I guess there are countless other takeaways.restaurants,cafes from different cultures!Why would english be any different? Ask the vietnamese on Nth East Rd why they opened a Vietnamese bakery!Ask an Italian deli owner why they sell Salami!
  21. I was abit surprised not to see Moonta on that list actually?My parents owned a second home up there and its a great little place!Steeped in cornish history (the town has an annual cornish festival)and Port Hughes has a great beach which is nearby.
  22. Just having a read of the Oz news,and came across this story.Might be good for those thinking of paying a visit or to get some new idea's for the annual holiday!Waikerie is like a second home to me!Spent many a long weekend up there as a kid/teenager and its a great little town! http://www.adelaidenow.com.au/travel/australia/heavenly-havens-we-rate-south-australias-best-holiday-towns/story-fnjjv0yb-1226782744248
  23. Thanks JB,thats the website I could'nt remember earlier!lol
  24. Thank goodness for that!You just have to be so careful especially this time of year!
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