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Everything posted by KennyKen

  1. Everyday onsite. I hear people talking about where 350+ electricians are going to go!
  2. Terry the sparkles on the RAH site are majority locals. Go to the site personally with a resume in hand and ask to speak to someone. The place is packed full of sparks and don't really know if they are still looking. But doing that shows willing...
  3. Some information regarding the open registration or Data course http://peer.com.au/Training/UpskillTraining/DataCommunications/OpenRegistration/tabid/270/Default.aspx
  4. I've never expected the red carpet treatment. I was merely voicing my concerns. Two kids to feed and that!
  5. Firstly I am not looking for confirmation bias. I simply commented that the people I have been meeting in vastly different career paths are all implying the same regarding Adelaide's rut. To the user above - Fantastic if you grow up here. study and complete degrees here. Move abroad, Experience life and different culture's. Enhance careers then have the capability to come back and bring a family up. These people you are speaking of already have a base here, no? I mean family, Friends? Its completely different for someone like me. I grew up in London and thought I hated the place.. desperately seeking a quiet life for my family. I decided to bring my family to Adelaide. I totally disregarded the working aspect of my life. regardless of the daily strains of commuting in London. I soon realised that the motivation was not here. I soon realised that if you have an opinion you're told. "Hold on don't rock the boat". I like Adelaide I really do just slightly concerned at the lack of enterprise.
  6. Wow great read. I'm happy for you. Atleast your future ideas will be commended other then ridiculed.
  7. Be prepared for a barrage of abuse from the naysayers. It can't be coincidence that most people are saying the same things. It's like one massive free masons club. Like I keep saying tall poppy syndrome.
  8. What made you come to adelaide if you don't mind me asking?
  9. What did you do for work if you don't mind me asking?
  10. Glad to hear it. 6 working days wow! Now that's the norm lol. I'm thinking of moving interstate. Cards on the table time!
  11. What they don't tell you is the government of South Australia make a heap load of cash from skilled migrants.
  12. I've spent god knows how much setting up here but I wouldn't hesitate about doing the move again. I'm sitting and waiting for the next couple of months to unveil..things should be more clearer by then!
  13. I agree with what your saying... It can't be coincidence that the people I've spoken too fear the same things. Do you think the south australians suffer from tall poppy syndrome? But with regards to taking the children back to the UK, do you feel if it was a wise decision? The UK was bad enough when we lived there! What's the place going to be like in 20 years time? I dread to think. Maybe a move back to Sydney would have been the more plausible answer and start again. I'm sure with your contacts that you could build yourself back to where you were.
  14. Yep I totally agree... Husky. I'm thinking long and hard about my family's future here! It's hard enough to bag a job here let alone maintain it!
  15. I have mixed opinions, whether to take my children back to the UK. There's to many disadvantages for advantages for me. I'll agree about adelaide/SA. Everyone I'm speaking too is coming to the same conclusion and that's moving state. :-/
  16. I wonder why I still look on this forum. Sad. Signing off once and for all chow!
  17. Hi looking for info about child minders. Around the brighton area. Recommendations people might have? Thanks
  18. Hi. Looking for a team to take on two players. One defender and one winger. I'm a pom and my pals Australian. We play futsol as well but looking for 11 side.
  19. Totally true that is adelaide's charm. I've been told numerous times that work here is from word of mouth! Also who you know. Kind of thing. I like adelaide. Quiet. Relaxed. Coming from London to here was everything I imagined!
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